Hillary Clinton Launches Onward Together

On Monday, Hillary Clinton announced her next project: a political group called Onward Together. Clinton announced Onward Together on Twitter and in an email blast to her supporters. In the email, Clinton said, “From the Women’s March to airports across the country where communities are welcoming immigrants and refugees to town hall meetings in every community, Americans are speaking out like never before. I believe more fiercely than ever that citizen engagement at every level is central to a strong and vibrant democracy.”

Visiting the website for Onward Together allows supporters to sign up for updates, donate, and read the mission of the newly created group. The mission statement is below:

Onward Together is dedicated to advancing the vision that earned nearly 66 million votes in the last election. By encouraging people to organize, get involved, and run for office, Onward Together will advance progressive values and work to build a brighter future for generations to come.

Citizen engagement at every level is central to a strong and vibrant democracy. In recent months, we’ve seen what’s possible when people come together to resist bullying, hate, falsehoods, and divisiveness, and stand up for a fairer, more inclusive America.

From the Women’s March to airports where communities are welcoming immigrants and refugees to town hall meetings in every community, Americans are speaking up and speaking out like never before.

The challenges we face as a country are real. But there’s no telling what we can achieve if we approach the fights ahead with the passion and determination we feel today, and bring that energy into 2017, 2018, 2020, and beyond.


Visit onwardtogether.org to sign up for updates and donate.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: Politico

Hillary Clinton Attends Signing of New York College Tuition Law

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton joined New York Governor Andrew Cuomo at LaGuardia Community College in Queens where she promoted the state’s new plan to provide free college tuition to in-state students whose family makes less than $100,000 a year. The income threshold to be eligible for free tuition will increase to $125,000 in 2019. The law requires that students who take part in the program to remain residents of New York for a number of years equal to the number of years they took part in the program.

Clinton applauded the plan in brief remarks today, as well as on Twitter. Clinton said, “I am here to today to reinforce what the governor has accomplished. He is absolutely right: education and training are the future.” She also said that the plan is a good framework for other states and the federal government. Clinton added, “Paying for college should not defer or destroy dreams. I’m hoping too that Congress will come to its senses and will understand we don’t need to be building walls, we need to be building bridges. And the best bridge to the future is a good education.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: Democrat & Chronicle, New York Post, ABC News

Podesta Blasts Trump’s Distortion of Reality in Op-Ed

WASHINGTON, DC -- NOVEMBER 9: Former Clinton White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta, being interviewed for Discovery Channel's, "The President's Gatekeepers," November 9, 2012, in Washington, D.C. (Photo by David Hume Kennerly/Getty Images)
(Photo by David Hume Kennerly/Getty Images)

John Podesta, the former chairman of Hillary for America, published an op-ed in The Washington Post attacking President Donald Trump for his continued distortion of the facts and attacks on the media. In the piece, Podesta calls out Trump for calling anything that does not portray him in the best light “fake news.” He has said this about poll numbers, his businesses, his connections to Russia, and any of his nominees. Podesta calls Trump’s attacks on the media “dangerous” as he is trying to turn people against the media and the political system. “He’s not just trying to spin the bad news of the day; all politicians do that. He seeks nothing less than to undermine the public’s belief that any news can be trusted, that any news is true, that there is any fixed reality,” he says. Read the full op-ed HERE.

Follow Podesta on Twitter @johnpodesta.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post

Podesta Speaks Out About Email Hack

PITTSBURGH, PA - NOVEMBER 04:  John Podesta, campaign chairman for Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, looks on during a campaign rally at The Great Hall at Heinz Field on November 4, 2016 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. With less than a week to go until election day, Hillary Clinton is campaigning in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan.  (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
PITTSBURGH, PA – NOVEMBER 04: John Podesta, campaign chairman for Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, looks on during a campaign rally at The Great Hall at Heinz Field on November 4, 2016 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

John Podesta, the former chairman for Hillary for America, was interviewed by Tech Crunch about the election, and specifically the hacking of his Gmail account and the emails of the Democratic National Committee shortly before the election in November. The emails from the DNC and Podesta were then posted on WikiLeaks. US intelligence agencies traced the hacking back to Russia, and the hack was one of the issues that plagued the Clinton campaign in the weeks leading up to the election.

In the interview, Podesta spoke about the hacking and the failure of the FBI to properly investigate. “I think to this day it’s inexplicable that they were so casual about the investigation of the Russian penetration of the DNC emails. They didn’t even bother to send an agent to the DNC; they left a couple of messages at the IT help desk saying, ‘You might want to be careful.’ There are at least forces within the FBI that wanted her to lose,” he said. Podesta also discusses the failures of the campaign and the rise of fake news. Read the full interview HERE. Follow Podesta on Twitter @johnpodesta.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: Tech Crunch

Hillary Clinton Condemns Trump’s Immigration Ban

Hilary Clinton and Bill Clinton attend The Nearness Of You Benefit Concert at Jazz at Lincoln Center on January 25, 2017 in New York City.
Hilary Clinton and Bill Clinton attend The Nearness Of You Benefit Concert at Jazz at Lincoln Center on January 25, 2017 in New York City.

