Hillary Clinton Endorsed by The Los Angeles Times


Yesterday, The Los Angeles Times Editorial Board published their endorsement of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in Tuesday’s Democratic primary in California. The primary reason for their endorsement is that Clinton’s experience and political acumen make her better prepared to go up against Republican nominee Donald Trump. They also argued that Clinton’s plans are more practical, and her background and history of working with both Democrats and Republicans suggests that she will be better at accomplishing her plans as president.

The board said that Clinton is better prepared than Sanders to be president saying, “But Clinton is not only more knowledgeable about domestic and international affairs than Sanders, but also more likely to achieve objectives they have in common. Her speech last week on foreign policy in San Diego  — in which she skillfully skewered Trump for his ignorance and recklessness — was a reminder of the breadth of her understanding of international affairs. On domestic policy, her positions on issues such as healthcare and financial regulation are less utopian than what Sanders has proposed but also more realistic.”

The board did have several positive comments about Sanders saying that he has done a great job getting the attention of voters and shining the spotlight on a number of important issues. But the board concludes, “Voters in California’s Democratic primary owe a debt of gratitude to Bernie Sanders for a campaign that has emphasized issues that otherwise might have been ignored. But they should cast their votes for Hillary Clinton.” Read the full editorial HERE.

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News Source: The Los Angeles Times