Hillary Clinton Speaks During Sunday Services at Charlotte Church


On Sunday, Hillary Clinton spent the day in Charlotte, North Carolina. Clinton had planned on visiting Charlotte a week ago, but due to the unrest in the city and limited resources, Mayor Jennifer Roberts asked that she delay her trip until local authorities had a better handle on the situation. The protests in the city followed the death of Keith Lamont Scott who was shot by a Charlotte police officer. A video of Scott’s encounter with police was released by the police department earlier this week.

In Charlotte, Clinton spoke during Sunday morning church services at Little Rock AME Zion Church today. She spoke about the need for additional police training to ensure situations are deescalated. She also spoke about a number of her plans such as criminal justice reform and reducing the cost of higher education, both she said would benefit the African American community and end the “so-called school to prison pipeline.” She also criticized Donald Trump’s tone deaf response to shootings such as the one in Charlotte. Before she completed her remarks, Clinton invited Zionna Oliphant, a local fourth-grader, to join her. Oliphant recently spoke about race relations in Charlotte before the City Council. Clinton said, “Protecting all of God’s children is our calling.” While in Charlotte, Clinton also met with with local officials. A video of Clinton’s remarks is below.

Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday, Senator Cory Booker spoke at a fundraiser on behalf of Hillary for America.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times, Politico, WSOCTV, Fox 8, Time Warner Cable News, The Charlotte Observer

Clinton Returns to Iowa – Day 1

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton began her second visit to Iowa since launching her presidential campaign. She continued to focus on small events and spent the afternoon with a group of about 60 Democratic activists from around the state. As president, Clinton vowed to fight more for the American family and workers saying, “We need to get back into the habit of actually rewarding workers with increases in their paychecks for the increases in productivity and profitability that they have helped achieve.”

Tomorrow, Clinton continues her trip to Iowa in Cedar Falls where she will meet with small business owners. Follow all the updates from Iowa on Clinton’s Twitter and Facebook accounts as well as the Hillary for Iowa Twitter account. And don’t forget to donate to the campaign.

News Source: The Des Moines Register

Clinton on the Road to Iowa

Just hours after announcing her formal campaign, Clinton Tweeted a photo with a family she met while on her way to Iowa. Her first event in Iowa is on Tuesday because tomorrow will be driving day…that’s right, Clinton is literally taking her campaign on the road. Clinton will meet with everyday Americans along the route and when she arrives in Iowa. This is part of a grassroots strategy to focus on the American people.

Follow along on Twitter and don’t forget to support Hillary for America.