Hillary Clinton Statement on Las Vegas Trump Hotel Labor Law Violations


After an announcement by the National Labor Relations Board that the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas was violating the National Labor Relations Act by refusing to bargain with the Culinary Workers Union after hotel employees voted to join the union last year, Hillary Clinton issued the following statement:

“Donald Trump likes to brag about his skills as a negotiator—but yesterday, he had to be ordered by the National Labor Relations Board to stop breaking the law, respect his workers’ fundamental rights to organize and bargain collectively, and come to the table. It’s appalling, but it’s not surprising. This is a man who personally signed a contract with a union-busting firm to try to stop UNITE HERE and the Culinary Workers’ Union from organizing in the first place, and engaged in a months-long intimidation campaign to bully his workers against voting to form a union.

I was proud to visit workers on the picket line at the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, and even prouder when they overcame Donald Trump’s intimidation campaign and were officially certified as a union earlier this year. I believe that when unions are strong, families are strong—and when families are strong, America is strong. And I will always stand with workers in protecting their rights to organize, bargain collectively, be safe on the job and retire with dignity, and if I am elected President, workers will always have a seat at the table and a champion in the White House.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Politico

Vice President Joe Biden Campaigns in Florida


Vice President Joe Biden returned to Florida where he attended two campaign events on behalf of Hillary Clinton and local Democrats. At his first stop in Tampa, Biden spoke about the importance of electing Clinton president and electing Democrats such as Patrick Murphy to the Senate. Biden spoke about a number of issues that Clinton will focus on as president such as creating jobs and growing the economy. He also went after Donald Trump saying, “This guy doesn’t deserve to be president. On his sixth bankruptcy he stiffed more workers than you can count and then on national television in a debate said ‘maybe I didn’t like the quality of the work.’ Well, Trump, maybe I don’t like the quality of what you say.” He urged everyone to get out and vote on November 8th and to take advantage of early voting. A video of Biden’s speech is below.

Biden then spoke at a rally in Palm Beach Gardens where he characterized Florida as a must win for Clinton. He said, “Here we go again. Florida. It always comes down to Florida. … We get it done here, we can go home to bed early Tuesday.” Speaking on the campus of Palm Beach State College, Biden spoke about the rising cost of college education and Clinton’s plan to make college more affordable for students and ensure that they graduate debt-free. Biden went after Trump for his divisive comments and policies, and urged everyone to vote.  Watch a video from the event below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: ABC Action News, News Talk Florida, Sun Sentinel, Palm Beach Post

Chelsea Clinton Campaigns in Michigan


Chelsea Clinton returned to Michigan on Saturday where she spoke for about half an hour about the importance of voting in Muskegon. Chelsea spoke about a number of Hillary Clinton’s platform points including her plans to create new jobs, invest in manufacturing, and make college more affordable. She then took questions from the audience and was asked about a variety of topics including her reaction to the Black Lives Matter movement. Chelsea said that her mother has plans to reform the criminal justice system including updating the three strikes rule and minimum sentencing. “If we only focus on criminal justice reform, we’re not doing enough,” she said. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

In Battle Creek, Chelsea spoke about Hillary’s dedication to ensuring equality in the United States. She said that her mother has plans to protect the rights of women, workers, minorities, and the LGBTQ community. At both events, Chelsea urged everyone to vote on November 8th saying that the stakes of this election are very high for everyone in America interested in seeing the progress of the last eight years continued. She asked voters to head to the polls on election day or to take advantage of early voting. A partial video of the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Michigan Live, Detroit News

Trump’s Self-Serving Business Agenda


Donald Trump has held 32 events at Trump properties in 16 months of running for President

Today, Hillary Clinton returned to Florida to layout what’s on the ballot this election — an economy that works for everyone not just those at the top. She shared her vision for more good jobs, economic fairness and how to bring Americans together. Meanwhile, Trump spent the morning promoting the opening of his new hotel, making this the 32nd event at Trump properties in 16 months of running for president.

From his using his presidential campaign to promote his business, to a decades-long practice of stiffing small businesses, to outsourcing jobs, to his proposal to cut taxes for billionaires like himself at the expense of everyone else, Trump’s self-serving agenda is clear. America deserves better than Trump – a candidate who would rather line his own pockets than prioritize our economy, businesses, and workers.

Donald Trump’s trickle-down economic tax plan would include cutting taxes for billionaires like himself and his family, at the expense of everyone else.

Trump has doubled down on his promise to repeal the estate tax, which would give his own family as much as a $4 billion windfall. Just think about what we could do instead with that one $4 billion windfall alone, which is just for Donald Trump’s family, if we invested it in America.

