Clinton Campaign Releases Series of Videos During RNC

As the Republicans gathered this week to nominate Donald Trump as their presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton and her team hammered Trump in a series of web videos. In the series, Clinton and her allies go after Trump’s running mate Governor Mike Pence, his business practices, and released several videos using his own words to contradict him. The most powerful of the series is a video that includes a series of quotes from Trump praising Clinton over the years. See all the videos from the campaign on the official Hillary Clinton YouTube and The Briefing YouTube channels. Several of the videos are embedded below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Clinton Campaign Releases Details of Proposed Democratic Party Platform


On Saturday, Hillary For America Senior Advisor Maya Harris released a statement following a Democratic Platform Drafting Committee meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. The meeting was one of four held around the country allowing national and local Democrats to gather and discuss the party’s platform. While the official platform will not be adopted until the Democratic National Convention next month, several proposed platform points are discussed in Harris’ statement including a $15 minimum wage, updates to the country’s prison system, a commitment to clean energy and fighting climate change, and ensuring everyone pays their fair share of taxes. Videos from the drafting committee hearings are available on the Democratic National Convention’s YouTube Channel and, the full statement from Harris is below:

“We are proud that the draft 2016 Democratic Platform, which the drafting committee approved yesterday, represents the most ambitious and progressive platform our party has ever seen, and reflects the issues Hillary Clinton has championed throughout this campaign, from raising wages and creating more good-paying jobs to fixing our broken immigration system, reforming our criminal justice system, and protecting women’s reproductive health and rights. As our Chairman, Congressman Elijah Cummings, directed us at the outset, our platform does not merely reflect common ground—it seeks higher ground.

For the first time ever, our platform calls for ending mass incarceration, shutting down the school-to-prison pipeline, and taking on the challenges of systemic racism. This year’s platform contains the most ambitious jobs plan on record, including historic investments in infrastructure, pledges to increase American manufacturing and stop companies from shipping jobs overseas, and a robust, stand-alone plank on youth jobs. It contains ambitious, progressive principles on wages, stating that working people should earn at least $15 an hour, citing New York’s minimum wage law and calling for raising and indexing the federal minimum wage. It also calls for the elimination of the ‘tipped’ wage and for the right of workers to form or join a union.  And for the first time, the Democratic Party platform explicitly calls for repealing the Hyde Amendment, which restricts access to women’s reproductive rights, particularly low-income women and women of color.

Four years ago, the Democratic platform called for an ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy. This platform moves far beyond that framework, with a robust commitment to combating climate change and ambitious goals, like generating 50 percent of our electricity from clean sources within a decade. This vision was further strengthened through an amendment offered by representatives of both campaigns to see America running entirely on clean energy by mid-century.

We are also pleased that there were many issues where committee members worked collaboratively to articulate a bold vision, including making sure Wall Street greed and recklessness never again threatens American families and businesses on Main Street; proposing a surtax on multi-millionaires to ensure the richest among us are paying their fair share to build an economy that works for everyone; and expanding Social Security benefits by raising more revenue above the $250,000 threshold.

Members also worked together on framing Democrats’ shared commitment to comprehensive immigration reform, with an eloquent unity amendment stating, ‘Immigration is not a problem to be solved, it is a defining aspect of the American character and history to be supported and defended against those who would exclude or eliminate legal immigration avenues and denigrate immigrants.’

And we are proud the draft 2016 Democratic platform sets forward progressive principles and high standards on trade, including calling for trade agreements to be more protective of workers’ rights, labor rights, the environment, and public health. The draft reviewed by committee members yesterday included a call to review past trade agreements and update them to reflect these principles. An amendment adopted yesterday further emphasized the fact that many Democrats oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership because ‘the agreement does not meet the standards set out in this platform.’ Hillary Clinton is one of those Democrats, and has been strongly and unequivocally on the record opposing TPP. Just this week, she said, ‘We will defend American jobs and American workers by saying ‘no’ to bad trade deals and unfair trade practices, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership.’

