Clinton Pens an Open Letter to Latina Millennials


POPSUGAR published the following message from Hillary Clinton:

An Open Letter to Latina Millennials From Hillary Clinton
By Hillary Clinton
October 7, 2016

As Hispanic Heritage Month comes to a close, I want to take the opportunity to say thank you to the amazing, inspiring young Latinas I’ve met as I’ve crossed the country for this campaign.

Your generation is unlike any that has come before. You’re growing up at a time when you have an incredible opportunity to write our nation’s next chapter. Many of you are the first in your family to go to college or own your own business. You’re the daughters of trailblazers who broke barriers so you could pursue your dreams. You’re activists, entrepreneurs, and dreamers, and you know what it means to work hard and never let anything get in your way.

From actors like Gina Rodriguez to DREAMers like Larissa Martinez, the high school valedictorian who came out as undocumented in her graduation speech, each of you is building the legacy we celebrate this month. And you’re doing it by writing your own story.

But despite all your hard work and success, there are still too many barriers holding you back. I see Latina students trying to get a college education, slammed with rising tuition costs and student debt. I see entrepreneurs eager to start new businesses, navigating too much red tape. I see mothers balancing work and family as best you can, but still struggling to find safe, affordable childcare.


More and more women are the breadwinners in families across America, yet on average Latinas make 55 cents for every dollar a white man makes. We need to update our policies to match how families live and work today. Let’s close that pay gap, raise the minimum wage, guarantee paid family leave, and make childcare available to every family.

We’ll put in motion a plan I created with Bernie Sanders to make college tuition-free for working families and debt-free for all families. If you already have student loans, we’ll help you refinance them or defer them to start a business. The number of Latina-owned small businesses has more than tripled in the last twenty years. That’s amazing. We should be doing more to support Latina entrepreneurs, because you’re a big force for economic growth.

And I will fight to pass comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship. This is a goal whose time has long since come. I know many families are disappointed that we haven’t achieved it yet — I am too. But we can’t give up or become resigned. We need to stand together and fight to get this done, for as long as it takes. And if I’m elected, I’m going to make this a top priority of my presidency.

When I listen to Latinas talk about your culture, the importance of family stands out. You tell me that when someone in your family succeeds, everyone succeeds. When someone is struggling, you all come together to help them. To me, this is the definition of community. And I want our country to start thinking this way too. That’s what I mean when I say that we’re stronger together.

And I think we need to spread that message far and wide, especially now. Because this election has left a lot of people feeling anxious or scared. I hear it everywhere I go. We’ve seen the rise of a presidential candidate who began his campaign by declaring that Mexicans are rapists and murderers. He said a distinguished federal judge couldn’t be trusted to do his job because of his Mexican heritage. And he derided Alicia Machado, a former Miss Universe and new American citizen, calling her “Miss Housekeeping” because she’s Latina.

So much of his rhetoric is full of prejudice and paranoia. So I understand why so many young people tell me they wonder if our country even sees their value — as Latinos, as Latinas, as Americans.

So let me be clear. Whether you’re Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Afro-Latino . . . whether your family just arrived or has been here since before the United States even existed . . . you make our nation stronger, smarter, and more creative. You belong. And millions of your fellow Americans respect, value, and appreciate you. I am one of them.

This is your chance — your chance to shape America’s future, your chance to stand up to racism and exclusion and say, “This is my country too.” So let’s stand together.

Millennials make up nearly half of Latino eligible voters in this election. This is your chance — your chance to shape America’s future, your chance to stand up to racism and exclusion and say, “This is my country too.” So let’s stand together. Let’s show the world once and for all that, in America, love always trumps hate.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: POPSUGAR

Trump Campaign Attempts to Mislead on Immigration Plan


Hillary for America Campaign Manager Robby Mook responded to the Trump campaigns attempts to gloss over Donald Trump’s plan to deport 16 million people with the following statement:

“Donald Trump has stated very clearly throughout his campaign that he will deport everyone who is undocumented, something that was reinforced in his speech in Arizona last Wednesday. Beyond forcibly removing every single undocumented person from this country, Trump has also promised to rescind DACA and DAPA, and deport American citizens who are born to undocumented immigrant parents. What we saw today is Mike Pence and Trump’s top campaign officials attempt to mislead voters about their mass deportation policy by using soft words to describe harsh tactics – one of the oldest tricks in the book. Immigrant families know the meanings of ‘humane’ and ‘fair’ and can see straight through their cynical ploys. Trump’s message to immigrant families is clear: everyone must go.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Politico

HFA Statement on Trump’s Plan to Deport Every Undocumented Immigrant


Hillary for America Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri released the following statement reacting to Donald Trump’s plan to deport undocumented immigrants:

“Donald Trump reinforced today that he would deport 16 million people, including every undocumented immigrant and American citizens born here to undocumented parents.  Confirming what we’ve seen from the start of his campaign: Donald Trump will be Donald Trump. No one can change his hateful rhetoric or dangerous policies to send a deportation force into American communities, rescind DACA and DAPA, end birthright citizenship, and even ban remittances to families in Mexico in order to help build his giant wall. He may try to disguise his plans by throwing in words like “humane”  or ” fair,” but the reality remains that Trump’s agenda echoes the extreme right’s will–one that is fueling a dangerous movement of hatred across the country.

Enough is enough. Donald Trump must stop playing games with the lives of law-abiding immigrant families in order to save his campaign. These are families who contribute to the greatness of our country and that need a President who will fight to keep them together–not someone who will denigrate them and tear them apart.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Statement On Trump’s Immigration Meeting


Hillary for America Chair John Podesta released a statement responding to the meeting Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee held. A copy of the statement is below:

“We believe the RNC official in the room, the campaign’s statement after the meeting and the candidate himself that Donald Trump’s immigration plan remains the same as it’s always been: tear apart families and deport 16 million people from the United States. One need look no further for confirmation than Donald Trump’s own words and the TV ad released on Friday that’s being lauded by white supremacists.”

RNC Official:

Breitbart: RNC Official at Trump’s Hispanic Meeting Debunks False BuzzFeed, Univision Reports that Donald Succumbed to Amnesty Activists

Trump campaign statement: 

“Mr. Trump said nothing today that he hasn’t said many times before, including in his convention speech—enforce our immigration laws, uphold the Constitution and be fair and humane while putting American workers first.  Today’s conversation was productive and enlightening, and Mr. Trump looks forward to speaking with these leaders again soon and often.” — Steven Cheung, Trump Campaign

Donald Trump’s Own Words:


Trump: “You’re Going To Have A Deportation Force, And You’re Going To Do It Humanely.” “‘But still tell me the how. Are you going to have a massive deportation force?’ Brzezinski asked. Trump responded affirmatively: ‘You’re going to have a deportation force, and you’re going to do it humanely, and you’re going to bring the country — and, frankly, the people, because you have some excellent, wonderful people, some fantastic people that have been here for a long period of time.’” [Washington Post, 11/11/15]

Trump: “It’s Not Only Deportation. It’s Building A Wall And I Mean A Real Wall… But It’s Going To Be Done In A Very Humane Fashion. People Will Have To Go Out, They Are Illegal Immigrants.. They Have To Go Out And They Have To Come Back Legally.” TRUMP: “Well first of all, it’s not only deportation. It’s building a wall and I mean a real wall. Mexico will pay for the wall. Most politicians wouldn’t understand how you go about doing that. It will happen. It’s basically quite simple. But it’s going to be done in a very humane fashion. People will have to go out, they are illegal immigrants, they came in illegally. They have to go out and they have to come back legally. Bret, there will be a deportation, and hopefully they’ll be able to come back into the country.” [Special Report with Bret Baier, Fox News, 11/12/15]

Trump: “You Can Do It On A Humane Basis… Good Ones Can Come Back, But They Have To Go Through A Process” A “Long Process.” TRUMP: “And you can do it on a humane basis. You can do it on a basis where it works. And they come back — good ones can come back, but they have to go through a process. We have million of people wanting to get into the country and they are doing it legally, and they’re going through this long process, and it’s really unfair to them also.” [Mornings With Maria, Fox Business, 11/6/15]

Trump Said Undocumented Immigrants Who Were Rounded Up Were “Going To Be Happy Because They Want To Be Legalized… I Know It Doesn’t Sound Nice, But Not Everything Is Nice, Somebody Has To Do It.” SCOTT PELLEY: “Let’s assume your wall has gone up.” DONALD TRUMP: “Good.” SCOTT PELLEY: “Eleven, twelve million illegal immigrants—” DONALD TRUMP: “Or whatever the number is.” SCOTT PELLEY: “Still in the country, what do you do?” DONALD TRUMP: “If they’ve done well, they’re going out and they’re coming back in legally. Because you said it—” SCOTT PELLEY: “You’re rounding them all up?” DONALD TRUMP: “We’re rounding them up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. And they’re going to be happy because they want to be legalized. And, by the way, I know it doesn’t sound nice, but not everything is nice, somebody has to do it.” SCOTT PELLEY: “It doesn’t sound practical.” DONALD TRUMP: “It is practical. It’s going to work. They have to come here legally. And, you know, when I talk about the wall, and I said it before, we’re going to have a tremendous, beautiful, wide-open door. Nice big door. We want people to come into the country.” [60 Minutes, CBS, 9/27/15]


Trump Compared His “Humane” Mass Deportation Plans To Operation Wetback, Saying Eisenhower Did This In The 1950s “And It Worked.” “Trump made his affinity for Operation Wetback clear during an interview with CBS’s Scott Pelley in September. Speaking on 60 Minutes Overtime, Pelley asked Trump to explain his plans for curbing illegal immigration. ‘We’re rounding them up in a very humane way, a very nice way,’ Trump said, as he has expressed before. ‘What does that roundup look like to you?’ Pelley pressed. ‘How does it work? Are you going to have cops going door-to-door?’ Trump interjected: ‘Did you like Eisenhower? Did you like Dwight Eisenhower as a president at all?’ ‘He did this,’ the presidential candidate said. ‘He did this in the 1950s with over a million people, and a lot of people don’t know that…and it worked.’” [Washington Post, 11/11/15]

  • HEADLINE: “Donald Trump’s ‘Humane’ 1950s Model For Deportation, ‘Operation Wetback’, Was Anything But.”[Washington Post, 11/11/15]Trump Argued That There Was A Precedent For Mass Deportation Because Eisenhower Did So In The 1950s.TRUMP: “Well, we’re on the same side of it. You know if you back to the early 1950s, Dwight Eisenhower, and I made that point during the debate, he took out in terms of illegal immigration, he felt you had to do it. He was a nice man, a high quality man, but he moved out 1.5 million people and brought them back to where they came from. They were here illegally. I think — it really does have big precedent. We either have a country or we don’t, Sean. We have a country, we have to have borders, we have borders, and we have to have laws. We either have a country or we don’t. It’s that simple.” [Hannity, Fox News, 11/10/15]

Trump On Moving Undocumented Immigrants Out Of The U.S.: “Dwight Eisenhower Had The Exact Same Situation And He Moved Out One And A Half Million People And Very Few People Talked About It And It Was A Tough Situation, But What He Did Is He Did It.” TRUMP: “We’re going to work a plan. You know that in 19 — in an early 1950s, Dwight Eisenhower had the exact same situation and he moved out one and a half million people and very few people talked about it and it was a tough situation, but what he did is he did it. And, you know, I like Ike. The expression is I like Ike. That was his whole campaign. He was the nice guy supposedly. He moved out a million and a half people. And actually, he moved them right up to the border and move them over. They came back. Moved them again, they came back, then he brought them all the way south and they never came back. I mean, you know, it’s a very famous thing. People don’t talk about it.” [Mornings With Maria, 11/6/15]

Trump: “Dwight Eisenhower Moved Over A Million, It’s Actually A Million And A Half People Back In To The South Through The Border Because It Was A Huge Problem. Nobody Ever Mentions It. It Was A Major Operation.” TRUMP: “Very detailed. It’s very detail, then we explain– do you know that Dwight Eisenhower who is a nice general, in the 1950s, do you know that he moved over a million people out and what he did, he brought them to the border and they came right back. Brought them to the boarder, and they came right back. Then what they did is they took them and moved them all the way down south and they never came back. But Dwight Eisenhower moved over a million, it’s actually a million and a half people back in to the south through the border because it was a huge problem. Nobody ever mentions it. It was a major operation, a million and a half people which is maybe the equivalent in those days, and he moved them out because we had a huge problem in the 1950s. Nobody ever talks about it.” [The Today Show, NBC, 10/26/15]

More From Trump:

HuffPo: Donald Trump: Babies Born To Undocumented Immigrants Aren’t U.S. CitizensNot only does Donald Trump support ending birthright citizenship, the real estate mogul now says children born to undocumented immigrants on U.S. soil aren’t American citizens at all. “I don’t think they have American citizenship and if you speak to some very, very good lawyers — and I know some will disagree — but many of them agree with me and you’re going to find they do not have American citizenship. We have to start a process where we take back our country. Our country is going to hell,” Trump said in an interview with CNN on Tuesday night. The current front runner for the Republican presidential nomination added that he wants to “test out” his views in court and that he would ultimately allow “good ones” to apply to return to the U.S. once all undocumented immigrants were deported…There were an estimated 4.5 million U.S.-born children younger than the age of 18 living with at least one undocumented parent in 2012, according to a 2014 Pew Hispanic Center report.

