Hillary Clinton Returns to Wisconsin Ahead of Tuesday’s Primary


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton returned to Wisconsin where she held a Get Out the Vote event at the Lismore Hotel in Eau Claire. During her speech, Clinton spoke about a number of her platform points including jobs, higher education, and health care, but she tailored the points to specific Wisconsin issues. She criticized Republican governor and former presidential candidate Scott Walker for undoing years of progress in the state saying, But there was something else I learned as I got older, how Wisconsin was such a pioneer, a pioneer in making progress on behalf of working people, a pioneer in an idea … Wisconsin understood before most of rest of country did that economy and higher education were linked. I admire that. (I’m) disheartened to see the dismantling of so many pieces of what made Wisconsin not just a great state to live in and a great state to work in, but an example for so many others.” A video from today’s event is below.

In the evening, both Democratic presidential candidates, Clinton and Bernie Sanders, spoke at the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s 2016 Founders Day gala in Milwaukee. During Clinton’s speech, she not only focused on her presidential run, but the importance of getting Democrats elected at the local level in Wisconsin. Again, she called out Governor Walker for a number of his policies and criticized the appointment of Rebecca Bradley to the state Supreme Court. Bradley has been criticized for her stance on a number of issues and Clinton said, “There is no place on any Supreme Court or any court in this country, no place at all for Rebecca Bradley’s decades-long track record of dangerous rhetoric against women, survivors of sexual assault and the LGBT community.” A full video from the event is available on C-SPAN.

Also appearing in Wisconsin on behalf of Hillary for America was Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards. She spoke with supporters on the campus of University of Wisconsin-Madison. Meanwhile, a fundraiser hosted by Susannah Gray and Michael John Williams was held in Washington, Connecticut. The fundraiser featured an appearance by Foreign Policy Advisor Daniel Kurtz-Phelan. A second fundraiser was held in Boston, Massachusetts. The fundraiser featured an appearance by Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Fox 6, CNN, Appleton Post-Crescent

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Wisconsin


On Monday, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail following a brief break for Easter. She began a two day trip to Wisconsin before their April 5 primary. In Madison, Clinton spoke to supporters at the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus where she focused her speech on the Supreme Court. She urged the Senate to stop playing politics and hold confirmation hearings for President Barack Obama’s choice of Merrick Garland for the court. She criticized Republican Senators for bragging about blocking the nomination and she urged voters to contact Sen. Ron Johnson and urge him to follow the Constitution. Clinton spoke about the importance of the Supreme Court and how the 2016 election could change the court for decades to come and affect such issues as immigration reform, abortion rights, climate change, voting rights, and campaign finance. A video of her speech is below.

Clinton then spoke at an Organizing Event held at Mary Ryan Boys and Girls Club in Milwaukee. During the event, she spoke about a number of her platform points including health care. But the topic she focused on was higher education. She said her plan to make college more affordable would include an increase in grants and the expansion of the work study program. Students receiving federal aid would be required to work on campus ten hours a week. She criticized the plan of Democratic rival Bernie Sanders saying, “Here’s the problem [with Sander’s plan], I don’t believe we should be asking you to pay taxes to send Donald Trump’s kids to college for free. I think if you’re wealthy you should pay for college yourself, and we should focus on middle class and poor families.”

Before her events in Wisconsin, Clinton attended a fundraiser in Chicago, Illinois. The event was held at the home of JoAnne Cicchelli and Bill Singer and hosted by Jane and Bob Clark, Raj Fernando, Linda and Jeff Hammes, and David Rosen. Meanwhile in New York City, a fundraiser was hosted featuring Chef Marianna Morrison and Campaign Chair John Podesta. The event was hosted by Ambassador Gabriel Guerra-Mondragón.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WDJT, Newsweek, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Clinton Visits Ohio and Wisconsin

b99574409z.1_20150910192340_000_g8qchja8.1-0On Thursday, Hillary Rodham Clinton made two appearances at Women for Hillary organizational rallies. The first was in Columbus, Ohio where she talked about women’s issues and her pledge to defend Planned Parenthood. In a clear reference to presidential candidate Donald Trump, she told the crowd of 500 that she was looking forward to debating “one particular candidate who just seems to delight in insulting women every chance he gets.” A full video of the speech is below (we apologize for the quality, and it will be replaced when/if another video is made available).

Her second stop was in Wisconsin, her first visit to the state since launching her presidential campaign. The event was held at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where she focused on labor issue, and in particular, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s stance against unions. Clinton attacked Walker, now a Republican presidential candidate, saying, “What happens when you’re a proud union member and you have a governor who wants to drive you out?” She pledged her support for labor unions across Wisconsin and the country. A video from tonight’s event will be posted when/if available.

Next week, Clinton will appear on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

UPDATE (9/22): Added video from Wisconsin event.

News Source: The Columbus Dispatch, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel