Kaine, Holton Campaign for Hillary on Monday


Tim Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton, were on the campaign trail on behalf of Hillary Clinton today. Kaine spoke in Dayton, Ohio about Hillary’s plans for making college education more affordable by making public colleges debt-free for students with a family income of less than $125,000. The plan would also help those with existing student loans reduce their interest rates. While the education plan was intended to be the primary topic of discussion, Kaine spent some time addressing Clinton’s diagnosis with pneumonia. Speaking with reporters, he said that she was getting better, adding, “I lived through something very similar in my first race (for elected office) and I kind of know what the thinking was, which was ‘OK, we’ve got a diagnosis, it’s serious, but something a lot of people manage.” A video from the event is below.

Holton held two events on behalf of Hillary today in Fort Myers, Florida where she held a roundtable discussion with area teachers. She assured them that education is one of Hillary’s top priorities. Holton expressed her disappointment about the low teacher salaries in Florida and the number of standardized tests students are subjected to. Holton is the former Secretary of Education for the state of Virginia.

Meanwhile, in New York City, James Carville attended a fundraiser on behalf of Hillary for America.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Fox 4, Dayton Daily News

Hillary Clinton Speaks at Planned Parenthood Event


On Friday, Hillary Clinton gave her speech since becoming the first female presidential candidate to secure the nomination of a major political party. Speaking at the Planned Parenthood Action Fund Membership Event in Washington, DC, Clinton went after Republican Donald Trump for his comments on women and women’s rights. She thanked the organization for all the work they do for women and said that it is vital to keep sex education, access to contraceptives, and access to abortion available to everyone. She said, “We know that restricting access doesn’t make women less likely to end a pregnancy. It just makes abortion less safe.  And that then threatens women’s lives.” A full video of Clinton’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: MSNBC