Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in North Carolina and Florida


On Monday, Bill Clinton was on the campaign trail spending time in two states that hold their primaries tomorrow. He began with a morning Get Out the Vote rally in Greenville, North Carolina. During his speech, he spoke about Hillary’s experience and her career as a change maker. He said that her plans would ensure that everyone had access to the tools necessary to live up to their potential. He then asked North Carolinians to support her in tomorrow’s primary.

Clinton then traveled to Florida where he hosted a rally at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee. In his speech, he argued that it is important to keep a Democrat in the White House. He said, “We have 14 million new jobs over the last five years. That’s the most we’ve had since that other Democrat, whatever his name was. And we have 90 percent of our people with health insurance for the first time.” He also criticized the Republican presidential candidates for not sticking to the issues and focusing more on fighting each other. A video of his speech is below.

Later today, Clinton is scheduled to attend Get Out the Vote events in Jacksonville and Winter Park, Florida. Full coverage will be posted tomorrow.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WCIT, Tallahassee Democrat, News 4 Jax