Hillary Clinton Campaigns with Michelle Obama in North Carolina


Hillary Clinton campaigned with First Lady Michelle Obama in Winston Salem, North Carolina where they spoke to a crowd of over 10,000 supporters. Clinton spoke first about a number of platform points geared toward women including ensuring equal pay and paid family leave. She also attacked Donald Trump for his comments about and actions toward women saying, “I wish I didn’t have to say this, but indeed dignity and respect for women and girls is also on the ballot this election.”

Clinton then turned the microphone over to Obama who spoke about the importance of the election and voting for Clinton and other Democrats across the country. Most importantly, she stressed the importance of voting against Trump, although she never mentioned him by name. As Hillary said, the stakes in this election could not be more clear. This election is about something much bigger. This is about our children…. With every action we take, with every word we utter, we think about the millions of children watching us….. And why every day we try to be the kind of politicians that children deserve.” She concluded her speech by encouraging everyone to vote on November 8th or to take advantage of North Carolina’s early voting. Watch a video from the event below.

While in the area, Clinton made a surprise stop in Greensboro where she spoke with voters in line waiting to vote. North Carolina offers early voting, and Clinton stopped and visited with several of them. Clinton was pleased by the turnout saying, “Early voting is really all about you. We’re going to have the biggest vote ever in North Carolina if all of you come out and vote.”


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The News & Observer, Winston Salem Journal, USA Today

Hillary Clinton Speaks During Sunday Services at Charlotte Church


On Sunday, Hillary Clinton spent the day in Charlotte, North Carolina. Clinton had planned on visiting Charlotte a week ago, but due to the unrest in the city and limited resources, Mayor Jennifer Roberts asked that she delay her trip until local authorities had a better handle on the situation. The protests in the city followed the death of Keith Lamont Scott who was shot by a Charlotte police officer. A video of Scott’s encounter with police was released by the police department earlier this week.

In Charlotte, Clinton spoke during Sunday morning church services at Little Rock AME Zion Church today. She spoke about the need for additional police training to ensure situations are deescalated. She also spoke about a number of her plans such as criminal justice reform and reducing the cost of higher education, both she said would benefit the African American community and end the “so-called school to prison pipeline.” She also criticized Donald Trump’s tone deaf response to shootings such as the one in Charlotte. Before she completed her remarks, Clinton invited Zionna Oliphant, a local fourth-grader, to join her. Oliphant recently spoke about race relations in Charlotte before the City Council. Clinton said, “Protecting all of God’s children is our calling.” While in Charlotte, Clinton also met with with local officials. A video of Clinton’s remarks is below.

Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday, Senator Cory Booker spoke at a fundraiser on behalf of Hillary for America.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times, Politico, WSOCTV, Fox 8, Time Warner Cable News, The Charlotte Observer

Clinton Visits Keota, Iowa


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton visited the small town of Keota, Iowa. She was in town because of three students at the local high school. As part of a class project, they wrote the presidential candidates asking them to visit the school to discuss the issues. While Clinton was no the first to visit the school, she is the first front-runner to answer the girls’ request. Clinton spoke to a group of 700 in a town that has a population of about 1,000. During the town hall, she spoke briefly then took questions from the audience. She answered questions on a wide variety of topics including school funding, being bullied, and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. A full video from the event is below.

While in Iowa today, Clinton also attended an event at Fairfield’s Community Arts Center and met privately with campaign volunteers in Bettendorf. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC Chicago, The Des Moines Register (2)