After President Donald Trump signed an executive order suspending the entry of refugees and blocking entry of immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries, Hillary Clinton tweeted that the order “is not who we are.” The order was signed on Friday and blocks the entry of refugees from all countries for 90 days, but bars Syrian refugees indefinitely. The immigration ban in the order applies to seven countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. The ban has been condemned by US officials, members of Congress from both parties, the international community, and many in the public with demonstrations being held at major airports. On Saturday, a federal judge halted the deportation of immigrants and refugees who were detained at US airports after the ACLU sued the Trump administration.

Meanwhile, Clinton attended a fundraising event at Columbia University in New York on Wednesday. The event was held to raise money for cancer research. The two primary researchers at the university are themselves immigrants: Dr. Azra Raza is from Pakistan and Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee is from India. The executive order has been condemned by the scientific community because it could block researchers from entering the United States to continue or begin new research. While the federal judge did block some deportations, many of the order’s provisions remain in effect.

Update: Chelsea Clinton tweeted photos from one of the protests in New York City.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: Stat News, The Washington Post, The New York Times

Chelsea Clinton Interviewed by Refinery29


Earlier this month, Chelsea Clinton was interviewed by Refinery29. It is her first interview since her mother, Hillary Clinton, lost the presidential election to Donald Trump in November. In the interview, Chelsea talks about the work the Clinton Foundation continues to do, but the main discussion was about how her mother’s supporters should move forward after the election. Chelsea said, “Everything we believed before the election, we still believe. Everything we worked so hard for, we have to continue to work hard for. It requires engagement in our own communities.”

Chelsea recommended that everyone step up by subscribing to reliable news organizations, taking part in peaceful demonstrations such as the Women’s March, and that everyone donate to organizations that are likely to suffer during the Trump administration such as Planned Parenthood. She said that no matter how we are feeling, whether we are hopeful or angry, we should turn those feelings into actions. “Use those emotions to engage and organize and advocate to protect and advance what you think matters most. Whether that’s combatting climate change, or protecting women’s rights, fighting against gun violence, or advocating for LGBTQ equality,” she said. Read the full article HERE.

Chelsea is also still very active on Twitter, and you can follow her @ChelseaClinton.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow the Clintons on Twitter @HillaryClinton, @billclinton, and @ChelseaClinton. You can also follow Hillary on Facebook and Instagram.

News Source: Refinery29

Hillary Clinton Attends Inauguration to “Honor our Democracy”


Former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton attended the inauguration of Donald Trump today. After losing the electoral college vote to Trump in the general election, Clinton posted on Twitter this morning that she was attending the inauguration to “honor our democracy & its enduring values.” She and Bill were joined by two other former presidents and their wives: George W. and Laura Bush and Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter.

Later, the Clintons attended the inaugural luncheon where Trump recognized them saying, “There is something that I wanted to say: Because I was very honored – very very honored – when I heard that President Bill Clinton and Secretary Hillary Clinton was coming today. And I think it’s appropriate to say… I’d like you to stand up. Honestly, there’s nothing more I can because I have a lot of respect for those two people.” Everyone in the room gave the Clintons a standing ovation before Trump continued his brief remarks.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, CNN

Hillary Clinton Thanks Volunteers and Supporters in Conference Call


On Friday evening, Hillary Clinton held a conference call with supporters and campaign volunteers to thank them for their hard work and dedication during the campaign. Clinton said that while the loss was tough, we can still fight for the causes we believe in going forward. She urged everyone not to give up and to stay involved in the process. A recording from the call is below as well as an address where you can send thank you cards or letters to Clinton.

Hillary Rodham Clinton
PO Box 5256
New York, NY 10185-5256

As she said in the call, this is not the end. There is still a lot of work to be done. Follow Hillary, Bill, Chelsea, Senator Tim Kaine, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Senator Elizabeth Warren on Twitter and the Democratic Party on Twitter and Facebook. You can also donate to the Democratic Party and support organizations that will need our support such as Planned Parenthood. Write to your Congressional Representative and Senator when they back something you do not agree with and show your support when they support something that you do as well. We still have a lot to fight for!

News Source: SoundCloud

Chelsea Clinton Campaigns in Philadelphia Area


On Sunday, Chelsea Clinton campaigned on behalf of her mother at five events in Pennsylvania. The events were in the vicinity of Philadelphia and included stops in Chester, Morton, West Chester, Norristown, and Elkins Park. At each event, Chelsea spoke with supporters and volunteers, and she outlined several points of Hillary Clinton’s platform. Chelsea’s primary concern was ensuring that everyone votes on Tuesday and that the volunteers knock on as many doors and make as many phone calls as possible between now and then. “I know that if we keep rooting this election in what really is at stake – for or families – or communities our country we will win,” she said. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

Meanwhile, in Miami, Florida, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. The event featured a conversation with Cher.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Fox 29

The Choice Is Clear: Hillary’s Vision for An America That Is Hopeful and Inclusive


On Thursday in North Carolina, Hillary Clinton continued to make her closing argument for the presidency, outlining her record of championing the interests of people of color throughout her career–in contrast with Donald Trump’s history of racial discrimination and divisive rhetoric. Throughout her professional life and candidacy, Hillary has pledged to take on social injustice, including systemic racism and sexism. If elected president, Hillary has vowed to pass end-to-end criminal justice reform and implement common sense gun reform, priorities of great concern to communities of color.

