HFA Releases Set of Campaign Videos


Following Monday night’s debate, Hillary for America released a new series of campaign videos and ads. The first three feature Donald Trump’s degrading comments about the weight of former Miss Universe Alicia Machado and other negative comments he has made about women. The next video features the story of the friendship between Hillary Clinton and Betsy Ebeling. Then, an ad titled “Squad Goals” features clips of President Barack Obama, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and other making the case for Clinton. The next ad features First Lady Michelle Obama, and she speaks about the importance of being a public figure and how comments made by a president or presidential candidate can influence children. The final two ads are Spanish language ads attacking Trump for his views on immigration and Mexico. Watch the series of videos below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Campaign Events held in support of Clinton in PA, OH, and NH


Today, a number of politicians and celebrities campaigned in support of Hillary Clinton while she prepares for Monday’s night’s debate with Republican Donald Trump. Chelsea Clinton began at an event at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown in Pennsylvania. Chelsea spoke about her mother’s career saying, “I’m supporting her because she’s the most qualified person for the job.” Chelsea discussed a number of Hillary’s key platform points, including her plans to reduce the debt of students and ensure future generations of students can graduate from college debt-free.

Chelsea then traveled to Youngstown, Ohio where she was joined by actress Sally Field. At the event, Chelsea and Field spoke about why they are supporting Hillary and urged Ohioans to register to vote. Field said that she is a long time supporter of Hillary and will continue to work to ensure she is elected. Chelsea echoed that sentiment, and spoke about a number of Hillary’s proposals and how they differ from Trump’s. “Various analyst say that his tax plans would raise taxes on tens of millions of working class families, including millions of single mothers. I don’t think that’s a family value whether you’re standing here in Youngstown or anywhere across the country,” she said. A video from the Johnstown event is available on CSPAN.


In New Hampshire, Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke at a series of events across the state. She spoke at canvass events in Nashua and Manchester before speaking at an organizing event in Durham. At each of the events, Warren fired up supporters and volunteers by speaking about the importance of the election. Warren went after Trump calling him a “pathological liar” and attacked his hateful campaign. She said, “We’re here to say hate is not OK. We build a stronger America together. That’s what this is about.” In addition to Clinton, Warren also pledged her support for New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan who is seeking a seat in the US Senate. Videos from today’s event will be added when/if available.

Members from the cast of West Wing were also on the campaign trail today in Ohio. Actors Richard Schiff, Allison Janney, Bradley Whitford, Dulé Hill, Joshua Malina, and Mary McCormack attended events in Boardman, Garfield Heights, Sandusky, Toledo. At each of the events, the actors took turns speaking to supporters and volunteers urging them to support Hillary and to register to vote by Ohio’s October 11 deadline. The cast members will remain in Ohio on Sunday for events in Columbus and Dayton.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Daily Item, The Tribune-Democrat, Trib Today, WKBN, Boston Globe, Boston Herald, ABC News, WKYC

Senators Sanders and Warren Campaign for Clinton


On Saturday, Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were both on the campaign trail in Ohio on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Senator Sanders spoke at events on college campuses in Akron and Kent. In an effort to appeal to young voters, Sanders spoke in full support of Clinton speaking about a number of her platform plans including rebuilding the national infrastructure, creating new jobs, and lowering the cost of higher education. Videos from the Akron and Kent events are below.

Senator Warren campaigned on behalf of Clinton in Columbus, Ohio. She spoke about the importance of the election and reviewed several of the proposals made by Clinton. Warren then went after Donald Trump and his connections to hate groups. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Fox 8, WKYC

Kaine, Bill Clinton, Senator Warren Campaign for Hillary on Friday


On Friday, campaign events were held across on the country on behalf of Hillary Clinton and featured speeches from Tim Kaine, Bill Clinton, and Senator Elizabeth Warren. Kaine began in Birmingham, Alabama where he attended a fundraiser, toured the 16th Street Baptist Church, and spoke to the press about Donald Trump’s divisive rhetoric and the allegations that the Trump Foundation illegally gave campaign donations to the Florida state Attorney General. A video of Kaine’s press briefing is below.

