Hillary Clinton Statement on Amalgamated Transit Union Endorsement


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the Amalgamated Transit Union on Wednesday. In a release, ATU International President Larry Hanley said that Clinton is the clear choice in the election because of her dedication to working Americans. He said, “Secretary Clinton’s rallying cry – Stronger Together – is an expression of the fundamental principle that has guided the labor movement’s historic work delivering momentous improvements in Americans’ lives. Similarly, there is so much President Hillary Clinton and all of us will be able to accomplish together.” Clinton responded to the group’s endorsement with the following statement:

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the Amalgamated Transit Union.

For more than a hundred years, ATU members have kept our cities running, powering our urban economies and helping countless people get to and from work every day. Along the way, they helped build the American middle class by fighting for fair wages, good benefits, and safe working conditions.

As President, I will proudly stand with ATU as we work to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, and make the minimum wage a living wage. We’ll invest in building 21st century infrastructure, including transit infrastructure, and make sure that our transit systems are designed to actually connect working people to jobs and economic opportunity. And we will protect the rights and dignity of all Americans–because we know that we are stronger together.

The stakes in this election could not be higher for working people. Donald Trump stood on a debate stage and said that wages are “too high” in this country. He opposes policies that would make it easier for people to balance work and family, including paid family leave and ensuring pay for women. He personally hired a union-busting firm to keep workers at his hotel in Las Vegas from organizing. Donald Trump is wrong for workers and he’s wrong for America.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Amalgamated Transit Union

Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Transport Workers Union


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the Transport Workers Union of America. In a statement, the union said that they endorsed Clinton because of her “dedication to ensuring working people have a voice against corporate America and her plan to invest billions in the country’s infrastructure.” Clinton released a statement saying that she is honored to have earned the union’s endorsement and, as president, she will fight to ensure the rights of unions and work to improve the country’s infrastructure. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the Transport Workers Union.

Every day, members of the TWU keep America on the move—driving our buses and trains, flying our planes, and keeping our communities safe and healthy. For decades, transport workers have helped power our economy and keep families connected. And along the way, they’ve helped build the American middle class, standing up for workers’ rights and fighting for the respect they deserve.

As President, I will always stand with the TWU in the fight to protect workers’ fundamental rights to organize, bargain collectively, be safe on the job, and retire with dignity and security after years of hard work. We will make the kinds of investments that grow the economy for everyone, including building 21st century roads, transit systems, and airports. In my first 100 days in office, I will put forward a plan to make the most ambitious investments in our infrastructure since the Interstate Highway System. And I will make sure workers always have a seat at the table and a champion in the White House.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Transport Workers Union