Hillary Clinton Meets with Bipartisan Group of National Security Officials


On Friday, Hillary Clinton convened a group of bipartisan National Security experts to discuss a number of global issues. The key focus of the group’s discussion was defeating ISIS and combating terrorism. Following the meeting, Clinton held a press briefing during which she spoke about the importance of Republicans and Democrats working together on issues of national security. She also criticized Donald Trump saying that the experts she has spoken with are “chilled” by what Trump has said and proposed. A video of Clinton’s remarks is below as is a release from Hillary for America about the meeting, including list of those who attended.

Hillary Clinton today brought together a bipartisan group of distinguished national security officials to discuss the challenges our next commander-in-chief will face. Today’s conversation, which focused largely on defeating ISIS and the global network of terrorism, gave Clinton the opportunity to discuss these crucial issues with a wide range of experts with different background and diverse perspectives – something she has always been deeply committed to and will continue to seek as president.

Clinton said, “We won’t always see eye to eye, but when it comes to questions of war, peace and the safety of our country, we can’t let party affiliations stand between us. We need to put partisanship aside and work together for the good of all of us. I know we can do it. I have seen it happen under both Republican and Democratic presidents. That will be my goal if I am elected this fall.”

Clinton added, “National security experts on both sides of the aisle are chilled by what they’re hearing from the Republican nominee. That may be the number one reason why this election is the most important in our lifetime. So I’m not waiting until November, I’m bringing Democrats and Republicans together now because I plan to get right down to work on Day One. The stakes are too high, and the issues too serious for anything less than that level of preparedness. Americans should be able to count on their president and Commander-in-Chief to provide rational, confident and even keeled leadership, especially in tumultuous times like these so I’m very grateful to the men and women that I met with today — experts with a broad range of understanding and willingness to share their insights– and I look forward to receiving their advice in the days and weeks ahead.”

Today’s conversation included a wide range of experts, including nonpartisan military leaders as well as top national security officials who served under both Democratic and Republican administrations.

Working Session Participants:

  • General John Allen, USMC (ret.), former Special Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS, former Commander of the International Security Assistance Force and U.S. Forces Afghanistan (via videoconference)
  • Rand Beers, former Deputy Homeland Security Advisor and former Acting Secretary of Homeland Security
  • Daniel Benjamin, Former Ambassador-at-large and Coordinator for Counterterrorism at the U.S. Department of State
  • Ambassador Reuben Brigety, Former U.S. Ambassador to the AU, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
  • Secretary Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of Homeland Security
  • Richard Fontaine, former foreign policy advisor to Senator John McCain
  • Chris Fussell, former Aide-de-Camp to then-Lieutenant General Stanley McChrystal at the Joint Special Operations Command, former Navy Seal
  • Kathleen Hicks, former Principal Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Forces
  • Juliette Kayyem, former Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs at the Department of Homeland Security
  • Michael Morell, former Acting Director and Deputy Director of the CIA
  • Secretary Janet Napolitano, former Secretary of Homeland Security (via videoconference)
  • Matt Olsen, former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)
  • General David Petraeus, USA (ret.), former Director of the CIA, former Commander of the International Security Assistance Force and U.S. Forces Afghanistan (via videoconference)
  • Admiral James Stavridis, USN (ret.), former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO (via videoconference)
  • Vikram Singh, Former Deputy Assistant secretary of Defense for South and Southeast Asia
  • Michael Vickers, former Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence

This morning, the campaign also rolled out an updated list of 110 retired generals and admirals who have endorsed Hillary Clinton as the only candidate in this race prepared to be commander-in-chief, 15 of whom came out in the 48 hours after the Commander-In-Chief Forum.

