Clinton Criticizes Trump Outside His Hotel

300d003c6749413392cfb96d4740cb35-8d89848e0728a92e840f6a7067005f9bOn Monday evening, Hillary Rodham Clinton surprised a crowd of protesters when she joined in. The Culinary Workers Union is protesting the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, a hotel that is owned by Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump. Clinton seized on the opportunity to criticize her opponent saying, “You have a right to safe working conditions, you have a right to a living wage, and you have to say yes to all of that and you have to say no to efforts to prevent you from organizing and that means saying no to Donald Trump.” A video from her remarks to the crowd is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times

Clinton Attends California Events

On Thursday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended an early morning fundraiser in Atherton, California. San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and former State Assemblywoman Fiona Ma hosted the breakfast event. Clinton was in San Francisco last night as well to begin her visit to California.

After leaving the San Francisco, Clinton traveled to southern California where she held a roundtable discussion with home health care workers at the Los Angeles Trade-Technical College. Following the roundtable, Clinton attended a fundraiser at the home of Scooter and Yael Braun. Braun is a record label executive and manager for Justin Bieber. The events were private and closed to the press.

UPDATE (8/6): Added video from the roundtable event.

News Source: The Washington Post, NBC 4, ABC 7

Clinton Returns to Iowa – Day 1

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton began her second visit to Iowa since launching her presidential campaign. She continued to focus on small events and spent the afternoon with a group of about 60 Democratic activists from around the state. As president, Clinton vowed to fight more for the American family and workers saying, “We need to get back into the habit of actually rewarding workers with increases in their paychecks for the increases in productivity and profitability that they have helped achieve.”

Tomorrow, Clinton continues her trip to Iowa in Cedar Falls where she will meet with small business owners. Follow all the updates from Iowa on Clinton’s Twitter and Facebook accounts as well as the Hillary for Iowa Twitter account. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

News Source: The Des Moines Register