Trump’s plan includes a massive loophole that gives many millionaires and billionaires like himself a backdoor tax cut, letting them pay less than half the current tax rate on a substantial portion of their income.

Trump claims his tax cuts would be paid for by economic growth – but they come at the expense of hardworking Americans.  Far from growing the economy, experts on both sides of the aisle predict that Trump’s plans would risk a recession.

Trump’s tax plan is a bait and switch – he claims he’ll protect middle class families, but what he actually does is give huge tax breaks to the rich while raising taxes on at least 8 million middle-class families.

Trump called his tax avoidance “smart.”  Trump’s tax avoidance is not smart – it means $0 for first responders, $0 for education, $0 for veterans and $0 for our military.

New York Times: “Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years.”

New York Times: “Donald J. Trump explicitly acknowledged for the first time during the first presidential debate that he used a $916 million loss that he reported on his 1995 income tax returns to avoid paying personal federal income taxes for years.” Trump’s business failures eventually led to multiple bankruptcies of his companies, which were devastating for his former employees and small contractors. Trump continued to earn millions.

Trump’s business failures eventually led to multiple bankruptcies of his companies, which were devastating for his former employees and small contractors. Trump continued to earn millions.

New York Times: “But even as his companies did poorly, Mr. Trump did well. He put up little of his own money, shifted personal debts to the casinos and collected millions of dollars in salary, bonuses and other payments. The burden of his failures fell on investors and others who had bet on his business acumen.”

Wall Street Journal: “An analysis by Temple University law professor Jonathan Lipson ranked Trump-branded casinos ‘the worst’ among their peers when it came to jobs over a 14-year period. Mr. Lipson, a bankruptcy scholar, found that Trump casinos shed some 7,400 jobs between 1997 and 2010. That works out, on average, to job losses per casino of 900—37% higher than at other Atlantic City gambling venues in the same period.”

No business person or contractor has proven too small for Trump to stiff, no single parent or retiree too in-need to escape the target of Trump University’s scams. The truth is that Donald Trump’s business antics have spelled disaster for countless working people and small businesses.

Trump has repeatedly refused to make good on his obligations to pay small businesses and contractors for work – from Marty Rosenberg, whose family business was paid hundreds of thousands less than it was owed for its work at Trump’s casino, to Andrew Tesoro, the architect of one of Trump’s golf course clubhouse who was told by Trump’s lawyers to accept pennies on the dollar or he’d be tied up in court for years.

Trump doesn’t buy American-made and his own products are outsourced.

The products that are branded with Trump’s name are outsourced from at least 12 countries. That doesn’t include the products used in his hotels and casinos, from bed linens made in Italy to furniture made in China.

Trump has used his campaign to promote and funnel money into his businesses.

Politico: “Trump’s Campaign Paid His Businesses $8.2 Million”

Politico: “Trump has used the campaign itself as a marketing platform to promote everything from the difficult-to-find Trump Steaks to his golf courses and a new Washington hotel. Trump’s tangle of businesses has raised concerns about the potential for conflicts of interest should he win the presidency, while the Trump-branded campaign has drawn mockery and allegations of pocket-padding from Trump’s critics.’”

Huffington Post: “Donald Trump used small donors’ money to buy nearly $300,000 worth of books from the publisher of his Art of the Deal last month, continuing a pattern of plowing campaign money back into his own businesses.”

@KatyTurNBC: “After this morning’s ribbon cutting, Trump will have held 32 events at Trump properties in 16 months of running for President”

Today, Trump is Washington, DC to open a new luxury hotel where he unsurprisingly used undocumented workers to make his project cheaper.  He even sued the District of Columbia in an attempt to pay lower taxes for the property.

Washington Post: “[A] Trump company may be relying on some undocumented workers to finish the $200 million hotel, which will sit five blocks from the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, according to several who work there.”

Politico: “The city of Washington, D.C., is fighting Donald Trump’s legal drive to cut his tax bills for the luxury hotel he’s set to open in the Old Post Office Building next month … Attorneys for the Republican presidential nominee and real estate mogul contend that the roughly $1.7 million annual tax bills for the development for 2015 and 2016 were too high.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Tim Kaine, Bill Clinton on the Campaign Trial for Hillary


Tim Kaine returned to the campaign trail on Wednesday following his strong debate performance on Tuesday night. During his speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Kaine claimed victory, but did address criticisms that he interrupted Mike Pence too many times joking that even his wife gave him a hard time about it. He did go after Pence for not defending his running mate Donald Trump saying, “Your running mate ought to be able to defend you.” Kaine continued with his speech talking about a number of Hillary’s key platform points including creating new jobs, raising the minimum wage, supporting labor unions, improving health care, supporting the middle class, and ensuring that everyone has an equal chance in America. A video of Kaine’s speech is below.