Clinton is honored by the overwhelming support of those who have served our country and looks forward to continuing these important national security discussions with bipartisan leaders in the coming months. In a new Hillary for America television ad released today, Hillary Clinton makes the case that the “Only Way” we solve problems is bringing people together like she did today.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, CNN

Ninety-Five Retired Generals and Admirals Endorse Hillary Clinton


Update (9/9/2016): Make that 110 generals. Following the Commander-in-Chief Forum, fifteen retired generals and admirals added their names to a growing list of military personnel supporting Clinton. The additional endorsement are from:

  1. Edwin Leland, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  2. Norman Seip, Lieutenant General, USAF (ret)
  3. Peter Cooke, Major General, USAR (ret)
  4. Randy Manner, Major General, USA (ret)
  5. John Phillips, Major General, USAF (ret)
  6. Christopher Cole, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  7. Joe Sestak, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  8. Roosevelt Barfield, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  9. LeAnne Burch, Brigadier General, USAR (ret)
  10. Tom King, Brigadier General, USA-NG (ret)
  11. Ronald Rokosz, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  12. John Schuster, Brigadier General, USAR (ret)
  13. Paul Gregory Smith, Brigadier General, USA-NG (ret)
  14. George Walls, Brigadier General, USMC (ret)
  15. Gretchen Herbert, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)

In addition, two of the retired generals released the following statements:

Major General (ret.) Peter Cooke, USAF – “Anytime anyone states says that generals are rubbish or an individual is not a hero because he or she was captured I find it appalling. I am a citizen soldier with 39 years of military experience. Donald Trump has a lack of knowledge on everything from force structure to NATO to our alliances and partnerships. I’m proud to support Secretary Clinton.”

Major General (ret.) John Phillips, USAF – “Secretary Clinton has demonstrated the ability to conduct foreign affairs and achieve the objectives and goals of the United States. She has an incredible ability to engage with the international community and to build new partnerships and strengthen existing ones with our allies. I want a president with the ability to focus on the issues at hand that are the most important for the American people and that person is Hillary Clinton.”

On Monday, Hillary for America announced that Hillary Clinton has received the endorsement of 95 retired generals and admirals. HFA released the following:

Hillary for America announced that 95 retired Generals and Admirals, including a number of 4-Star Generals, have officially endorsed Hillary Clinton for president and Commander-in-Chief. Clinton is getting the backing of more senior military service members and former officials with command and management experience than any non-incumbent Democrat due to her proven record of diplomacy and steady leadership on the world stage. She will make her case tonight at the Commander-in-Chief Forum presented by NBC and the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, lacks the knowledge, stability and values to be Commander-in-Chief. According to yesterday’s media reports, Trump has received more than 400 fewer endorsements than Mitt Romney received – 88 to Romney’s 500.

Today, General Lloyd “Fig” Newton, a 4-Star General and America’s first African-American Thunderbird pilot, joined his fellow military service members and released a statement endorsing Hillary Clinton for President:

“I was privileged to serve my country for 34 plus years — my entire adult life — in the United States Air Force. Growing up in South Carolina, respect for individual liberties and the right for every person to vote was taught to me at an early age and it is of the utmost importance to me today. These fundamental rights are why I served and care so deeply about our great nation. Given the challenges we face around the world today, and the rhetoric we are hearing from some at home, I feel I have a moral imperative to come forth and endorse Secretary Hillary Clinton for President. This is not about Democrat or Republican, this is about who is best qualified to lead the country in this complex world we live in. Hillary Clinton is the only candidate that has the experience, temperament, critical thinking and level-headed leadership to keep America safe and our partnerships strong. She has my vote in November.”

Hillary for America released the following list of service members who have officially endorsed:

