Chelsea Clinton Campaigns in Michigan


Chelsea Clinton returned to Michigan on Saturday where she spoke for about half an hour about the importance of voting in Muskegon. Chelsea spoke about a number of Hillary Clinton’s platform points including her plans to create new jobs, invest in manufacturing, and make college more affordable. She then took questions from the audience and was asked about a variety of topics including her reaction to the Black Lives Matter movement. Chelsea said that her mother has plans to reform the criminal justice system including updating the three strikes rule and minimum sentencing. “If we only focus on criminal justice reform, we’re not doing enough,” she said. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

In Battle Creek, Chelsea spoke about Hillary’s dedication to ensuring equality in the United States. She said that her mother has plans to protect the rights of women, workers, minorities, and the LGBTQ community. At both events, Chelsea urged everyone to vote on November 8th saying that the stakes of this election are very high for everyone in America interested in seeing the progress of the last eight years continued. She asked voters to head to the polls on election day or to take advantage of early voting. A partial video of the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Michigan Live, Detroit News

Clinton, Trump Clash on Policy at Final Debate


On Wednesday night, presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump faced off for their final debate before the election on November 8th. The debate was moderated by Fox News’ Chris Wallace, who did a pretty good job of keeping the candidates on topic. The topics covered at the debate included debt, entitlements, immigration, the economy, the Supreme Court, foreign hot spots, and “fitness to be president.” While each candidate took shots at each other, Clinton outlined a number of her proposals. Each candidate wrapped up the final debate with a one-minute closing statement. Clinton asked for America’s vote saying:

“Well, I would like to say to everyone watching tonight that I’m reaching out to all Americans — Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. Because we need everybody to help make our country what it should be. To grow the economy, to make it fairer, to make it work for everyone. We need your talents, your skills, your commitment, your energy, your ambition. You know, I’ve been privileged to see the presidency up close and I know the awesome responsibility of protecting our country and the incredible opportunity of working to try to make life better for all of you. I have made the cause of children and families really my life’s work — that’s what my mission will be in the presidency. I will stand up for families against powerful interests, against corporations. I will do everything I can to make sure you have good jobs with rising incomes, that your kids have good educations from preschool through college. I hope you will give me a chance to serve as your president.”

While pundits will argue who won and who lost last night’s debate, what is important is who you feel will best represent you. This political cycle has become more about personality and less about the issues at stake. Both candidates have outlined a series of policies they believe are important to them and that says a lot about their beliefs. What is key is that on November 8, you have a choice. You have a voice at the ballot box and make sure it is heard. Vote.

Watch a video replay of the debate below. And more importantly, VOTE on November 8th.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times, The Washington Post, NBC News, CBS News, Fox News, CNN, Las Vegas Sun, NPR, The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, ABC News, PBS, The Washington Post, Politico, Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic, Romper

How to Watch: The Final Presidential Debate


Tonight, presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will face off in the final debate before the election on November 8th. Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, the third debate will be moderated by Fox News’s Chris Wallace and will focus on debt, entitlements, immigration, the economy, the Supreme Court, foreign hot spots, and “fitness to be president.” The debate will begin at 9 pm ET and will be available live on most major television networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Fox, MSNBC, Fox News, CNBC, CNN, Univision, Telemundo, C-SPAN). There will also be a number of live stream options including CBSN, YouTube, Twitter, and the Wall Street Journal. A live stream of the debate is available below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Vox

Hillary Clinton Bids Farewell to “The Toast”


On Friday, the website The Toast posted its final articles before shutting down. The site has been a champion of a number of topics including feminism, religion, and sexism. Hillary Clinton was clearly a fan of the site as one of the site’s final posts today was a letter from Clinton thanking the blog’s readers for their loyalty and the writers for their work. In the letter, Clinton tells them to “keep giving them hell” before concluding “we’re counting on you.” You can read the full letter below or on the website HERE.

Dear readers,

I know that today is the final day of The Toast, and I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what this space — and spaces like it — mean for women.

In nearly every industry, from publishing to scientific research, women have had to forge their own paths against overwhelming odds and less-than-friendly welcomes. When I arrived in the Senate in 2001, I was one of just 13 women, and I remember how thankful I was for my female colleagues on both sides of the aisle. My friend Barbara Mikulski famously started a tradition of dinner parties for all the women of the Senate. Over a glass of wine — okay, maybe three — we’d give each other support, advice, and highly relevant tips to navigate being in such an extreme minority.

I’ve always had great admiration for women like Barb who take it upon themselves to create spaces where women can speak their minds freely. With this site, Mallory, Nicole and Nikki did the same for so many women — and they made us laugh and think along the way.

I’m looking forward to seeing what they — and the many great writers who’ve contributed to The Toast — do next. (At least two are working for my campaign!) As we look back at what this site has meant to so many of you, I hope you’ll also look forward and consider how you might make your voice heard in whatever arenas matter most to you. Speak your opinion more fervently in your classes if you’re a student, or at meetings in your workplace. Proudly take credit for your ideas. Have confidence in the value of your contributions. And if the space you’re in doesn’t have room for your voice, don’t be afraid to carve out a space of your own. You never know — you might just be the next Nicole Cliffe, Mallory Ortberg or Nikki Chung.

Thank you, and as my friend Barb would say — keep giving them hell. We’re counting on you.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: USA Today, The Toast