Bill Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders Campaign for Hillary


On Saturday, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin at an event in Greenfield. Speaking at a local union hall, Bill spoke about a number of Hillary’s key platform points including her plans to raise the minimum wage, lower the cost of higher education, and build the middle class. He framed Hillary as the candidate that will help those who have been “left out and left behind.” He spoke about the importance of continuing the progress made over the last few years and said Hillary is the only candidate who will continue to the accomplishments of the current administration. A video of Bill’s speech will be posted when/if available.

Senator Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, remained on the campaign trail attending two events in Pennsylvania. Sanders’ first event was in Scranton where he spoke to a group of supporters at Scranton High School. During his speech, he said that Hillary will fight for equal pay for women, the expansion of health care, laws that ensure the “billionaire class” pays its fair share of taxes, and a reduction in the cost of higher education. Sanders also referred to Hillary’s opponent, Donald Trump, saying, “We cannot elect a president of the United States whose cornerstone of his campaign is bigotry and dividing us up. We have struggled for too many years, too many people have stood up and fought and some have died… we are not going back to those days.” A video of Sanders’ speech is below.

In Philadelphia, Sanders spoke about the same platform points during his speech, but he also underscored the importance of electing Hillary over Trump. This is especially true following the release of an audio recording that captured Trump using crude and derogatory language to describe women. Sanders went after Trump saying, “I think you’ve got a spoiled brat. I think you’ve got a person who grew up very very wealthy who thinks that he is entitled to do anything that he wants.” He said that Trump’s comments were inexcusable, and he needs “to take responsibility for his own actions.” A video from the Philadelphia rally is below.

Meanwhile, in Raleigh, North Carolina, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America at the home of Dr. Ken and Tijuana Crosby. The event featured a conversation with the Little Rock 9: Ernest Green, Carlotta Walls LaNier, and Terrence Roberts.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: McClatchy DC, Sioux City Journal, The Times-Tribune, CBS Philly

Details: Hillary Clinton’s Comprehensive Presidential Platform


Since launching her campaign in April 2015, Hillary Clinton has outlined a number of major platform points in a series of speeches. As we near the election, the campaign has heated up in the battle between Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. With a little over a month to go, it is important that Clinton continue to deliver substantive speeches and combat a Trump platform that offers no substance or foundation. Clinton’s platform is built on a career of public service and an understanding of domestic and foreign policies. While everyone may not agree with all of platform points, taken as a whole it is clear that she has put together a solid plan to more the country forward and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to live up to their full potential.

When Clinton has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June 2015 to the announcement of her plans to protect the rights of disabled Americans earlier this month, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Read: Hillary Clinton’s Comprehensive Platform


Since launching her campaign in April 2015, Hillary Clinton has outlined a number of major platform points in a series of speeches. As we near the election, the campaign has heated up in the battle between Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. With a little over a month to go, it is important that Clinton continue to deliver substantive speeches and combat a Trump platform that offers no substance or foundation. Clinton’s platform is built on a career of public service and an understanding of domestic and foreign policies. While everyone may not agree with all of platform points, taken as a whole it is clear that she has put together a solid plan to more the country forward and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to live up to their full potential.

When Clinton has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June 2015 to the announcement of her plans to protect the rights of disabled Americans earlier this month, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Former George H.W. Bush National Security Advisor Endorses Clinton


Statement by Donald P. Gregg, National Security Advisor to Vice President George H.W. Bush. The endorsement comes after 115 former Ambassadors – including 80 appointed by Republican Presidents – backed Hillary Clinton earlier this week and more than 50 national security officials urged Trump to disclose his financial conflicts of interests.

“I was in the Reagan administration for 8 years. I was Vice President George H.W. Bush’s National Security Advisor for over six years. I traveled with him to over 65 countries.

In my view the two great diplomatic overtures since World War II were carried out by Republicans — Nixon to China and President George H. W. Bush’s outreach to Gorbachev and the Soviet Union after the collapse of the Berlin Wall.

But we now have a person at the top of Republican ticket who I believe is dangerous, doesn’t understand the complex world we live in, doesn’t care to, and is without any moral or international philosophy.

