Clinton Attends NYC Event following Super Tuesday Win

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a post-Super Tuesday rally in New York on March 2, 2016. Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump piled up the wins on Super Tuesday, putting the pair closer to presidential nominations. / AFP / Jewel SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)
US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a post-Super Tuesday rally in New York on March 2, 2016.
Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump piled up the wins on Super Tuesday, putting the pair closer to presidential nominations. / AFP / Jewel SAMAD (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton did not take a break from the campaign trail following her Super Tuesday wins. Speaking to a group of supporters at the Javits Center, she spent her speech criticizing Republican front-runner Donald Trump, without actually mentioning his name. She said, “You know the stakes in this election have never been higher and the rhetoric from the other side has never been lower. So we’ve got work to do my friends. But not to make America great again. America never stopped being great. We have to make America whole. Instead of building walls, we need to break down barriers that are holding back families and our country.” At the event, Clinton also focused her support of unions and her promise to protect union rights as many members of the audience were union supporters. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Tonight, Hillary for America is hosting a “I’m with Her” concert at Radio City Music Hall featuring performances Katy Perry, Elton John, and Andra Day. Hillary, Chelsea and Bill also made an appearance. Throughout the concert event, each of the artists took some time to explain why they supported Hillary for president. Perry said, “I’m not voting for her because she’s a woman. I’m voting for her because she’s the right person for the job.” Other guest celebrities also made appearances including Jamie Foxx and Julianne Moore.

This evening, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey hosted a conversational fundraiser in Milton. The event was hosted by Nora Harrington and Andi Piatt. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Variety, The New York Times, Observer

Chelsea in NE, Hillary in MN on Super Tuesday


This morning, Chelsea Clinton spoke with a group of Hillary Clinton’s supporters in Omaha, Nebraska. During the event, Chelsea spoke about her mother’s experience and her platform. But she took some time to speak about her mother on a more personal level. She said that the is surprised when the media characterizes Hillary as “cold.” Chelsea said, “I’ve seen her be supportive and loving to my friends my whole life. She was always the mother my friends came to, to talk about the tragedy of the boyfriend who just broke up with them, or ask for advice applying for college.”

Hillary spent the morning in Minnesota where she visited with supporters at Mapps Coffee and Tea in Minneapolis. She asked voters to support her in today’s primary saying, “We are working hard everywhere, and I know it is hard. All we can do is hope people turn out for the primaries and the caucuses and we just want to do as well as we can.” During her stop, Clinton also took questions from reporters and she was asked about a number of topics including her thoughts on Super Tuesday and the controversy with Donald Trump not distancing himself after he was endorsed by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Omaha World-Herald, The Washington Post, CBS News

Hillary Campaigns in MA, VA on Eve of Super Tuesday


On Monday, Hillary Clinton was on the campaign trail for the final day before tomorrow’s Super Tuesday primaries. Clinton began her day in Massachusetts attending Get Out the Vote events in Springfield and Boston. Speaking to a crowd of over 700 in Springfield, Clinton focused on jobs and eliminating the benefits companies are receiving for outsourcing jobs to countries overseas. She spoke about a number of other platform points before asking voters to support her in tomorrow’s primary saying, “Massachusetts is right in the middle of it and I need your help. I need your help to go and vote tomorrow and bring people to go with you.” A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

In Boston, Clinton spoke to supporters at the Old South Meeting House. She used her speech to turn her attention to Republicans and how her plans contrast from theirs. Clinton spoke about several platform points including heath care, the economy, and making higher education more affordable, but she also spoke about bipartisanship. She said that while Republicans have failed to compromise, the founders of this country relied on it adding that, “Democracy requires that we play well with others.” A video from her speech will be posted when/if available.

Clinton then attended a Get Out the Vote event in Fairfax, Virginia. During her speech, she turned attention way from the primaries and focused on her strategy against the Republican Party. She criticized Republicans for threatening to take America backwards by re-introducing trickle-down economics, privatizing Social Security, and repealing the Affordable Care Act. Clinton said that the next president needs to build upon what is in place. In addition, she criticized Republicans for rolling back voter rights and standing in the way of women’s rights and LBGT rights saying, “It doesn’t seem like the Republicans respect anybody’s rights except the wealthy and well-connected.” A video from the speech is below.

In Norfolk, Clinton spoke at Lake Taylor Senior High School where she continued to go after Republicans and focused on her platform and plans for the future. She spoke about the importance of foreign policy and working with our Muslim allies to fight ISIS. Clinton said that Trump’s comments play into the hands of ISIS. She said, “It’s not only offensive, it’s dangerous. It matters what you say when you run for president. And it really matters if you are president.” A video from the Norfolk event is below.

