HFA Statement on Trump’s Comments about the Election


Hillary for America Campaign Manager Robby Mook offered the following statement in response to Donald Trump’s tweets and statements about the election:

“Campaigns should be hard-fought and elections hard-won, but what is fundamental about the American electoral system is that it is free, fair and open to the people. Participation in the system—and particularly voting—should be encouraged, not dismissed or undermined because a candidate is afraid he’s going to lose. This election will have record turnout, because voters see through Donald Trump’s shameful attempts to undermine an election weeks before it happens.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Unveils National Service Plan at Florida Events


Hillary Clinton held two rallies in Florida today with the first being in Fort Pierce. While Clinton spoke about a number of her key platform points, she introduced a new plan focused on expanding national service opportunities. She said that the plan will appeal to younger adults just out of college saying, “Studies have shown that millennials are particularly interested in volunteerism and are looking for ways to contribute to their communities. Applications to AmeriCorps positions are five times greater than the current number of slots available and the Peace Corps has seen a 32 percent increase in applications compared to the previous year.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

In Coral Springs, Clinton held a rally where she continued to tout her national service plan along with her broad platform. Clinton also went after Republican Donald Trump for his attacks on former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, calling a series of early morning Tweets attacking Machado “unhinged, even for him.” She then spoke about Trump’s lack of preparation for Monday night’s debate saying, “Did any of you see the debate the other night? Well, I think that it was pretty clear that there are two very different choices for our country based on two very different visions of the kind of America that we want to have. You know, my view is that we are already great and if we work together we will become even greater in the years ahead.” A video from the Coral Spring event is below.

While Clinton spoke at length about her plan for a National Service Reserve at both events, The Briefing released full details of the plan today as well. An outline of the plan is below:

  • Enable local and state leaders to activate highly-motivated and well-trained volunteers to address the most pressing issues in the community
  • Provide reservists with the opportunity to earn special certification for 50, 100, and 250 hours of service per year
  • Work with employers to encourage them to support employees in the Reserve through initiatives like volunteer time off
  • Draw on new AmeriCorps members to recruit, train, and lead the Reserve
  • Dramatically expand year-long service positions, with the vision that every person who wants to serve full-time can do so
  • Engage returning veterans as well as Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, and other national service alumni in the Reserve as a way for them to continue to contribute to the common good
  • Expand service opportunities for encore: Clinton wants to expand service opportunities for all Americans throughout their lives, with a special focus on people over age 55
  • Grow Peace Corps to create additional opportunities for Americans to serve in countries around the world

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Briefing, Palm Beach Post, CBS Miami, ABC 10

20 Questions Trump Is Avoiding


Earlier this week, Hillary Clinton’s Twitter feed included a series of 20 questions for Donald Trump following the release of a Newsweek cover story. Today, Hillary for America released the following requesting answers to those questions:

This week has brought a string of revelations about foreign business entanglements that would create actual conflicts of interest for Donald Trump were he to become president. They’re a reminder of why Trump’s utter lack of transparency and disclosure have become an urgent concern with just over 50 days left in this election.

On a call with reporters yesterday, Hillary for America chair John Podesta called on Trump to disclose all information related to his foreign investments and business dealings, divest his holdings in the Trump Organization to remove these troubling conflicts of interest, and release his tax returns to meet the basic threshold for transparency.

“If Trump is only willing to release information that makes him look good,” Podesta asked, “what else is he hiding?”

Hillary Clinton has 20 questions for Donald Trump, which he is avoiding by not holding a press conference in Washington, D.C. this morning.

This week’s report offers a disturbing preview of the foreign entanglements that could influence Donald Trump, should voters make the grave mistake of electing him president. We now know that over the course of decades, The Trump Organization has been financially involved in more than a dozen countries on five continents — including Russia, Ukraine, Libya, Turkey, China, and Brazil. These new revelations also bring greater urgency to the need for Trump to release his tax returns, so the American people can see his sources of income and what influences he might be subject to.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

First Lady Michelle Obama Campaigns for Hillary in Virginia


On Friday, First Lady Michelle Obama hit the campaign trail in support of Hillary Clinton. Speaking at a campaign event in Fairfax, Virginia, the First Lady spoke about Hillary Clinton’s experience as a public servant saying that, “No one in our lifetime has ever had as much experience and exposure to the presidency.” Obama also went after Donald Trump saying that the United States cannot afford his policies or his divisive attitude. She said that this election is extremely important adding, “So, we can not afford squander this opportunity, particularly given the alternative. Because here is what we know: That being president isn’t anything like reality TV. It is not about sending insulting tweets or making fiery speeches.” A video of Obama’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Time, ABC News

Clinton Campaign Releases Spanish Twitter Account, Website

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Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced the launch of a new campaign Twitter account in Spanish. The campaign had published Spanish tweets under the standard account, but the campaign explained in a statement that having a dedicated account and website in Spanish will help reach those for whom English is their second language. A copy of the statement from the campaign is below.

“Here’s a fact: Over 40 million people speak Spanish in the United States. Hillary Clinton understands that our country’s diversity and multiculturalism is one of America’s greatest strength. That’s why today Hillary for America launched a Spanish-language Twitter account, @Hillary_esp, to ensure that Clinton’s message is more easily accessible to more communities across America. Earlier this week, the campaign also launched a revamped website in Spanish, as well as a bilingual voter registration tool.

Some may try to silence the Latino community or try to divide our nation with hateful rhetoric– but here at Hillary for America we value tolerance, inclusivity and diversity. And that’s the spirit behind @Hillary_esp.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.