I’ve met Hillary Clinton a number of times and followed her career in public service. I’m impressed with her knowledge and experience. She would make an extremely good President.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Response to Trump Saying Clinton Did Not Look Presidential


Following comments from Donald Trump suggesting that Hillary Clinton does not look presidential, Hillary for America Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds has released the following:

“This isn’t the first time Donald Trump has had a problem looking at someone different from himself and actually seeing them. He questioned whether a distinguished judge could do his job because of his Mexican heritage. He looked at a mourning Gold Star mother and he made assumptions about her silence in grief. He looked at an accomplished anchor and suggested she was a “bimbo.” And he looked at a sitting president and said he wasn’t American. So it’s not surprising that Donald Trump doesn’t think Hillary Clinton looks presidential. This cycle, voters know all too well what’s not presidential: Donald Trump and his narrow views and divisive rhetoric.”


Trump: “He’s A Mexican. We’re Building A Wall Between Here And Mexico… He Is Giving Us Very Unfair Rulings, Rulings That People Can’t Even Believe.” TRUMP: Do you know that these people went to every attorney general practically in the country that they could and did you know this case was turned down by almost every attorney general from Texas to Florida, to many other states?

TAPPER: Is it not — when Hillary Clinton says this is a racist attack, and you reject that — if you’re saying he can’t do his job because of his race, is that not the definition of racism?

TRUMP: No. I don’t think so at all.


TRUMP: No. He’s proud of his heritage. I respect him for that.

TAPPER: But you’re saying you can’t do his job because of that.

TRUMP: Look, he’s proud of his heritage, OK? I’m building a wall. Now, I think I’m going to do very well with Hispanics

TAPPER: He’s a legal citizen – TRUMP: Do you know why I’m going to do well with Hispanics? Because I’m going to bring back jobs and they are going to get jobs right now. They are going to get jobs. I think I’m going to do very well with Hispanics. But we are building a wall. He’s a Mexican. We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings, rulings that people can’t even believe. This case should have ended years ago in summary judgment. The best lawyers I have spoken to so many lawyers, they said, this is not a case. This is a case that should have ended. [CNN, The Lead, 6/3/16]

A List of Each Time Trump Attacked Judge Curiel for His Mexican Heritage. Fusion outlined “every time that Trump said that Curiel could not be impartial in the case precisely because of his Mexican heritage.”


Trump Claimed The Mother Of A Fallen Muslim Soldier Did Not Speak At The Democratic Nation Convention Because “Maybe She Wasn’t Allowed To Have Anything To Say, You Tell Me.” “Donald J. Trump belittled the parents of a slain Muslim soldier who had strongly denounced Mr. Trump during the Democratic National Convention, saying that the soldier’s father had delivered the entire speech because his mother was not ‘allowed’ to speak…But, he added, ‘If you look at his wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say, she probably — maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say, you tell me.’” [New York Times, 7/30/16; This Week, ABC, 7/31/16]


Donald Trump: “I Refuse To Call Megyn Kelly A ‘Bimbo,’ Because That Would Not Be Politically Correct. Instead I Will Only Call Her A Lightweight Reporter!” [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 1/27/16]

Donald Trump Retweeted Several People Calling Kelly a “Bimbo:”herehere and here.


2015: Trump Said He Didn’t Know Whether President Obama Was Actually Born In The US. “Donald Trump says he’s still not convinced President Obama was born in America, but that he’s not interested in rehashing the issue. ‘I don’t know. I really don’t know,’ the 2016 Republican presidential candidate told CNN when asked on Thursday. ‘I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.’” [The Hill, 7/9/15]

USA Today: Trump “Was Perhaps The Most Prominent Voice Of The ‘Birther’ Movement.” “Trump has been an outspoken critic of President Obama and was perhaps the most prominent voice of the ‘birther’ movement, which asserted, erroneously, that Obama was not a natural-born U.S. citizen. On Monday, he took a shot at the newest entrant to the 2016 Republican field, Jeb Bush, tweeting: ‘Do we really need another Bush in the White House — we have had enough of them.’ If there’s one thing Trump brings to the 2016 campaign, it’s confidence. ‘I’m the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far,’ he told The Des Moines Register in a recent interview.” [USA Today, 6/16/15]


In an ABC interview, Trump Said Clinton Didn’t Have a Presidential Look. “I just don’t think she has a presidential look. And you need a presidential look. You have to get the job done,” Trump said. [ABC, 9/5/16]

Donald Trump Reportedly Said “Does She [Clinton] Look Presidential, Fellas? Give Me A Break.” “CLEVELAND — TRUMP on Clinton: “Does she look presidential, fellas? Give me a break.”” [Kevin Cirilli, Twitter, 9/5/16]

Trump: “In Effect, She’s Pledging To Abolish The Law Making Powers Of Congress And Assume The Powers Of An Imperial Leader. She’s Not An Imperial Leader, Is She? I Don’t Think So. She Doesn’t Even Look Presidential To Me.” TRUMP: “Beyond that, she’s pledged to add another executive amnesty in violation of both congressional law and the United States constitution. These actions from Hillary Clinton will trigger a crises greater than almost anything we’ve seen. This will be a constitutional crisis like we haven’t seen in our country. In effect, she’s pledging to abolish the law making powers of congress and assume the powers of an imperial leader. She’s not an imperial leader, is she? I don’t think so. She doesn’t even look Presidential to me. She certainly doesn’t.” [Roast N’ Ride, Des Moines IA, 8/27/16]

Trump: “You See Her Walk Onto The State, She Looks Presidential.’ I Don’t Think So. I Think I Look Presidential To Be Honest With You. Honestly, Who Do You Think China Would Be More Concerned In A Negotiation With? Trump Or Hillary?” TRUMP: “These [people] are not like, ‘Oh gee, I think Hillary is so great. She looks so presidential. You see her walk onto the state, she looks presidential.’ I don’t think so. I think I look presidential to be honest with you. Honestly, who do you think China would be more concerned in a negotiation with? Trump or Hillary?” [Trump Campaign Rally, Fort Lauderdale FL, 8/10/16]

Trump Said Hillary Clinton Did Not Look Presidential, But He Did.TRUMP: “Now you tell me she looks presidential, folks. I look presidential. You tell me, you tell me she looks Presidential. They are just watching and they’re looking and boy they’re salivating, they’re salivating, they’re saying that’s what we want, oh, that’s what we want. You know what she did and the lies that she told, over and over again, and her single greatest achievement, because everything she’s touched has turned bad.” [Trump Campaign Rally, Windham NH, 8/6/16]

Trump: “Bad Performance By Crooked Hillary Clinton! Reading Poorly From The Telepromter! She Doesn’t Even Look Presidential!” [@realDonaldTrump, Twitter, 6/2/16]

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Statement on Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Speech


Following Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant speech in Arizona on Wednesday, Hillary for America National Latino Vote Director Lorella Praeli released the following statement:

“In his darkest speech yet, Donald Trump doubled down on his anti-immigrant rhetoric and attempted to divide communities by pitting people against each other and demonizing immigrants. Trump committed to sending a new “Deportation Task Force” into American communities, rescinding the President’s executive actions to protect DREAMers and their families, building a wall that he continues to claim will be paid for by Mexico, and made clear that “Operation Wetback” was not severe enough. The only immigrants allowed in the future are those that pass Donald Trump’s own test of ‘desirability.’

Donald Trump once again showed us that he will continue his decades-long record of divisiveness and campaign of hate by pledging to forcibly remove every single undocumented immigrant from our country. He showed us, very clearly, what’s at stake in this election by painting a picture of his idea of America: one in which immigrants are not welcomed and one in which innocent families are torn apart.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times

Kaine Pens Univision Article

People sing the national anthem during a naturalization ceremony at the World War II Memorial on the National Mall August 25, 2016 in Washington, DC Brendan SmialowskiAFP/Getty Images
People sing the national anthem during a naturalization ceremony at the World War II Memorial on the National Mall August 25, 2016 in Washington, DC Brendan Smialowski AFP/Getty Images

On Wednesday, Univision published an article written by Senator Tim Kaine about immigration and the importance of immigrants in America. Kaine said that the diversity of America should be celebrated because it is part of what makes the country great. He promised that as Vice President, he will work with Hillary Clinton and Congress to pass comprehensive immigrant reform and ensure that families already living here are not broken up by deportation. Kaine criticized Donald Trump’s approach to immigration and his divisive language when describing immigrants. Kaine says he sees things differently. Immigrants are proud to become citizens. “I see that first-hand whenever I visit a naturalization service. I’ve heard many immigrants share their moving stories about what inspired them to become Americans, and I’ve watched as each one raised their right hand and was sworn in as a naturalized citizen,” he said. Read the full article below or by clicking HERE.