Slate: Trump: Children of Undocumented Immigrants Must be Deported: Deport them all. That seems to be Donald Trump’s nuanced message. All undocumented immigrants must be deported and any children they had while in the country should be kicked out as well. “We’re going to keep the families together, but they have to go,” Trump said on NBC’s Meet the Press. What about the kids who have lived their whole lives in the United States and have nowhere to go? “They have to go,” he said. “We will work with them. They have to go. Chuck, we either have a country, or we don’t have a country.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Wall Street Journal

Hillary Clinton Statement on Texas v. United States


Today, the Supreme Court delivered a deadlocked decision (Texas v. The United States) on a legal challenge to President Barack Obama’s executive orders blocking the deportation of undocumented immigrants and allowing them to seek work permits. The policies, known as DAPA and DACA, would have protected the immigrants and given them a path to citizenship. Hillary Clinton released a statement in response to the court’s decision saying that it is “unacceptable” and that Senate Republicans need to stop stalling and confirm President Obama’s nominee Judge Merrick Garland. Clinton’s full statement is below:

“Today’s deadlocked decision from the Supreme Court is unacceptable, and show us all just how high the stakes are in this election. As I have consistently said, I believe that President Obama acted well within his constitutional and legal authority in issuing the DAPA and DACA executive actions. These are our friends and family members; neighbors and classmates; DREAMers and parents of Americans and lawful permanent residents. They enrich our communities and contribute to our economy every day. We should be doing everything possible under the law to provide them relief from the specter of deportation.

Today’s decision by the Supreme Court is purely procedural and casts no doubt on the fact that DAPA and DACA are entirely within the President’s legal authority. But in addition to throwing millions of families across our country into a state of uncertainty, this decision reminds us how much damage Senate Republicans are doing by refusing to consider President Obama’s nominee to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. Our families and our country need and deserve a full bench, and Senate Republicans need to stop playing political games with our democracy and give Judge Merrick Garland a fair hearing and vote.

This decision is also a stark reminder of the harm Donald Trump would do to our families, our communities, and our country. Trump has pledged to repeal President Obama’s executive actions on his first day in office. He has called Mexican immigrants ‘rapists’ and ‘murderers.’ He has called for creating a deportation force” to tear 11 million people away from their families and their homes.

I believe we are stronger together. When we embrace immigrants, not denigrate them. When we build bridges, not walls. That is why, as president, I will continue to defend DAPA and DACA, and do everything possible under the law to go further to protect families. It is also why I will introduce comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship within my first 100 days. Because when families are strong—America is strong.”

En español:

“La inhabilidad de la Corte Suprema de llegar a una decisión en el caso Texas vs. Estados Unidos hoy es inaceptable y nos confirma la importancia de esta elección. Como he dicho consistentemente, creo que el presidente Obama actuó adecuadamente dentro de su autoridad legal y constitucional al emitir las acciones ejecutivas DAPA y DACA. Estos son nuestros amigos y familiares, vecinos y compañeros de clase; DREAMers y padres de residentes permanentes legales. Ellos enriquecen nuestras comunidades y contribuyen a la economía todos los días. Debemos hacer todo lo posible bajo la Ley para proveerles alivio de la sombras de la deportación. 

La decisión de hoy de la Corte Suprema es puramente procesal y no deja ninguna duda del hecho que DAPA y DACA están totalmente bajo la autoridad legal del presidente. Pero en lugar de echar a millones de familias a través de todo el país en un estado de incertidumbre, esta decisión nos recuerda cuánto daño los senadores republicanos están haciendo al rehusar considerar nombrar la vacante del presidente Obama a la Corte Suprema. Nuestras familias y nuestro país necesitan y merecen que se nombre esa vacante y los senadores republicanos tienen que parar de seguir estos juegos políticos con nuestra democracia y darle al juez Merrick Garland una audiencia justa y un voto.

Esta decisión representa más evidencia de cuánto daño Donald Trump le haría a nuestras familias, nuestras comunidades y nuestro país. Trump se ha comprometido en revocar las acciones ejecutivas del presidente Obama en su primer día de administración. Ha llamado a los inmigrantes mexicanos “violadores” y “asesinos”. Ha enfatizado que creará una “fuerza de deportación” para separar a 11 millones de personas de sus familias y hogares. No podemos permitir un presidente que promueve la intolerancia de esta forma.