Kaine then returned to his home state of Virginia where he and his wife, Anne Holton, attended a rally in Norfolk. During his speech, Kaine spoke about his time in Virginia where he has served a Governor and is currently one of the state’s Senators. Kaine spoke about a number of Clinton’s platform points and went after Donald Trump for his praise of dictators saying, “If you can’t tell the difference between leadership and dictatorship, you wouldn’t have passed a fifth-grade civics exam. You shouldn’t be a president of the United States. … Tyranny is not leadership. Persecution is not leadership.” A video from the event is below.

In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Bill campaigned on behalf of his wife and spoke about a number of Hillary’s platform points and criticized a number of proposals made by Trump. Bill spoke about the importance of this election, but said that can sympathize with the anger that many voters and Trump supporters are feeling. He warned, “Don’t substitute anger for answers. Don’t substitute resentment for responsibility. Remember empowerment comes from being stronger together. We can do it. You can do it. But Hillary, to do it, has to win Pennsylvania and that’s you.” Bill continued, “We need answers, not anger. And she [Hillary] is the only candidate offering any.” A video of Bill’s speech is below.

The final event of the day was a speech by Senator Warren who campaigned on behalf of Hillary in Philadelphia. Warren spoke to a crowd of supporters about the importance of defeating Trump and electing Hillary in November. She covered a number of Hillary’s proposals before delivering a series of one-liners attacking Trump. In her speech, Warren referred to Trump as “the large orange elephant in the room,” called the controversial Trump University “Scam University,” and went after his praise of Russian president Vladimir Putin. Warren’s speech offers a mix of clever criticism of Trump and important policy proposals. A video from the event is below.

Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, a Hillary for America fundraiser was held for American citizens living abroad. The event featured a conversation with Melanne Verveer, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues for the State Department.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: AL.com, The Virginian-Pilot, Pittsburgh Gazette, NBC News

Vice President Biden Campaigns for Clinton/Kaine in Ohio

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On Thursday, Vice President spoke at two campaign events in Ohio in support of Hillary Clinton. At the first event in Warren, Biden spoke to a crowd of supporters at the United Auto Workers Local 1714 hall. Biden, like Clinton, included local references in his speech. He spoke about the importance of the automakers in Ohio and their successful turnaround following the recession in 2008 and 2009. He then spoke about a number of topics including Clinton’s record as a public servant and her dedication to the country, her plans for the economy and building jobs, and his ties to Ohio. Biden then went after Donald Trump for being ignorant of foreign affairs saying, “He is totally, thoroughly, completely uninformed.” A video from the event is below.

Biden then spoke at a rally outside of Cleveland in Parma. During his speech, the Vice President continued to go after Trump, but he focused more of his time on Clinton’s experience and his middle class roots. He told stories about his father’s job and his family’s money problems saying that his father couldn’t qualify for a loan to help him pay for college. When it comes to the struggles of the middle class, Biden said, “Hillary gets it, man. Trump has no idea. He has no idea.” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Cleveland.com, The Columbus Dispatch

Clinton Counters Trump’s Economic Message in Michigan Speech


Hillary Clinton attacked Donald Trump’s economic plan in a speech in Warren, Michigan. She hit Trump hard calling him the enemy of “the little guy” and that his economic agenda would be beneficial for him and his businesses, but would write off everyone else. “There is a myth out there that he’ll stick it to the rich and powerful because, somehow, at heart, he’s really on the side of the little guy. Don’t believe it,” she said. Clinton then gave a point-by-point rebuttal to Trump’s plan by describing her plans to increase taxes on the wealthy, make big businesses pay higher taxes when they outsource their workforce, and improve the nation’s infrastructure. She argued that her plan will create more jobs and build the economy at a faster pace.  A video from the event is below, and a transcript of Clinton’s speech can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, Detroit Free Press, Newsweek

Clinton Campaigns with Warren Buffett in Omaha


On Monday, Hillary Clinton traveled to Omaha, Nebraska where she was joined by billionaire businessman Warren Buffett. During his speech, he called out Republican Donald Trump for his questionable business practices and bankruptcies. The focus of his attacks on Trump, however, was the fact he has not released any of his tax returns. He told the crowd that Trump isn’t afraid of his financial practices, but he is afraid of what the American public will think of his finances. He said, “You’re only afraid if you’ve got something to be afraid about. He’s not afraid because of the IRS, he’s afraid because of you.”