Earlier this summer, I had a chance to meet with the Orellanas, a family from Bolivia who made a home in Virginia. Wilson Orellana works for a company providing transportation for Americans with disabilities, and his wife, Roxana is an active community member who teaches Spanish to children and helps lead the local middle school’s PTA. Their two daughters, Rebeca and Marisol, worked hard in school, and Rebeca is now an engineering honors student in college.

They’re rightly proud of the life they have built for themselves. But as we spoke, they told me how terrified they were that their family would be torn apart because of their mixed status.

The Orellanas are one of so many families in America that were eligible for President Obama’s executive actions on immigration – Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA). Rebeca, who arrived in America as a child, is protected from deportation and able to pursue her dreams thanks to DACA. But for Wilson and Roxana, who wanted to stop living in fear, and more fully participate in our society, the future remains uncertain.

When we met, they were anxiously awaiting the Supreme Court’s decision on DAPA. Hillary and I believe that President Obama was well within his legal authority when he issued these actions. But now, unfortunately, the Supreme Court’s deadlocked ruling has thrown millions of families like the Orellanas back into uncertainty.

We should be doing everything we can to keep families like theirs together – not threatening them with deportation or breaking them apart. After all, they’re our friends, neighbors and classmates. They enrich our communities and contribute to our economy.

Hillary Clinton and I will continue to defend DACA and DAPA, and we’ll do everything possible under the law create a straightforward system for folks with sympathetic cases to make their case and be eligible for deferred action too.

These policies are critical, but we know that to truly fix our broken immigration system we need to pass comprehensive immigration reform. The majority of Americans support comprehensive reform not just because it’s the right thing to do – but because they know it will also strengthen our families, our economy, and our country.

We’ve waited long enough. In our first 100 days in office, Hillary and I will put comprehensive reform legislation before Congress that will include a pathway to citizenship, better border security, and addressing family visa backlog. It will enable our country to be what it’s always been – a place where people from around the world can come to start new businesses, pursue their dreams, apply their talents to American growth and innovation.

This is a very different approach than what Donald Trump has proposed. Not only does he not support comprehensive reform, but he’s threatened to send out a deportation force to round up 16 million people and kick them out of our country. Donald looks at immigrants and calls them “rapists” and “murderers.” And he even supports ending birthright citizenship – one of the basic American principles that if you’re born here, you belong here.

When I was in law school, I took a year off to volunteer in El Progreso, Honduras as a Jesuit missionary. The local community embraced me, and the values I learned from my Honduran community are the same values I see in our Latino community here in America: faith, family and hard work.

These are the very same values that built this nation. In America, we don’t build walls – we build bridges. Our shared values bring us together, and make us stronger. So we must not allow Donald Trump to create a false image of immigrants, and tear down everything this country stands for.

I see that first-hand whenever I visit a naturalization service. I’ve heard many immigrants share their moving stories about what inspired them to become Americans, and I’ve watched as each one raised their right hand and was sworn in as a naturalized citizen. Let me tell you – it’s one of the most powerful things I’ve ever seen. Hearing them always brings a smile to my face and a tear to every eye in the room. Anybody who loves America that much deserves to be here.

There’s a saying I learned in Honduras: Adelante, no atrás.

We need to go forward, not backward.

We have our work cut out for us, but if Hillary and I have the honor of serving as your President and Vice President, we’ll keep pressing forward – not backward – and keep fighting to make the American Dream a reality for everyone.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Univision

John Podesta on Trump’s Meeting with President Nieto


Hillary for America Chair John Podesta released the following information after Donald Trump’s meeting with Mexican President Peña Nieto.

Update (8/31): After reports that the Mexican President refused to pay for Trump’s wall, John Podesta added, “It turns out Trump didn’t just choke, he got beat in the room and lied about it.”

“Donald Trump has made his outlandish policy of forcing Mexico to pay for his giant wall the centerpiece of his campaign. But at the first opportunity to make good on his offensive campaign promises, Trump choked. What we saw today from a man who claims to be the ultimate ‘deal maker’ is that he doesn’t have the courage to advocate for his campaign promises when he’s not in front of a friendly crowd. We know who he is. After today’s trip, we still know where Trump stands: an immigration plan that would deport 16 million people, end birthright citizenship, repeal DACA/DAPA and build a $25 billion wall and stick the American taxpayers with the bill.”


