Hillary Clinton on Space and STEM


While a lot has been published about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s platform plans for foreign and domestic policies, most outlets have ignored thier stance on science, STEM, and space exploration. Clinton has outlined proposals to combat climate change and increase research for certain diseases, but a number of prominent science and space publications have asked the candidates for their thoughts on science and space exploration. If you consider STEM education, science, and space exploration to be important factors in your decision for whom to vote, which you should, check out the publications below for a better understanding of the positions of Clinton and Trump.

  • The Planetary Society – The Planetary Society is a non-profit group that specializes in space policy. They help fund missions and inform members of Congress on issues related to space. The group has assembled the key positions on space offered by Clinton and Trump.
  • Planetary Radio – Part of The Planetary Society, Planetary Radio’s most recent episode of its Space Policy Edition outlines the stances of Clinton and Trump. Listen to the episode on iTunes or click HERE to download the MP3.
  • Science News – As the official magazine for the Society for Science & the Public, the editorial board released a breakdown of where the candidates stand on specific science policies including space exploration, genetic research, climate change, health, vaccines, gun violence, and STEM education. The articles uses quotes and policy proposals from each candidate and the full break down can be read HERE.
  • Scientific American – As one of the most popular science magazines in the country, Scientific American is a great resource for the latest in the realm of scientific research. Readers of the magazines voted on the 20 top questions they wanted to ask each presidential candidate, and all four candidates responded. A number of topics are covered including innovation, research, climate change, the internet and technology, education, nuclear power, and access to clean water. Read the full answers from each candidate HERE.
  • Ars Technica – As a site about science and technology, Ars Technica writer John Timmer offered his point-of-view on the proposals of Clinton and Trump. Read his full article HERE.
  • ReCode – The tech site run by tech journalists Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, ReCode is an advocate for STEM education. In an article published on November 5, Luther Lowe outlined Clinton’s dedication to STEM and education from her time as First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, Senator from New York, and Secretary of State. Read Lowe’s full article HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Recode, Planetary Radio, The Planetary Society, Science News, Ars Technica, Hillary for America, Scientific American

Tim Kaine Delivers Economic Speech in Detroit


Tim Kaine delivered a speech on the economy today in Detroit, Michigan. During his remarks, Kaine focused heavily and Hillary Clinton’s platform and her plans to create new jobs and combat poverty. He outlined three major policy points that will directly take on poverty including:

  • Raising incomes by increasing the minimum wage, investing in impoverished communities, creating new jobs by investing in clean energy and infrastructure, and increasing the child care tax credit
  • Ensure the safety of communities and homes by fighting discriminatory and predatory lending, ensuring people have access to clean water and live in areas with clean air, and enacting common sense gun control measures
  • Improve early childhood education by expanding pre-school and Head Start programs

Kaine said that fighting poverty is important to Clinton and himself adding, “Fighting poverty is a growth strategy. It’s a competitive strategy, but it’s also a moral responsibility and it’s going to be a defining mission of a Clinton Kaine administration. Here in this country, there are still people on the side of the road and they’re asking for help … The question before us on this election, do we just walk on by or do we go over and try and help. We’re not a nation of people who just walk on by. Hillary Clinton and I, we don’t walk on by. We reach out, we help, because we know, that we’re all neighbors.” Watch a video of Kaine’s speech below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Michigan Radio, Lansing State Journal

Kaine Campaigns in Houston, Chelsea in Flint


On Friday, Tim Kaine and Chelsea Clinton remained on the campaign trail as Hillary Clinton prepares for Monday night’s debate. In Houston, Texas, Kaine spoke at a rally at a local union hall where he spoke about Hillary’s plans and the importance of Texas in November’s election. “We look at what you’re doing … and we’re very, very proud of it. We can feel the spirit, the energy. We can see a state that has been red, a state moving in the best direction,” he said. Following his speech, Kaine continued to a series of fundraisers in Austin, but he held a surprise press appearance with about 40 Hispanic Texas officials who announced their endorsement of Hillary and Kaine. Videos from the rally and conference are below.