Bill Clinton remained in Ohio where he wrapped up a multiple day bus tour of the state. This morning he was in Youngstown where he spoke about Hillary’s plans to create new jobs and help communities that have been hit hard by unemployment and a loss of manufacturing and mining jobs. He said that he understands voters’ anger saying, “Look, there’s a reason for the road rage today. People go 15 years without a raise, they’re mad.” He then outlined a number of of Hillary’s platform proposals that would help communities like Youngstown including investments in infrastructure and clean energy. Speaking at the local UAW hall, Bill also spoke about the importance of labor unions and Hillary’s continued support for them while Republicans like Trump and Pence try to stamp out unions. A video from Bill’s speech is below.

Bill then traveled to Canton where he continued to his focus on the economy and job creation. He said, “I think we’re on the verge of the greatest period of prosperity, discovery and advancement in the history of this country, if we do that right thing.” But, Bill warned, there are people like Trump who are more interested in helping those at the top of the income scale and ignore those in the middle and working classes. He said that in order to grow the economy, we need to tap into previously untapped resources. “We need more manufacturing loans, we need more small business loans and more small business startups, we need more investments in science and technology,” he said. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: NBC 10, The Washington Post, Fox 8, WKYC

Hillary Clinton’s Vision for An Economy Where Our Businesses, Our Workers, and Our Consumers Grow and Prosper Together


On Monday, Hillary Clinton and Hillary for America announced a plan that will ensure that businesses, workers, and consumers can all grow and prosper together. This would be a stark contrast from today’s economy in which one typically suffers at the expense of the others. HFA released details of her plan which are outlined below. The full plan can be read on The Briefing.

Hillary Clinton believes we need to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. But today, there are still powerful interests fighting to protect their own profits and privileges at the expense of everyone else. Too many of the rules and incentives in our economy encourage those at the top to abuse their power and take advantage of consumers, workers, small businesses, and taxpayers. That makes it tougher for even well-meaning CEOs to take the high road.

In recent months, we’ve seen three egregious examples of these problems. We saw a drug company, Mylan, excessively raise the price of lifesaving EpiPens without justification. We saw one of our country’s biggest banks, Wells Fargo, bully thousands of employees into committing fraud on unsuspecting customers. And now we’ve learned the latest on Donald Trump: In one year, he lost nearly a billion dollars; he stiffed small businesses, laid off workers, and walked away from hardworking communities; and he apparently got to avoid paying taxes for nearly two decades—while tens of millions of working families paid theirs. That’s what he calls “smart” business.

Today, Clinton is offering her vision for an economy where our businesses, our workers, and our consumers grow and prosper together. She’s outlining a set of proposals to rewrite the rules so that more companies that do right by workers, small businesses, customers, and taxpayers.

Clinton will:

  1. Eliminate Tax Breaks that Allow Corporations and the Wealthy to Avoid Paying Their Fair Share
  1. Protect Consumers from Unfair and Deceptive Practices
  • Strengthen consumer financial protection, including by restricting practices that businesses like Wells Fargo have used to lock the consumers they’ve harmed out of court
  • Respond to unjustified price increases in long-standing, lifesaving drugs like EpiPens
  1. Promoting Free and Fair Competition and Stopping Big Businesses from Hurting Small Business
  • Crack down on big companies that repeatedly exploit their power to stiff small businesses – and give small businesses the power to respond
  • A new commitment to promote competition, address excessive concentration and the abuse of economic power, and strengthen antitrust laws and enforcement
  1. Rewrite the Rules So Workers Share in the Profits They Create

Full fact sheet available here.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Briefing

HFA Releases Series of New Videos and Ads


On Monday, Hillary for America released a new round of commercials and ads. The first is a TV ad titled “Arrogant” that goes after Donald Trump following the weekend’s report that he has not paid taxes for years. The next three videos highlight the record of Mike Pence and draw parallels between Pence and Trump. Then, a video featuring prominent African-American actors talking about what is at stake in this election for the African-American community. Next, is an ad titled “Measure” that highlights Hillary Clinton’s career fighting for children and families. The next video, titled “Shane,” introduces a man who talks about his experience in the foster care system and how, as First Lady, Clinton helped pass the Adoption and Safe Families Act. Then, actress Selma Hayak is in a Spanish language ad underscoring the importance of the election for the Latino community. The next is a radio ad that highlights Trump’s business dealings with Cuba during the embargo. The final ad is a Spanish language radio ad that talks about how Trump treated hotels in his hotels like “second class workers.” Watch, and listen, to the ads below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Statement on Report That Trump Used Business Failures to Avoid Paying Taxes


Hillary for America Campaign Manager Robby Mook released the following statement following a report from The New York Times revealing that Donald Trump used his business losses to avoid paying income taxes.