Trump: “We’re Going To Build The Wall And Mexico Is Going To Pay For The Wall, Believe Me, One Hundred Percent. Believe Me. That’ll Be Very Easy. That Will Be Very, Very Easy. Politicians Think We’re Joking, We Don’t Joke. We Don’t Joke.” TRUMP: “We’re going to build the wall and Mexico is going to pay for the wall, believe me, one hundred percent. Believe me. That’ll be very easy. That will be very, very easy. Politicians think we’re joking, we don’t joke. We don’t joke. This is a movement. This is a movement, and movements don’t joke. Believe me. It’s getting worse now as thousands of recent border crossers are being relocated to the State of Virginia, and you don’t know who they are, you don’t know where they come from.” [Trump Campaign Rally, Fredericksburg VA, 8/20/16; VIDEO 33:34]

Trump: “We’re Going To Build The Wall. That Wall Will Go Up So Fast, Your Head Will Spin. And You’ll Say, ‘You Know, He Meant It.’ And You Know What Else I Mean? Mexico Is Going To Pay For The Wall.” “Responding to chants of ‘Build that wall,’ Trump assured the crowd that he would seal the southern border, a plan that is popular among his overwhelmingly white loyalists but offensive to many Latinos and Asians whose votes he needs in Colorado, Nevada and Florida. ‘Don’t worry. We’re going to build the wall,’ he said. ‘That wall will go up so fast, your head will spin. And you’ll say, “You know, he meant it.” And you know what else I mean? Mexico is going to pay for the wall.’” [Los Angeles Times, 8/22/16]


Trump On What He Would Do If Mexico Would Not Pay For A Wall: “I Don’t Mind Trade Wars.” BLITZER: “If the — if the Mexicans don’t pay for the wall, will you start a trade war with Mexico?” TRUMP: “Well, you know, I don’t mind trade wars when we’re losing $58 billion a year, you want to know the truth. We’re losing so much. We’re losing so much with Mexico and China — with China, we’re losing $500 billion a year. And then people say, ‘don’t we want to trade?’ I don’t mind trading, but I don’t want to lose $500 billion. I don’t want to lose $58 billion.” [Republican Primary Debate, Houston TX, 2/25/16]

Trump Suggested He Would Be Willing To Cut Off Trade With Mexico If They Did Not Pay For The Border Wall. TRUMP: “We have a trade deficit with Mexico, $58 billion a year.  The wall is going to cost approximately $10 billion.  Believe me, they will pay in one form or another–” MATTHEWS: “If not — or else what?… So we cut off Japan, we cut off — this is the — this is your strategy in every case.  We could walk, no more trade with Mexico.”  TRUMP: “You have to always– Oh, absolutely.” MATTHEWS: “No more troops in Europe.” TRUMP:  “And by the way, when I say no more trade, once you — once they know that you are really willing to go that extra length, there will always be trade, but we’ll make good deals.  We’re making the worst trade deals.” MATTHEWS: “Yeah, but the bottom line is always we walk.” TRUMP: “You have to be able to walk, yes.  It’s unlikely that you’ll have to, but you have to be able to walk.” [MSNBC Town Hall, MSNBC, Green Bay WI, 3/30/16; VIDEO 00:58:41]


Trump On Whether He Would Go To War With Mexico To Make Them Pay For The Wall: “When I Rejuvenate Our Military, Mexico’s Not Going To Be Playing With Us With War, That I Can Tell You.” WOODWARD: “If they say no, would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?” TRUMP: “Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico’s not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn’t playing with us with war. Look, I have great relationships with the Mexican people. Look, you can see I’m winning every single poll in these primaries when they go out, when the polls come back with Hispanics. I have thousands of Hispanics that work for me and tens of thousands that have worked for me over the years.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 3/9/16]

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Statement on Trump’s Meeting with President Peña Nieto

Hillary_for_America_2016_logo.svgOn Wednesday, Donald Trump met with Mexican President Peña Nieto. Trump has been critical of Mexico and Mexican immigrants since he launched his campaign. Hillary for America Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri released the following statement:

“From the first days of his campaign, Donald Trump has painted Mexicans as ‘rapists’ and criminals and has promised to deport 16 million people, including children and U.S. citizens. He has said we should force Mexico to pay for his giant border wall.  He has said we should ban remittances to families in Mexico if Mexico doesn’t pay up. What ultimately matters is what Donald Trump says to voters in Arizona, not Mexico, and whether he remains committed to the splitting up of families and deportation of millions.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.