Clinton then took the stage and spoke about a number of the same issues she covered during her convention speech last week. She pledged to improve both higher and early childhood education systems, build the middle class by increasing the minimum wage and adding more higher paying jobs, and she promised to invest in the country’s infrastructure creating jobs in the process. “If we invest in infrastructure we’re going to put millions of people to work, and we’re going to lay the foundation for new jobs,” she said. Clinton argued that rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure and investing in alternative forms of energy will make the United States the clean energy superpower of the world. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Omaha World-Herald, KETV, Bloomberg

Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren Campaign in Ohio


On Monday, Hillary Clinton and Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke at a rally in Cincinnati, Ohio. Warren spoke first going after Republican Donald Trump and explaining why she fully supports Clinton for president. Clinton then addressed the enthusiastic crowd attacking Trump for his divisive language while speaking about a number of platform points including women’s health and increasing the minimum wage. This was the first time Clinton and Warren have appeared at a rally together leading to speculation that Warren could be Clinton’s running mate. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Chicago Tribune, NPR

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Senator Elizabeth Warren

Jan. 24, 2013 - Washington, District of Columbia, U.S. - Senator ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA) Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON and Senator JOHN MCCAIN (R-AZ) make opening statements endorsing Senator John Kerry (D-MA) during his confirmaton hearing to be U.S. Secretary of State. (Credit Image: © Pete Marovich/ZUMAPRESS.com)
Jan. 24, 2013 – Washington, District of Columbia, U.S. – Senator ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA) Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON and Senator JOHN MCCAIN (R-AZ) make opening statements endorsing Senator John Kerry (D-MA) during his confirmaton hearing to be U.S. Secretary of State. (Credit Image: © Pete Marovich/ZUMAPRESS.com)

On Thursday evening, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren endorsed Hillary Clinton for president during an interview on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show. Senator Warren said, “I am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for Hillary Clinton.” The endorsement is important because Senator Warren represents the more liberal wing of the Democratic Party, and her role will certainly include working to ensure the party unites behind Clinton. Clinton tweeted her thanks to Senator Warren, but on Friday, Clinton and Senator Warren met in private and mapped out their plans for the general election cycle. A video of Senator Warren’s interview is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Boston Globe, The Atlantic, CBS News

Clinton Pens Time 100 Profile for Elizabeth Warren

John Kerry, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Rodham Clinton, John McCainHillary Rodham Clinton wrote a profile for Senator Elizabeth Warren that will appear in Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People issue. Warren is the strong Democrat who currently resides in the late Senator Ted Kennedy’s seat in Congress. She has been heralded by many for her strong stance on Wall Street bankers and her criticism of the current political climate. Warren is a strong force in the party, and Clinton recognizes that. There are members of her own party who would prefer Warren run for president in Clinton’s place. However, Clinton praises Warren in the profile for Time and her role as a “champion of working families and scourge of special interests.” A copy of the profile is below:

Progressive champion

It was always going to take a special kind of leader to pick up Ted Kennedy’s mantle as senior Senator from Massachusetts—champion of working families and scourge of special interests. Elizabeth Warren never lets us forget that the work of taming Wall Street’s irresponsible risk taking and reforming our financial system is far from finished. And she never hesitates to hold powerful people’s feet to the fire: bankers, lobbyists, senior government officials and, yes, even presidential aspirants.

Elizabeth Warren’s journey from janitor’s daughter to Harvard professor to public watchdog to U.S. Senator has been driven by an unflagging determination to level the playing field for hardworking American families like the one she grew up with in Oklahoma. She fights so hard for others to share in the American Dream because she lived it herself.

Source: Time