Make no mistake about it: The 2016 Democratic platform represents an ambitious, progressive agenda that all Democrats can and should be proud of.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Hillary Clinton Strong in Fourth Debate

CHARLESTON, SC - JANUARY 17:  Democratic presidential candidates Martin OMalley (L), Hillary Clinton (C) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) participate in the Democratic Candidates Debate hosted by NBC News and YouTube on January 17, 2016 in Charleston, South Carolina. This is the final debate for the Democratic candidates before the Iowa caucuses.  (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
CHARLESTON, SC – JANUARY 17: Democratic presidential candidates Martin OMalley (L), Hillary Clinton (C) and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) participate in the Democratic Candidates Debate hosted by NBC News and YouTube on January 17, 2016 in Charleston, South Carolina. This is the final debate for the Democratic candidates before the Iowa caucuses. (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

In tonight’s Democratic Debate on NBC, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders spent the evening debating three primary points of contention: gun control, heath care, and Wall Street. Clinton hit Sanders hard on his record on health care and gun control while she defended her plan to reign in Wall Street. While Clinton and Sanders debated, Martin O’Malley seemed hard pressed to get any time from the moderators, NBC News’ Lester Holt and Andrea Mitchell.

Where Clinton was clearly strongest was foreign policy. As former Secretary of State, Clinton understands the ins and outs of the global conflicts, including the civil war in Syria and the rise of ISIS. All three candidates made solid points tonight, and it was great to hear a real debate of ideas! But Clinton appears to be the most informed candidate on a variety of issues with her strong background in heath care, foreign policy, gun control, women’s issues, and a number of other domestic issues.


The candidates will return to the campaign trail, as this was the last debate before the primaries begin with the Iowa caucus on February 1. The next debate is scheduled for February 11 on PBS. Tonight’s debate was co-sponsored by YouTube, and the full debate can be watched on YouTube below.

Tomorrow, Clinton will remain in South Carolina and celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day at the “King Day at the Dome”rally in Columbia. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Time, ABC News

Tonight: Democratic Debate from Charleston


Tonight, the three Democratic candidates will appear on stage for their fourth primary debate. The debate will be on NBC and will be moderated by Lester Holt. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley will face off for the final time before voters begin going to the polls in early February. The debate will be on NBC beginning at 9pm ET. You can also watch the debate live on, YouTube, or the NBC News app on various devices. Use the hashtag #DemDebate when referencing the debate on social media. Watch live below:

News Source: NBC News

2015 Year in Review


This year has been busy for Hillary Clinton. Before announcing her presidential campaign on April 12, Clinton gave a number of paid speeches. But after announcing her campaign, Clinton began traveling around the country visiting with Americans and hosting rallies and town halls. As she has visited 38 states and spoke with thousands of Americans, she has outlined a solid platform and her vision for the future of America. By my count, Clinton hosted or attended over 250 events this year, and her schedule is sure to pickup as primary season begins. Below are some of the 2015 stats released by Hillary for America:

  • 18 Social media platforms
  • 38 states visited (plus Washington, DC and Puerto Rico)
  • 92% of donations are $200 or less
  • 524 Questions answered at town hall events
  • 89,000+ Volunteers
  • 168,396 miles Clinton has logged on the campaign trail
  • 5,520,00+ Doors knocked and phone calls made by volunteers

As for 2016, it is going to be an important year with the first Democratic primaries beginning in just over a month. Our support is critical to ensuring that Clinton is not only the Democratic nominee, but the next President of the United States! Please take the time to Donate to the campaign and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


On a personal note, this website is an individual effort. I started this site in 2013 with the primary goal of providing easy access to Clinton’s speeches as she traveled across the country because I know the frustration of trying to locate videos and details from rallies she has held in the past. This year, there were 268 posts added to the site, and by my count, there are 241 events listed on the 2015 archive page. It has been a busy, but exciting year. The highlight for me was getting to attend Clinton’s rally in Tulsa earlier this month. After a successful 2015, Hillary Clinton Speeches begins 2016 with a new a look, but the same goal…providing everyone with the latest Hillary Clinton news from the campaign trail.

With over 210,000 page views and hundreds of new followers on WordPress, Facebook, and Twitter in 2015, I want to thank everyone for their continued support. I am looking forward to 2016 and electing Hillary Clinton as the 45th President of the United States!

News Source: Hillary for America

Clinton Releases New Campaign Videos

Over the past several weeks, Hillary Clinton has released a number of important campaign videos on the Hillary for America YouTube channel. The first video, released November 28, is about small businesses and their importance to the economy. The second is a video of young girls reading letters written to Clinton explaining why there needs to be a female president. One young girl wraps up perfectly saying “44 boys is too many!” Clinton’s most recent video is in support of LGBT equality and her vow to fight to end discrimination. All three videos are included in this post.