  1. John Nathman, Admiral, USN (ret)*
  2. John Allen, General, USMC (ret)
  3. Wesley Clark, General, USA (ret)
  4. David Maddox, General, USA (ret)
  5. Lloyd Newton, General, USAF (ret)*
  6. Robert Sennewald, General, USA (ret)
  7. Johnnie Wilson, General, USA (ret)
  8. Edward Baca, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  9. Joseph Ballard, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  10. Julius Becton, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  11. John Castellaw, Lieutenant General, USMC (ret)
  12. Dan Christman, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  13. Al Edmonds, Lieutenant General, USAF (ret)
  14. Robert Gard, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  15. Walter Gaskin, Lieutenant General, USMC (ret)
  16. Arlen Jameson, Lieutenant General, USAF (ret)
  17. Claudia Kennedy, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  18. Don Kerrick, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  19. John Morgan, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)
  20. David Proythress, Lieutenant General, USA-NG (ret)
  21. Dale Vesser, Lieutenant General, USA (ret)*
  22. Willie Williams, Lieutenant General, USMC (ret)
  23. Donald Arthur, Vice Admiral, USN (ret)
  24. Sally Brice-O’Hara, Vice Admiral, USCG (ret)
  25. Kevin Green, Vice Admiral, USN (ret)
  26. Bruce Grooms, Vice Admiral, USN (ret)
  27. Anthony Winns, Vice Admiral, USN (ret)
  28. Wallace Arnold, Major General, USA (ret)
  29. Juan Ayala, Major General, USMC (ret)
  30. Donna Barbisch, Major General, USA (ret)
  31. Roger Blunt, Major General, USA (ret)*
  32. Harry Brooks, Major General, USA (ret)
  33. George Buskirk, Major General, USA-NG (ret)
  34. Paul Eaton, Major General, USA (ret)
  35. Mari K. Eder, Major General, USA (ret)
  36. Irving Halter, Major General, USAF (ret)
  37. Marcelite Harris, Major General, USAF (ret)
  38. Jerry Harrison, Major General, USA (ret)
  39. James Klugh, Major General, USA (ret)
  40. Dennis Laich, Major General, USAR (ret)
  41. Fred Leigh, Major General, USA (ret)
  42. Don Loranger, Major General, USAF (ret)
  43. Paul Monroe, Major General, USA-NG (ret)
  44. Melvyn Montaño, Major General, USA-NG (ret)
  45. Robert Nabors, Major General, USA (ret)
  46. Eric Olson, Major General, USA (ret)
  47. Terese “Marne” Peterson, Major General, USAF (ret)*
  48. Dana Pittard. Major General, USA (ret)
  49. Gale Pollock, Major General, USA (ret)
  50. Arnold Punaro, Major General, USMC (ret)
  51. Antonio Taguba, Major General, USA (ret)
  52. Abe Turner, Major General, USA (ret)
  53. Charles Williams, Major General, USA (ret)
  54. Margaret Woodward, Major General, USAF (ret)
  55. Ralph Wooten, Major General, USA (ret)
  56. Stephen Glass, Rear Admiral, USNR (ret)
  57. Jan Hamby, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  58. John Hutson, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  59. Dave Oliver, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  60. Stuart Platt, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  61. Paul Rosser, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  62. Alan Steinman, Rear Admiral, USCG (ret)
  63. Dick Young, Rear Admiral, USNR (ret)*
  64. Clara Adams-Ender, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  65. Bruce Berwick, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  66. David Brahms, Brigadier General, USMC (ret)
  67. Stephen Cheney, Brigadier General, USMC (ret)
  68. Julia Cleckley, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  69. John Douglass, Brigadier General, USAF (ret)
  70. Michael Dunn, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  71. Evelyn Foote, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  72. Lawrence Gillespie, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  73. Judy Griego, Brigadier General, ANG (ret)
  74. David Irvine, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  75. John Johns, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  76. Keith Kerr, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  77. Phil Leventis, Brigadier General, ANG (ret)
  78. David McGinnis, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  79. Donald Scott, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  80. Earl Simms, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  81. James Smith, Brigadier General, USAF (ret)
  82. Steve Stephens, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  83. Loree Sutton, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  84. James Throwe, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  85. Robin Umberg, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  86. John Watkins, Brigadier General, USAF (ret)
  87. Marianne Watson, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  88. Daniel Woodward, Brigadier General, USAF (ret)
  89. Stephen Xenakis, Brigadier General, USA (ret)
  90. Jamie Barnett, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  91. Jay DeLoach, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  92. Gene Kendall, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  93. Deborah Loewer, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  94. Glen Phillips, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)
  95. Michael Smith, Rear Admiral, USN (ret)

* Previously unannounced

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