“There it is. This bombshell report reveals the colossal nature of Donald Trump’s past business failures and just how long he may have avoided paying any federal income taxes whatsoever. In one year, Donald Trump lost nearly a billion dollars. A billion. He stiffed small businesses, laid off workers, and walked away from hardworking communities. And how did it work out for him? He apparently got to avoid paying taxes for nearly two decades — while tens of millions of working families paid theirs. He calls that ‘smart.’ Now that the gig is up, why doesn’t he go ahead and release his returns to show us all how ‘smart’ he really is?”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times

Hillary Clinton Statement on Endorsement of Association of Flight Attendants


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the Association of Flight Attendants adding to the growing list of labor unions supporting Clinton for president. In a release, the group states their support of Clinton stems from their long relationship with her. They said, “We have experience with Hillary Clinton as a champion for Flight Attendants, especially as the leading voice for the technical correction to FMLA and the relentless advocate for 9/11 first responders. Recognizing the importance of this election and our experience with Secretary Clinton, the AFA-CWA Board of Directors endorses Hillary Clinton for the next President of the United States.” Clinton responded to the endorsement with the following statement.

“For over 70 years, the Association of Flight Attendants has helped raise wages, benefits, and working conditions for its members all across – and above – America.  Over the decades, it has brought our nation’s attention to important issues like discrimination, outsourcing, and equal pay. Every American worker deserves an advocate like the AFA in their corner, and I’m honored to have earned their endorsement.

Throughout my career, the AFA and I have partnered to fight for fairer labor standards. In the Senate, I led the effort to ensure AFA members had access to Family and Medical Leave Act benefits. And we’ve always stood up for women who have been treated unequally in the workforce.

The stakes in this election could not be higher. Donald Trump stood on a debate stage and said that wages are ‘too high’ in this country.  He opposes policies that would make it easier for people to balance work and family, including guaranteeing paid leave for all families and working for equal pay for women. He even personally hired a union-busting firm to keep workers at his hotel in Las Vegas from organizing.

If I’m elected in November, labor will always have a champion in the White House. Together, we’ll build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. We’ll say no to bad trade deals, no to attacks on workers, and no to discriminatory and sexist policies. And I’m glad to know the AFA will be at my side as we stand up for American workers.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: AFA-CWA

Tim Kaine, Chelsea Clinton Campaign for Hillary on Thursday


On Thursday, Tim Kaine campaigned in New Hampshire. He began by attending a coffee event in Portsmouth where he discussed opportunities for young people in the Granite State. Then, Kaine spoke at a rally in Exeter where he criticized Donald Trump’s vision of America and presented Hillary Clinton’s vision to the crowd. He spoke about opportunities for young people, making college more affordable, and building the economy by creating millions of new jobs. “If we’re going to build an economy, it’s got to work for everybody, not just a few. If we’re going to be strong in the world, part of that strength is alliances, rather than just building walls and tearing up alliances,” he said. A video from Kaine’s event in Exeter is below.

Chelsea Clinton campaigned on behalf of Hillary and Kaine in Ohio today. She began by speaking to students and supporters at Sinclair Community College in Dayton. During her speech, Chelsea spoke about the creating more opportunities for young people, including reducing the cost of higher education. Chelsea then traveled to Westerville where she spoke about Hillary’s plans to build upon the progress that been made in the country. “Unlike her opponent, she actually has plans for higher education and affordability, so people are not limited by their zip code, or their income, and their ability to pursue their dreams,” she said. A video from the event in Dayton is below.

Three fundraisers were held today on behalf of Hillary for America. The first was a lunch event in Crystal Lake, Illinois with Lisa Madigan. The second took place in Seattle, Washington and featured a conversation with HFA Campaign Manager Robby Mook. The final event was in New York City and included a conversation with Rodney Slater, Former United States Secretary of Transportation. The event was hosted by Deserrie Forte and Shawn Norville.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: WMUR, New Hampshire Public Radio, WLWT, The Toledo Blade