Clinton Campaign Releases New Series of Videos

Over the past week, Hillary for America has released a series of videos, many of which go after Donald Trump for his policies and gaffes. One video, titled “Trump’s Bad Week,” only covers events from the week of August 1. Other videos released include a review of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine’s post-convention bus tour and a behind the scenes look at the Democratic National Convention. Several of the videos are embedded into this post. For all the latest videos, be sure to follow Hillary for America and The Briefing on YouTube.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Clinton Campaign Releases Series of Videos During RNC

As the Republicans gathered this week to nominate Donald Trump as their presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton and her team hammered Trump in a series of web videos. In the series, Clinton and her allies go after Trump’s running mate Governor Mike Pence, his business practices, and released several videos using his own words to contradict him. The most powerful of the series is a video that includes a series of quotes from Trump praising Clinton over the years. See all the videos from the campaign on the official Hillary Clinton YouTube and The Briefing YouTube channels. Several of the videos are embedded below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Clinton Campaign Responds to Trump’s Selection of Running Mate


On Friday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump announced that he has chosen Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate. The Clinton campaign were ready to strike with a video and release attacking Trump’s choice. The Campaign cited Pence’s stance on LGBTQ rights, immigration reform, women’s rights, and workers’ rights. The campaigns release concludes, “Voters deserve better than the divisive policies and disastrous economic proposals of the Trump and Pence Republican ticket.” Read the full reaction on The Briefing and watch the video below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, The Briefing

Clinton Proposes Universal Health Care

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On Saturday, Hillary Clinton and her campaign released an expansion to her health care plan that provides additional details on how, as president, she would achieve universal health care. Parts of the plan are suggestions from the campaign of former Democratic rival Senator Bernie Sanders. The expanded plan has three primary points:

  1. Work with state governors to expand Medicaid in every state.
  2. Reign in the cost of health care by ensuring low premiums, reforming the prescription drug industry to allow for price negotiations, and capping the maximum out of pocket expenses for a family per year.
  3. Expand Medicare to all Americans 55 years old and older.

In the release, Clinton stresses the importance of insuring all Americans and ensuring that everyone has access to affordable health care, dental and vision care, and affordable prescription drugs. The full plan is available on The Briefing.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS News, The Briefing

Read: Hillary Clinton’s Broad Presidential Platform


Since launching her campaign last April, Hillary Clinton has outlined a number of major platform points in a series of speeches. Now that it it is clear the general election will be Clinton versus Republican Donald Trump, it is important that Clinton continue to deliver substantive speeches and combat a Trump platform that seems to offer no substance or foundation. Clinton’s platform is built on a career of public service and an understanding of domestic and foreign policies. While not everyone may agree with points of her platform, taken as a whole it is clear that she has put together a solid plan to more the country forward and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to live up to their full potential.

When Clinton has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June 2015 to the announcement of the proposed cap on child care costs and expanded early childhood education earlier this month, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Clinton Proposes Protections for Small Business


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton and her campaign released her proposal to protect small businesses that do business with larger businesses. Clinton cited the failure of Republican Donald Trump’s Atlantic City casino as an example of a decision that harmed a number of small, local businesses. The key point of the plan to prevent big business from stiffing small businesses when the bill is due. The plan would give small business owners the tools to fight back. The full proposal can be read on The Briefing, but an outline of the plan is below:

  • Enhance legal protections for small businesses that are repeatedly stiffed by large firms and give them better tools to protect themselves against predatory behavior by large companies.
  • Use the leverage of more than $400 billion in federal government contracting to encourage businesses to pay their suppliers in full and on time.
  • Expand working capital for small businesses so they can thrive and grow, and weather difficulties when larger customers stiff them or do not pay on time.
  • Strengthen oversight and penalties when large companies repeatedly stiff smaller businesses and give small businesses better tools to protect themselves against predatory behavior.
    • Ensure federal regulatory oversight of proven bad actors.
    • Stop large companies from using expensive litigation hurdles to deny small businesses their right to a remedy – and give small businesses recourse to take on predatory behavior.
  • Use the leverage of more than $400 billion in federal government contracting to ensure big businesses pay their suppliers on time.
    • Push for prompt payment through the power of the federal purse.
    • Expedite payments to federal contractors.
    • Increase federal contracting with small businesses.
  • Expand support for working capital so small businesses can grow and thrive.
    • Expand access to working capital.
    • Lower working capital fees for small businesses in underserved communities.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing, The Washington Post

Clinton Unveils Plan to Make College Debt-Free

HIllary CLinton

Today, Hillary Clinton’s campaign unveiled additional details of her plan to reduce the cost of higher education for families and students. Under Clinton’s proposed plan, tuition at in-state public college would be eliminated for families with incomes of less than $125,000 per year. The plan is a combination of her previous plan as well as some key points from her Democratic primary rival Bernie Sanders.

