Clinton Talks Technical Education in South Carolina

ap_clinton_lb_150617_16x9_992Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to South Carolina where she gave a speech at Trident Technical College in North Charleston where the focus on her speech was on technical education. She said that technical colleges have a reputation that is often unfair as they teach vital skills to our economy. Clinton said that she would propose a $1500 tax credit for businesses who offer apprenticeship programs.

She said that her primary focus is going to be on those who are struggling financially. Clinton said that is hoping to work with Republicans to help those who are struggling. She said, “I want to ask my Republican friends, and I had a lot of them when I was in the Senate, to think hard about how we can invest in the people who need it most.”

Clinton rolling out her platform as she attends events across the country. She outlined her “four fights” last weekend in New York, and she continues to provide details about specific policies she intends to roll out if elected.

Tomorrow, Clinton will be in Reno and Las Vegas, Nevada. Be sure to follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, ABC NewsNBC 2