Clinton Speaks at Grassroots Event in St. Louis


On Friday evening, Hillary Clinton followed up her rally in Tulsa with a similar grassroots rally at the Union Hall for Sheet Metal Workers Local 36 in St. Louis, Missouri. After being introduced by Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, Clinton fired up the crowd of 500 with a speech focused on the economy and how she plans to make it work for everyone, not just those at the top. She said, “Our economy does best when we have a Democrat in the White House. It’s just a fact. Their answer to any economic question is, ‘We’re going to cut taxes on the wealthy.’” A video from the event is below (Note: Clinton begins speaking at 2:32:20).

She was also scheduled to attend a private fundraiser while in St. Louis. The event was held at the home of Kim and Bruce Olson. As with all private events, the fundraiser was closed to the press.

Clinton’s next scheduled event is in Minneapolis, Minnesota on December 15. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Fox2, St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Clinton Fundraises in North Carolina

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania earlier this month.
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania in July 2015.

On Tuesday evening, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended a private fundraiser in the Charlotte area. The event reportedly took place at the home of Erskine and Crandall Bowles. Erskine Bowles was the White House Chief of Staff during President Bill Clinton’s second term. Crandall Bowles is a textile company executive. As with all private fundraisers, the event was closed to the press.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WNCT

Clinton Interviewed by Andrea Mitchell

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton was interviewed by Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. Mitchell questioned Clinton extensively on her use of a private email server as Secretary of State. Mitchell and Clinton then discussed her candidacy for president and her Republican rivals. The the full interview is above.

UPDATED (September 4): Added video and updated article.

News Source: Politico

Clinton Talks Capital Gains Tax in New York

hillary25n-1-webHillary Rodham Clinton continued to outline her economic policy today during a speech at the Stern Business School on the campus of NYU. The primary point of her speech was to unveil her focus on curbing short-term investments by increasing taxes on short-term capital gains. Clinton criticized businesses for focusing on short-term profits and ignoring long-term growth. Today’s speech outlined one of many points in Clinton’s economic policies should she win the White House. Throughout the summer, Clinton has outlined her political platform and is expected to continue to do so in the coming weeks and months.

A video of Clinton’s full speech is available on C-SPAN.

New Source: International Business Times, Vox

Chicago Ideas Week

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at the Chicago Ideas Week where Mayor Rahm Emanuel interviewed her. A number of topics were discussed including comments she made about her and former President Bill Clinton being broke after they left the White House in 2001. Clinton admitted that she could have been more artful in her comments. The interview largely focused on the content of her new book, Hard Choices.

News Source: CBS News

Marketo’s Marketing Nation Summit

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke today at Marketo’s Marketing Nation Summit in San Francisco, California. She gave brief remarks, then began a Q&A period. During this session, she was asked whether she would run for president in 2016. As usual, she said that she was “thinking about it.” However, she went a little further to suggest a reason that she is hesitant: increasing partisanship. Clinton said, “I would be the first to say we’re having a political period of, frankly, dysfunction. I saw it from afar as secretary and it was disheartening and even embarrassing to see people arguing about letting us default on our debt.”

The video above was taken by someone in the audience and is incomplete. A full video will be posted when/if one is available.

Video Source: YouTube

New Source: NBC News