Hillary Clinton Statement on the Jewish High Holidays


Before the beginning of Rosh Hashanah Sunday, Hillary Clinton released the following statement:

“As the High Holiday celebrations begin, I send my best wishes for a Shana Tova – a happy and healthy new year – to Jewish families and communities in the United States, Israel, and around the world.

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are a time for prayer and contemplation.  They are a time to recall our past year, take a hard look at what we’ve done and what we’ve said, and ask how we can do better in the year ahead.  They challenge us to do the difficult work of self-reflection—key to becoming a better family member, friend, and neighbor.

Our country must do this work as a national community, too.  All Americans should question whether we’re doing all that we can to work on “Tikkun Olam”—repairing the world.  That means asking ourselves if we could be doing more to help those who are hungry or in need of shelter.  If we could be doing more to make sure everyone has access to health care.  And if we could be doing more to build a brighter future where no one is left out or left behind.

It’s critical to ask these tough questions.  And then, at the conclusion of the High Holidays, it’s even more important to get to work and answer them.

Many of the complex challenges we face as a nation are daunting—but luckily, we don’t have to face them alone.  We are stronger together, and if we commit to work in good faith with one another, surely we can build a better world for future generations.

This year’s High Holidays are saddened by the passing of President Shimon Peres, a man whose life’s work exemplifies the notion of Tikkun Olam.  Let us honor his legacy by continuing to strengthen the bonds between the American and Israeli people, and by never wavering in our quest for peace.

May the coming year be filled with sweetness and joy.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Takes Part in Equal Pay Roundtable, Celebrates First Year of Campaign


Tuesday was Equal Pay Day and Hillary Clinton attended a round table event at Glassdoor where she outlined her plan to raise the wages of women across the country. She called for the passage of the Paycheck Fairness Act which would make it illegal for an employer to fire someone for finding out how much a co-worker makes. Clinton also said she would require every company to review its compensation and evaluate whether women are paid equally. She also vowed to work with states to ensure current equal pay statutes across the country are still being followed. Clinton called for more transparency saying, “There’s not enough transparency, and we don’t know exactly what the pay gaps are in many settings, predominantly in the private sector. We need to use the federal government, the Department of Labor and others, to really encourage more transparency, to get more public information.”

The conversation included: World Cup Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist Megan Rapinoe; Glassdoor CEO Robert Hohman; Make It Work Co-founder & Co-executive Director Tracey Sturdivant; Clayman Institute for Gender Research Executive Director Lori Nishiura MacKenzie; Gap Foundation President and Gap Sustainability Vice President Dan Henkle and award-winning journalist Diane Brady. A full video of the roundtable event is below and a transcript of Clinton’s remarks is available HERE.

Clinton then traveled to Florida where she attended three fundraisers. The first event was in Manalapan where she attended an event at the home of Marsha and Henry Laufer. Clinton’s second event was in Miami Beach and included a conversation with Congressman Joaquín Castro, Kristin Davis, and Raúl De Molina. Singer Carole King also performed at the event. The final event of the day was held at the Miami Beach home of Tiffany and Alex Heckler. Congressman Castro also attended the event with Hillary.

Today also marks one year since Clinton announced her plans to run for president. Since April 2015, Clinton has received millions in donations, leads in the race for the Democratic nomination, and has rolled out an comprehensive platform. To celebrate the occasion, Hillary for America has put together a fact page with information about the campaign and the donors. In fact, you can type in your name and see how many other donors share your first name! A lot has been accomplished in the last year, but it is a long road to November.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Think Progress

2015 Year in Review


This year has been busy for Hillary Clinton. Before announcing her presidential campaign on April 12, Clinton gave a number of paid speeches. But after announcing her campaign, Clinton began traveling around the country visiting with Americans and hosting rallies and town halls. As she has visited 38 states and spoke with thousands of Americans, she has outlined a solid platform and her vision for the future of America. By my count, Clinton hosted or attended over 250 events this year, and her schedule is sure to pickup as primary season begins. Below are some of the 2015 stats released by Hillary for America:

  • 18 Social media platforms
  • 38 states visited (plus Washington, DC and Puerto Rico)
  • 92% of donations are $200 or less
  • 524 Questions answered at town hall events
  • 89,000+ Volunteers
  • 168,396 miles Clinton has logged on the campaign trail
  • 5,520,00+ Doors knocked and phone calls made by volunteers

As for 2016, it is going to be an important year with the first Democratic primaries beginning in just over a month. Our support is critical to ensuring that Clinton is not only the Democratic nominee, but the next President of the United States! Please take the time to Donate to the campaign and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.


On a personal note, this website is an individual effort. I started this site in 2013 with the primary goal of providing easy access to Clinton’s speeches as she traveled across the country because I know the frustration of trying to locate videos and details from rallies she has held in the past. This year, there were 268 posts added to the site, and by my count, there are 241 events listed on the 2015 archive page. It has been a busy, but exciting year. The highlight for me was getting to attend Clinton’s rally in Tulsa earlier this month. After a successful 2015, Hillary Clinton Speeches begins 2016 with a new a look, but the same goal…providing everyone with the latest Hillary Clinton news from the campaign trail.

With over 210,000 page views and hundreds of new followers on WordPress, Facebook, and Twitter in 2015, I want to thank everyone for their continued support. I am looking forward to 2016 and electing Hillary Clinton as the 45th President of the United States!

News Source: Hillary for America