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday! Chelsea and Bill are expected to join Hillary in Florida tomorrow night for a Super Tuesday Event. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WAVY, News 10, WRGB, Boston Globe

Bill, Chelsea Campaign for Hillary in Key Primary States


On Monday, Bill and Chelsea Clinton campaigned for Hillary in several states that hold their primaries tomorrow. Chelsea kicked off the day at a Get Out the Caucus event in Duluth, where she was joined by Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton. Chelsea spoke about the importance of the 2016 election, especially for the for the Supreme Court. “If you look at the age of the justices on the Supreme Court and the average age of retirement, the next president could appoint one, two or even another three justices to the Supreme Court,” she said. Chelsea also spoke about a number of her mother’s platform points including gun control, higher education, voting rights, and the economy.

Chelsea’s final event of the day was a Get Out the Caucus rally in Lincoln, Nebraska. During the event, Chelsea spoke about her mother’s experience the what is at stake for the next president, especially in regards to the Supreme Court. She explained, “I think we need a president that understands that we don’t live in a single issue country and that we can’t treat the Supreme Court as a single issue institution.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.


Bill spent the eve of Super Tuesday in Texas where he attended three Get Out the Vote events. The first event was in Houston where he spoke to a crowd of supporters at the Buffalo Soldiers Museum. During his speech, Bill shifted his message from contrasting Hillary from her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, to contrasting her with her Republicans rivals. He said, “When Republicans say they’ll make America great again, we never stopped being great, but we need to be made whole again.”

The second stop for Bill came at Tarrant County College’s Trinity River campus in Forth Worth. During the event, he spoke about his wife’s experience and her plans to improve heath care, reduce the cost of higher education, and continue to grow the economy. He asked supporters to vote for Hillary in tomorrow’s Texas primary saying that she is the best qualified candidate to be president.

Bill’s final stop was in San Antonio where he spoke at the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center Theatre. During the event, he spoke about immigration reform and criticized Republicans for their proposals making it more difficult to attain American citizenship. Bill also spoke about Hillary’s plans to improve America as a whole and not only focus on the wealthy class. He said, “The reason Hillary should be president is because she wants us to all rise together.” Videos from today’s events will be posted when/if available.

Tomorrow is Super Tuesday! Chelsea will remain in Nebraska for an early event, but is expected to join Bill and Hillary in Florida tomorrow night for a Super Tuesday Event. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: KLKN, WDIO, KHOU, WFAA, My San Antonio

Clintons Campaign while SC Votes


On the day of the South Carolina primary, Hillary and Bill Clinton attended separate events in different states in preparation for super Tuesday. Eleven states and one Territory will cast their primary ballots on March 1 (Click here to see a full list). Bill attended two events in Oklahoma. The first was in Edmond where he spoke at the University of Central Oklahoma. During his speech, Bill framed his wife as a change-maker with the experience necessary to move the country forward. He referred to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address saying, “That beautiful picture the President painted of the future; still a whole lot of Americans can’t look at that picture and find themselves in it to save their lives. That’s the space in which this election is being fought out. Hillary is running for President to put every single American in that picture without regard of their age, their region, their gender or their race, or religion.”

Bill’s second event was in Tulsa where he spoke at Booker T. Washington High School. He was introduced by Cherokee Nation Chief Bill John Baker and spoke about Hillary’s broad background and determination to make a difference. He spoke about her plans for health care, higher education, and clean energy. Of Hillary he said, “Here’s what I know — something about being president. I know something about building an inclusive economy and defending the country — you got to do them both. You can’t predict you can do one part of the job and not another. She’s the single best change-maker I’ve ever known.” A video from the event is below.

Bill then spoke at a Get Out the Vote event in Montgomery, Alabama. Speaking at Alabama State University, Bill said that that too many Americans do not share in the country’s prosperity, and that Hillary has plans to change that. Her platform is built on giving everyone an opportunity to better themselves. Bill wrapped up the event early after struggling with hoarseness, but he asked voters to support Hillary on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Hillary was in Birmingham. She began the day by visiting downtown Birmingham for coffee and to chat with voters at the Urban Standard. Then, she spoke at a Get Out the Vote event held on the campus of Miles College. Speaking to the crowd of 2,300, Clinton spoke about her plans to raise the minimum wage, enact criminal justice reform, and fight voting restrictions. Clinton criticized Alabama Republicans for making it more difficult for African-Americans to vote, and she criticized the comments and plans of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump. A full video from the event is below.

Tonight, Hillary will be in Columbia, South Carolina as the results from today’s primary are reported. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source:, News On 6, News 9,, The Plainsman