Creo que somos más fuertes cuando nos unimos, cuando damos la bienvenida a los inmigrantes, no cuando los degradamos; cuando construimos puentes no murallas. Es por esto que, como presidenta, implementaré fielmente DAPA y DACA y haré todo lo posible bajo la Ley para ir más allá y proteger las familias inmigrantes. Es por esto, también, que introduciré una reforma migratoria integral con un camino a la ciudadanía durante los primeros 100 días de mi administración. Porque cuando las familias están fuertes, el país está fuerte.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: USA Today

Hillary Clinton Statement on the 4th Anniversary of DACA


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton released a statement celebrating the 4th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy that has allowed many DREAMers to complete their education, enter the workforce, and build families. Republican Donald Trump has vowed to end DACA and programs like it thus removing a chance for the children of immigrants and undocumented workers to better themselves and becoming productive citizens. Clinton said that it is vital to our economy to ensure DREAMers are able to build better lives and join the workforce. They deserve that chance because the promise of the United States is that everyone can live up to their full potential. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“Four years ago today, President Obama used his constitutional authority to change the lives of thousands of young people who call America home. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has given DREAMers the freedom to provide for their families, further their educations, and live their lives without fear of being deported from the country they know and love. This policy is good for our economy–and it is true to our values as Americans. We are proud of our heritage as a nation of immigrants. We believe every young person deserves the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential. We know we are stronger together.

This anniversary also reminds us of how high the stakes are in this election. Right now, the United States Supreme Court is set to rule on the recent expansion of DACA and the creation of Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA).  I strongly believe that these executive actions that are rooted in law and precedent will be upheld, but the fate of these policies, and of the millions of people who were impacted by them, will be in the hands of the next President.

If Donald Trump is that president, he has pledged to eliminate DACA and DAPA on day one. He has said he will create a ‘deportation force’ to round up 11 million people. He will tear apart families, separate parents and children, rip young people out of school and workers from their jobs. He has even said he will undermine that most fundamental American value–that if you are born here, no matter who your parents are or where they came from, you are an American.

I believe America is stronger together. When we embrace immigrants, not denigrate them. When we protect families, not tear them apart. When we build bridges, not walls.

It is why I co-sponsored legislation to protect DREAMers throughout my time in the senate as well as legislation to enact comprehensive immigration reform, and it is why I will do everything in my power as president to protect President Obama’s executive actions, go further to provide relief for families, and introduce comprehensive immigration reform with a path to full and equal citizenship within my first 100 days in office.”

En español:

“Hace cuatro años, el presidente Obama usó su autoridad constitucional para cambiar la vida de miles de jóvenes quienes llaman a los Estados Unidos su hogar. La Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA) le ha dado a los DREAMers la libertad para poder mantener a sus familias, continuar su educación y vivir sus vidas sin miedo de ser deportados del país que conocen y aman. Esta política pública es buena para nuestra economía y es fiel a nuestros valores estadounidenses. Estamos orgullosos de nuestro legado como la nación de inmigrantes que somos. Creemos que cada jóven merece la oportunidad de desarrollar el potencial que Dios le ha dado. Sabemos que juntos somos más fuertes.

Este aniversario nos recuerda, además, la importancia de estas elecciones. En este momento, la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos está por deliberar sobre la reciente expansión de DACA y la creación de Acción Diferida para Padres de Ciudadanos Estadounidenses y de Residentes Permanentes Legales (DAPA). Estoy convencida que estas acciones ejecutivas tienen base legal y establecerán un precedente, pero el futuro de estas políticas y el de millones de personas impactadas por ellas, estará en las manos del próximo presidente.

Si Donald Trump es presidente, se ha comprometido a eliminar DACA y DAPA en su primer día. Ha dicho que creará ‘una fuerza de deportación’ para deportar a 11 millones de personas. El destrozaría familias, separaría a padres de sus hijos, removería a jóvenes de las escuelas y trabajadores de sus empleos. Incluso, ha dicho que socavaría el valor estadounidense más fundamental: si naciste aquí, eres estadounidense, no importa quienes son tus padres ni de dónde vinieron.

Creo que los Estados Unidos es más fuerte cuando estamos juntos, cuando acogemos a los inmigrantes, no cuando los denigramos, cuando protegemos a las familias, no las separamos, cuando construimos puentes, no murallas.

Es por esto que copatrociné legislación para proteger a DREAMers durante mi tiempo como senadora, así también legislé para establecer una reforma migratoria integral. Es por esto, que haré todo lo que esté en mi poder como presidenta para proteger las acciones ejecutivas del presidente Obama e iré más allá para proveer alivio a las familias al introducir una reforma migratoria integral con un camino hacia una ciudadanía plena e igualitaria durante los primeros 100 días de mi administración.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News