Trump, on the other hand, has throughout his life and this campaign repeatedly instilled division and hate–from championing the racist birther movement and courting conspiracy theorists, to calling for a deportation force for immigrant families and banning Muslims.

Long before Trump ran for president, he was sued by the Department of Justice for racial discrimination at his family’s housing developments in Brooklyn and Queens–in addition to discrimination at properties in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Norfolk, Virginia. Federal investigators were told that Trump employees would mark applications of prospective renters with “C” for “colored” and refused to rent to African Americans. At her event in Winterville today, Mae Brown Wiggins, a registered nurse who was turned away from an apartment Trump managed because of her skin color, introduced Hillary, describing the impact Trump’s actions had on her life.

Years later, in the 1980’s, Trump took out full-page ads in four newspapers calling for the death penalty for a group of black and Latino teenagers who were wrongly convicted of a crime, some as young as 14 years old. Just recently, Trump doubled down on his view that the five men, who were exonerated based on DNA evidence, are still guilty and should go to jail. Trump’s refusal to accept the evidence and admit he was wrong about the Central Park 5 is deeply disturbing, and continues to exacerbate deep and painful wounds borne by the men and their families.

The choice is clear. Americans deserve a president who believes Americans are stronger together, not one whose dark and divisive vision is fundamentally at odds with who we are as Americans.

As the presidential election draws to a close, here’s a recap of Trump’s pattern of discrimination and divisiveness:

A History of Housing Discrimination

  • Trump was twice sued by the Department of Justice for discrimination in housing.
  • Despite Trump’s claim that many companies were sued for discrimination when he was, the truth is that Fred and Donald Trump’s violation of the law was so egregious that the case made against them was “one of the strongest
  • At the first presidential debate, Trump admitted he was sued for housing discrimination saying, “we settled… it was very easy.”
  • Trump’s real estate company had a disturbing practice of marking applications from black families with the letter “‘C’, for ‘Colored.
  • A Trump building manager had the rental application of a black woman and was instructed to “‘Take the application and put it in a drawer and leave it there,’ Mr. Leibowitz, now 88, recalled in an interview.”
  • The N-word was used Trump offices and Donald was reportedly was in the room when it happened.
  • Black families made up a tiny percentage of renters in Trump-owned buildings.

Trump vs. Central Park 5

  • Trump paid for a racially provocative ad calling on New York lawmakers to reinstate the death penalty for five teenage Latino and African American men who were wrongfully accused of raping a woman.
  • Trump refused to acknowledge the innocence of The Central Park 5 even after their 2014 exoneration.

The Birtherism Conspiracy Theory

  • Trump led the birther movement in an attempt to delegitimize America’s first black president
  • Trump continued pushing his birtherism theory to delegitimize President Barack Obama every Trump’s conspiracy theory: President Obama is a Muslim and rendered ineligible for the presidency because he was born in Kenya.
  • When asked what he would say to people of color who were hurt by his remarks Trump repeatedly said, “I say nothing.

Trump’s Hateful Rhetoric

  • Trump has failed to appropriately disavow racists and white supremacists like David Duke supporting his campaign.
  • Trump said African Americans have “nothing to lose” by voting for him because: “You’re living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs.”
  • Trump continues to ignore history and disparage black Americans, saying the African American community is in the worst shape “ever, ever, ever” and African Americans in cities are “living in hell” and living in “war zones.”
  • Trump retweeted “racially loaded” and “wildly inaccurate” statistics claiming Blacks were responsible for 81 percent of White homicides.

Hateful Movements

  • Trump’s campaign shared an anti-Semitic image on his twitter that first appeared on white supremacist websites.
  • Trump has received an outpouring of support from hate movements like the alt-right.
  • White Supremacists used Trump’s candidacy as a recruiting tool.
  • White Supremacists and Klan members supported Trump, comparing his views to their views.
  • David Duke said Trump has “Made it OK to talk about these incredible concerns of European Americans today, because I think European Americans know they are the only group that can’t defend their own essential interests and their point of view.
  • “Virginia KKK Leader Endorses Trump: ‘What He Believes In, We Believe In.’”
  • Trump on being supported by White Supremacists: “A lot of people like me.”

More Discrimination in Trump Organization

  • Trump Plaza was fined $200,000 for shuffling Black and female dealers away from a high-rollers table to accommodate the preferences of patron and “reputed mob figure” Robert LiButti.
  • Trump Marina was fined for requesting non-Black driver.
  • When Trump came to his casino, Black people were allegedly ordered off the floor, according to a former employee in a report by The New Yorker.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.