Unique Lives & Experiences

Monday, June 2, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton Unique Lives and Experiences

Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at a Unique Lives & Experiences event in the Denver, Colorado area. After delivering a brief speech, a moderator asked a number of questions. Topics covered include her upcoming book Hard Choices, 2016, and the trade of five Taliban Guantanamo Bay prisoners for the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. She defended the exchange saying, “This young man, whatever the circumstances, was an American citizen — is an American citizen — was serving in our military. The idea that you really care for your own citizens and particularly those in uniform, I think is a very noble one.”

While Clinton was in Denver, she also toured Intertech Plastics and spoke with members of management to discuss youth employment.

No video from the event is currently available, but one will be posted when/if one becomes available.

News Source: Washington Post

Photo Source: Denver Post