Chelsea Clinton spent the day in Flint, Michigan where she began with a news conference with Flint Mayor Karen Weaver and Representative Dan Kildee. During the press event, Chelsea and Mayor Weaver spoke about the improvements made in Flint since the beginning of the water crisis, but both cautioned that there is still work to be done. Chelsea urged Congress to act and approve emergency funding to assist with the cleaning of the city’s water supply. Following the conference, Chelsea attended a phone bank kickoff at a local UAW hall. Videos from the events will be added when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Houston Chronicle, The Texas Tribune, The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press

Hillary Clinton Statement on Protecting and Restoring the Great Lakes


Before the start of the annual Great Lakes Restoration Conference in Sandusky, Ohio, Hillary Clinton released the following statement supporting the restoration and preservation of the Great Lakes region. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“The Great Lakes are national treasures–powering regional economies, providing drinking water to tens of millions of Americans, and providing unparalleled outdoor recreation. But the Great Lakes are facing serious stresses, from pollution to toxic algal blooms to the spread of invasive species.

Clean water is not a luxury–it’s a basic right of all Americans. As President, I will fight to protect drinking water, including by investing in modernizing our outdated drinking and wastewater infrastructure, and supporting the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

And I will promote conservation and collaborative stewardship of our natural resources, including the Great Lakes. I will set a goal of doubling the size of the outdoor economy within a decade–which will benefit communities all around the Great Lakes. And I will support collaborative approaches to protect our environment, like the agreement between Ohio, Michigan, and Ontario to reduce nutrient pollution that contributes to harmful algal blooms.

Together, we can protect the Great Lakes and America’s public lands and waters for future generations.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

National Leaders Reject Donald Trump’s Outreach Effort to African Americans


Following Donald Trump’s efforts to reach out to African American communities, Hillary for America released the following statements from African American leaders across the country.

After a campaign spent courting white supremacists and playing into misleading stereotypes about people of color, today in Detroit, Donald Trump addressed a predominantly African American audience for the first time.

While Trump can attempt to reach out to African Americans, he has proven to the community time and again that he is unfit to be president and he has no interest in working with the African American community.

National leaders are rejecting Trump’s scripted conversation and his staged outreach to the Black community.

“Whether he is embracing policies that preserve privilege for those at the top or spewing rhetoric that demeans Americans, Donald Trump has shown us that he wants to roll back the progress we have witnessed over the past eight years. Trump is running around the country riling up his supporters declaring that he wants to ‘take our country back.’ I have news for Mr. Trump, the hateful groups he has courted and now represents can never have this country again. We are moving forward together, and we refuse to allow him to take us back.” –Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-MO)

“Donald Trump’s visit to Detroit is tantamount to a wolf visiting a sheep farm to lead a discussion on Let Me Be Your Leader To Greener Pastures. It is the old southern strategy of Nixon, Bush and Reagan, wrapped up in a new an un-improved version of divide and conquer the Black and moderate white votes. Let’s talk about law and order for you, bad economic times for you but no specific plan of action from me. He is talking over, around and through Black people but not to Black people. He should apologize, repent, re-align and retreat from his divisive non-Presidential behavior. We are all better than that.” –Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony, Detroit Social Activist

“Hillary Clinton has been a champion for the African-American community for decades. This year, she traveled to Flint to stand with us and let the country know that Flint’s crisis is a national crisis. In doing so, she showed us once again who she is: a proven leader who is committed to addressing the injustices African-Americans are subjected to in this country. Flint’s water crisis should serve as a reminder to Americans of what can happen when entire communities are ignored, left out and left behind. Donald Trump has a long history of turning a blind eye to the African American community. We are not fooled by this manufactured stop in Michigan. This is the same man who has talked down to us and falsely claimed that our entire community is poor, uneducated and unemployed. Donald Trump’s lack of concern for our community is yet another reason he is unqualified and unfit for the presidency.” –Mayor Karen Weaver, Flint, MI

“As the Bible says, beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. No matter how many times he attempts to reset, Donald Trump is still running the same race but with a pair of different shoes.   There’s no doubt in my mind that this man who discriminated from the boardroom will take that same attitude to the White House.  He has shown us who he really is and who he really cares about—and that’s not us.” –Rev. Marcia Dyson, Social Activist

“I have no room for conversation with Mr. Trump, until he first apologizes to the President and the entire African American community for attempting to delegitimize his presidency with regard to him being a US Citizen. If a person has no respect for an African American serving in the highest position in this country and world, then how can I believe that he has any respect for me?” –Bishop Charles Ellis, Detroit Faith and Community Leader

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Holds Four Events in California


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton attended four campaign events in California. The first event of the day was a community discussion in Slymar. The primary topic of the event was immigration reform. Clinton said that immigration is going to be a key issue in the 2016 election because statements about immigrants made by Republican nominee Donald Trump are often “hateful, very prejudicial, really unacceptable ways.” She spoke about the importance of keeping families together and passing comprehensive immigration reform. Most of the event was Clinton listening to stories told by the several Asian and Latino immigrants. She vowed to fight for a fair immigration plan if elected president.

Clinton then traveled to Oxnard where she spoke to supporters at a Get Out the Vote event. She covered a number of her platform points, but she went after Trump several times throughout the speech saying that he “fails” a number of important presidential trait tests. Clinton said that the 2016 election is very important to ensure the country continues to move forward with health care, the economy, clean energy, and climate change. She concluded by asking voters’ to support her in Tuesday’s primary. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Later, Clinton traveled to Santa Barbara where she held a community event focused on women and families. The round table discussion consisted of local officials and representatives. Clinton spoke about a number of her platform points aimed at improving the lives of women and helping families. She spoke about increasing the minimum wage, ensuring that women receive equal pay for equal work, ensuring families have access to affordable childcare, and guaranteeing workers paid family leave. After Clinton’s remarks, she listened to the concerns of several people in attendance. A video from the event is below.

The final event of the day was a Get Out the Vote rally in Fresno where she spoke to packed crowd of supporters at Edison High School. While she criticized Trump on a number of occasions, Clinton covered a number of her key platform points including early childhood education, clean energy, abortion rights, marriage equality, immigration reform, and making higher education more affordable. She also spoke about an issue that is local to Fresno: water. The city has seen water shortages due to the recent droughts in the area and she said, “If I am fortunate enough to be your president, we are going to work on water and we are going to get this fixed.” A video from the event will be added when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Noozhawk, The Fresno Bee, CBS Los Angeles, Ventura County Star

Hillary Clinton Unveils Environmental, Immigration Plan Details


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton delivered two major speeches during which she outlined her plans for environmental action and her proposal to create a Department of Immigrant Affairs to help immigrants become American citizens. This morning, Clinton was endorsed by the New York State Immigrant Action Fund, and Clinton attended a round table event during which she discussed her plans for immigration reform. She criticized Republican Donald Trump for his anti-immigration rhetoric and vowed to help immigrants become American citizens. During her remarks, she proposed the introduction of a Department of Immigrant Affairs that would work at all levels of government to assist immigrants and refugees as they settle in the United States.

