CGI U – “The Future of Higher Education”

Saturday, March 22, 2014

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Hillary Rodham Clinton opened this afternoon’s live session of the Clinton Global Initiative University on the campus of Arizona State University. Clinton spoke for about fifteen minutes to introduce the event, “The Future of Higher Education: Redefining Learning As We Know It.” She spoke about the importance of higher eduction in America, but also the importance of preparing young people for the job market through the university system and technical training. Clinton stressed the importance of cooperation between students, educational facilities, non-profits, and all levels of government.

The event was streamed live on LiveStream, and WordPress will not allow us to embed the video. However, you may view the event by CLICKING HERE. While Clinton only spoke for a short time, the full video is very informative.

Video Source: LiveStream

CGI U – Opening Remarks

Friday, March 21, 2014

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Last night, Hillary Rodham Clinton introduced opened the 2014 Clinton Global Initiative University by urging college age students to participate. Though she did not participate in the opening session, she took the opportunity to address the college students in attendance and referred to the millennials as the participation generation. Clinton urged young adults participate in the world and work for something they believe in.

The opening session of CGI U was called “The Age of Participation” and included President Bill Clinton and Senator John McCain. The video cannot be embedded into this post; however, you may view it by CLICKING HERE. Clinton’s introduction is the first 10 minutes of the video, but the entire one and half hour session is worth the time.

News Source: San Jose Mercury News

Video Source: LiveStream