Clinton Appears on ABC’s “This Week”

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Hillary Clinton appeared on this morning’s episode of “This Week.” Host George Stephanopoulos spoke with Clinton on a variety of topics including her Republican rivals, but the primary topic of the conversation was ISIS. With President Barack Obama’s speech on terrorism scheduled for this evening, Clinton admitted that we are now winning the fight against ISIS. She called for more support from the Arab nations and the support of technology companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. ISIS uses Social Media to spread its message and recruit supports around the world, and she called on the companies to work with the governments of the world to prevent the spread of radicalization online. A full video of Clinton’s interview is below, and a full transcript of the episode can be read HERE.

Later today and tomorrow, Clinton will appear at fundraisers in the Washington, DC area. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News (1, 2, 3, 4)

Clinton Authors Billboard Essay


On Thursday, an essay by Hillary Clinton was published by Billboard magazine. In the essay, Clinton pays tribute to this year’s Women in Music honorees and the hard work it has taken for them to achieve success in the music world. She specifically mentions how female artists have set many industry records including Lady Gaga being the first artist to reach one billion view on YouTube and Loretta Lynn more than 50 top 10 hits. The full text of Clinton’s essay is below.

The great Loretta Lynn once said that to make it in the music business, “You either have to be first, best or different.”

That’s true for all of this year’s Women in Music honorees, Ms. Lynn included. They’re different from anyone else out there. They’ve racked up many “firsts” — like first artist to get more than 1 billion views on YouTube (Lady Gaga) and first woman to chart more than 50 top 10 hits (Lynn). And they’re the best at what they do, whether that’s fronting a raucous soul band, ­writing ­hypnotic dance anthems, unspooling intricate rap lyrics about female empowerment or crooning ballads about heartbreak and young love.

I’ve been listening to some of these women for years. Others I recently discovered. Now I’m a fan of them all. Their talent is dazzling. So is their work ethic. None of these women had success handed to her. They all had to keep at it, even in the face of failure and discouragement — they kept ­singing, kept writing, kept getting better and better. They did it because they knew they had something ­special to offer the world. They knew their stories and points of view were worth ­sharing. And they were absolutely right about that.

Wonderfully, many of these women are ­channeling their success in thoughtful and ­generous ways. They’re starting foundations, mentoring girls and enthusiastically ­advocating for causes close to their hearts — everything from improving mental health care to ­registering ­people to vote. They know how lucky they are to be doing what they love, and they’re making it count in the best of ways. To me, that’s worth honoring just as much as their music.

Their success was made possible by people throughout the music industry who believed in them and worked hard to get their music out into the world. The trailblazing women executives who are celebrated in these pages aren’t just leading the music industry — they’re transforming it.

My hope is that women and girls around the world will hear these artists’ songs, learn their stories and feel a greater sense of ­possibility for their own lives. Maybe they’ll recognize ­themselves in these women. Maybe they’ll be inspired to reach toward their own dreams with greater urgency. Maybe they’ll stand a little straighter or speak a little louder because that’s what Gaga and Missy and Brittany and Tori and Selena and Demi and Kelsea and Lana and Ally and Normani and Lauren and Camilla and Dinah and Loretta would do.

And if none of that happens, who knows — maybe they’ll just dance.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Billboard

Clinton Releases New Ads Championing Working Women

On Tuesday, Hillary for America released four new advertisements that will air in Iowa and New Hampshire that champion working women. In the ads, Hillary Rodham Clinton is portrayed as a fighter for women’s rights. The ads highlight several key points of Clinton’s platform including: equal pay, college affordability, and raising middle class incomes. The commercials are available to watch on Clinton’s official YouTube channel and are included in this post.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Time

Clinton Appears on Late Show with Stephen Colbert

151027-clinton-colbert-02_b6b28d3d4c541dd6737961cf385b27be.nbcnews-ux-2880-1000On Tuesday night, Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. During the interview, Clinton spoke about her campaign and her promise to help all Americas. Colbert asked Clinton about her testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, her Republican rivals, and her TV watching habits. The most surprising moment came when Clinton was asked whether she would let the big banks fail if they had another crisis situation like in 2009. Clinton responded with a simple “yes.” She elaborated saying, “First of all, under Dodd-Frank, that is what will happen because we now have stress tests and I’m going to impose a risk fee on the big bank if they engage in risky behavior. But they have to know, their shareholders have to know that yes, they will fail. And if they’re too big to fail then under my plan and others that have been proposed, they may have to be broken up.” Clips from last night’s show are below.

Last night, Clinton also attended a private fundraiser in Morristown, New Jersey. The fundraiser was hosted by Philip and Barbara Sellinger. As with all private events, the fundraiser was closed to the press.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, Politico