In the afternoon, Clinton spoke at the National Action Network Convention where she was introduced by Rev. Al Sharpton. Clinton introduced her plan for environmental and climate justice which is a small part of her larger Breaking Every Barrier agenda. The plan not only includes fighting climate change, but eliminating lead as a public health threat. The main points of the plan include:

  • Eliminating lead as a major public heath threat within five years
  • Protesting public heath and safety by modernizing drinking and wastewater systems
  • Prosecuting criminal and civil violations that expose communities to environmental harm and work with Congress to strengthen public health protections in our existing laws
  • Creating new economic opportunity through brownfield clean-up and redevelopment
  • Reducing urban air pollution by investing in clean power and transportation
  • Broadening the clean energy economy, build career opportunities, and combat energy poverty by expanding solar and energy efficiency in low-income communities and communities of color
  • Protecting communities from the impacts of climate change by investing in resilient infrastructure
  • Establishing an Environmental and Climate Justice Task Force to make environmental and climate justice, including cumulative impacts, an integral part of federal decision-making

A video of speech is below and a transcript can be read HERE. Full details of Clinton’s Environmental and Climate Justice plan can be read on The Briefing.

Clinton then spoke at an organizing event in the Bronx. During the event, she spoke about a variety of topics including working for New York as senator, improving education, building upon the progress made in heath care, and ensuring that all Americans have an opportunity to prosper. She took the time to point out the differences between her and her Republican rivals, especially front-runner Donald Trump. She said, “He wants to build walls; I want to build bridges.” Clinton went on to ask for everyone’s support during next week’s primary. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Norwood News, MSNBC, International Business Times, Think Progress, The Briefing

Clinton Given Edge in Democratic Debate


Last night, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders took part in the seventh Democratic Debate. The debate was aired by CNN live from Flint, Michigan. Moderator Anderson Cooper spurred the conversation, which was testy at times between Clinton and Sanders. The first part of the debate focused on the water crisis in Flint, and both candidates called for the resignation of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder.

Sanders and Clinton also discussed a number of topics from the economy and jobs, Wall Street, religion, and foreign policy. A topic of contention for Clinton was Sanders’ vote for a bill in 2009 that would have severely limited the bailout funds for the auto industry. Clinton said, “If everybody had voted as he did I believe the auto industry would have collapsed. You were either for saving the auto industry or you were against it.” This topic is particularly important to Michigan voters as the automotive industry is a major sector of the state’s economy. Overall, the debate was much of the same from the other Democratic debates during which Clinton and Sanders have agreed and disagreed on a number of issues. A video of the debate is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Politico, Detroit Free Press, The New York Times

Hillary Clinton Attends Sunday Morning Church Services in Detroit


On Sunday morning, Hillary Clinton attended church services at three local Detroit churches: Triumph Church, Holy Ghost Cathedral Church, and Russell Street Missionary Baptist Church. She spoke to the congregation at each of the churches and during each speech, she spoke about the condition of Detroit Public Schools, urban issues that affect Detroit, and the water crisis in nearby Flint. Speaking about the local schools, she said, “It is just unacceptable in our country that precious little children are going to school in classrooms filled with mold and rodents. I don’t know how any public official can look in the mirror and know that little kids in Detroit are being denied physical and educational quality.” A video from her speech at Russell Street Missionary Baptist Church is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, The Detroit News

Bill, Chelsea Campaign in Michigan


On Sunday, Bill and Chelsea Clinton spoke to potential voters in Michigan and asked them to support Hillary Clinton in Tuesday’s primary. Chelsea attended events in three cities. She spoke at a an event in Detroit where she met with members of the Service Employees Union and members of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. Chelsea then traveled to Flint where she and Mayor Karen Weaver spoke about plans to use money received to help improve the water quality in the city. Mayor Waver also announced a new jobs program in the city. Chelsea’s final event of the day was a Women’s Economic Forum in Southfield.

Bill meanwhile attended Sunday morning church services at the Greater Grace Temple. Speaking to the congregation, he spoke about Hillary’s experience and path forward for the country. Bill said that he was proud of his wife’s accomplishments and that he knows she will continue to fight for everyone. Previewing Sunday evening’s debate between Hillary and Bernie Sanders, Bill said that he thought she would do well. On Sunday afternoon, Bill made stops at a LGBT Organizing Event in Royal Oak and a surprise stop in Eastpointe. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Daily Tribune, Detroit Free Press, Fox 2, MLive