In addition, Clinton’s plan would call for a three-month moratorium on all federal student loan payments. During that time, borrowers could restructure their debt and save money by lowering interest. Full details of Clinton’s plan are available on The Briefing and are outlined below:

  • Provide immediate help to graduates who need relief from crushing debt
    • Refinance their student loans
    • Enroll in income-based repayment
    • Push employers to contribute to student debt relief
    • Get relief from debt for starting a business or social enterprise
    • Reward public service
  • Debt-Free college for our future students
    • Eliminate college tuition for working families
    • Help students deal with all the costs of attending college
  • The New College Compact
    • Colleges and universities will be accountable for reining in costs to provide value to their students; improving completion rates and learning outcomes; and doing more to provide students from disadvantaged backgrounds with the tools they need to reach college and succeed once they get there.
    • Students will be expected to work 10 hours a week to help defray the full cost of attendance. Clinton will push to expand work opportunities that build career skills and introduce students of all backgrounds to public service careers.
    • As part of this New College Compact, Hillary will encourage and reward innovators who design imaginative new ways of providing valuable higher education to students while driving down costs.  And she will crack down on the abusive practices of for-profit colleges that defraud taxpayers while burdening students with debt for educational programs of no value.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Briefing, The New York Times

Hillary Clinton Discusses Economic Plan in North Carolina


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton followed up her economic speech on Tuesday with an event in Raleigh, North Carolina. In a second powerful speech on the economy, Clinton said that the country is stronger when the economy works for everyone, and she acknowledged that parts of the system are broken. She outlined five key areas of the economy that she wants to focus on to ensure that the economy works for everyone. The five goals she has set for her presidency are (full details are available on The Briefing):

  1. Break Through Washington Gridlock to Make the Boldest Investment in Good-Paying Jobs Since World War II
  2. Make Debt Free College Available to All Americans
  3. Rewrite the Rules to Ensure That Workers Share in the Profits They Help Create
  4. Ensure That Those at the Top Pay Their Fair Share
  5. Put Families First by Matching Our Policies to How Families Live, Learn, and Work in the 21st Century Economy

Clinton contrasted her plans with those of Republican Donald Trump. She said, “Compare what I am proposing to what we hear from Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed king of debt. No credible plans for rebuilding our infrastructure, apart from his wall. No real plan for creating jobs.” She did not offer as many attacks on Trump and his businesses as she did in yesterday’s speech, but she made it clear that she is focused on making the economy work for everyone while arguing that Trump will destroy it. A video from the speech is available below and a transcript can be read HERE.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The News & Observer, The Briefing

Hillary Clinton Unveils Environmental, Immigration Plan Details


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton delivered two major speeches during which she outlined her plans for environmental action and her proposal to create a Department of Immigrant Affairs to help immigrants become American citizens. This morning, Clinton was endorsed by the New York State Immigrant Action Fund, and Clinton attended a round table event during which she discussed her plans for immigration reform. She criticized Republican Donald Trump for his anti-immigration rhetoric and vowed to help immigrants become American citizens. During her remarks, she proposed the introduction of a Department of Immigrant Affairs that would work at all levels of government to assist immigrants and refugees as they settle in the United States.

In the afternoon, Clinton spoke at the National Action Network Convention where she was introduced by Rev. Al Sharpton. Clinton introduced her plan for environmental and climate justice which is a small part of her larger Breaking Every Barrier agenda. The plan not only includes fighting climate change, but eliminating lead as a public health threat. The main points of the plan include:

  • Eliminating lead as a major public heath threat within five years
  • Protesting public heath and safety by modernizing drinking and wastewater systems
  • Prosecuting criminal and civil violations that expose communities to environmental harm and work with Congress to strengthen public health protections in our existing laws
  • Creating new economic opportunity through brownfield clean-up and redevelopment
  • Reducing urban air pollution by investing in clean power and transportation
  • Broadening the clean energy economy, build career opportunities, and combat energy poverty by expanding solar and energy efficiency in low-income communities and communities of color
  • Protecting communities from the impacts of climate change by investing in resilient infrastructure
  • Establishing an Environmental and Climate Justice Task Force to make environmental and climate justice, including cumulative impacts, an integral part of federal decision-making

A video of speech is below and a transcript can be read HERE. Full details of Clinton’s Environmental and Climate Justice plan can be read on The Briefing.

Clinton then spoke at an organizing event in the Bronx. During the event, she spoke about a variety of topics including working for New York as senator, improving education, building upon the progress made in heath care, and ensuring that all Americans have an opportunity to prosper. She took the time to point out the differences between her and her Republican rivals, especially front-runner Donald Trump. She said, “He wants to build walls; I want to build bridges.” Clinton went on to ask for everyone’s support during next week’s primary. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Norwood News, MSNBC, International Business Times, Think Progress, The Briefing

Hillary Clinton Presents Manufacturing Plan in Syracuse


On Friday, Hillary Clinton held two public events in Syracuse, New York. The first was a round table discussion during which she unveiled her plans to boost manufacturing. The plan calls for an investment of $10 billion and is called “Make it in America.” The basic components of the plan include:

  • The establishment of “Make it in America Partnerships” that make America the first choice for manufacturing production by harnessing regional strengths.
  • Prevent foreign countries like China from abusing global trade rules, and reject trade agreements that do not meet high standards.
  • Revitalize the hardest-hit manufacturing communities.
  • Crack down on companies shipping jobs and earnings overseas – and create incentives for companies to bring back jobs to the U.S.
  • Invest in America’s manufacturing workforce to ensure that they will always be the best in the world.

Full details of her plan can be read on The Briefing, and a video from the round table event is below.

Clinton then held a public rally in Syracuse’s Regional Market where she covered a number of topics including her pledge to fight for equal pay for women, making higher education more affordable, and growing the economy of New York and and the country. She also touched on the topic she covered earlier in the day at the small business round table saying, “Upstate New York has a storied history of manufacturing. We now have a chance to recapture that.” While in Syracuse, Clinton also made stop at Varsity Pizza where she posed for pictures and signed basketballs. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Clinton also attended two fundraisers today. The first was held before the rally in Syracuse where donors could meet Clinton. She then traveled to New Jersey for a fundraiser in Tenafly.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source:, WXXI,, The Briefing