Bill Clinton Encourages Early Voting in Florida


Bill Clinton returned to Florida on Tuesday where he campaigned for Hillary Clinton at three events. His first event was in Florida City where he told a crowd of supporters that Hillary Clinton is, by far, the best candidate for president and that countless military and national security experts agree. “They know what the real security issue is. The real security issue is having somebody who will keep you safe and strong while we can grow our way together,” he said. Bill focused on Hillary’s plans to ensure that Americans are able to prosper together, and he outlined her plans to create jobs, grow the economy, and make college more affordable. He concluded by asking everyone to vote on election day or to vote early. A video of Bill’s speech is below.

Bill then traveled to Immokalee where he was greeted by supporters. Bill is the first former president to every visit the town. He spoke about the stark differences between Hillary and her opponent, Republican Donald Trump, saying that her plans focus on everyday people, and not those at the top. Bill touted Hillary’s plans to ensure college is affordable for everyone, improve the Affordable Care Act, and create jobs by investing in infrastructure, manufacturing, and clean energy. Again, Bill concluded stressing the importance of voting saying, “The most important thing you can do is to vote and take your friends to vote. Do it today tomorrow and every day through Election Day. If enough people who are for Hillary turn out, she’ll win Florida, and she’ll be the next president.” A video from the event is below.

Bill’s final stop of the day was in St. Petersburg where he focused on Hillary’s platform points and the divisive nature of Trump’s campaign. Bill outlined a number of Hillary’s key policies including her plans to create jobs and ensure an equal opportunity for every American to succeed. He then contrasted that vision with Trump’s saying that the racist undertones of Trump’s campaign are becoming more obvious. “As a 70-year-old Southerner, I know what will make America great again,” Clinton said implying that Trump will make it difficult for anyone who is not white. Bill concluded his speech by encouraging everyone to vote saying, “If people who are for Hillary, vote for Hillary, she’ll win Florida and be our next president.” Watch a video of the rally below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Miami Herald, NBC 2, Tampa Bay Times

Clinton, Kaine Continue Bus Tour with Pennsylvania and Ohio Stops


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, along with their spouses, began the day in Johnstown where they continued to talk about plans to create jobs, focus on manufacturing, and build up the middle class. After touring Johnstown Wire Technologies, Clinton and Kaine spoke about the American spirit and work ethic and how a president needs to tap into that. Clinton said, “We are visiting places that prove what Americans can do. We are the most productive, competitive workers in the world. We just need to give our people the chance to succeed.” A video of Kaine and Clinton’s speeches are below.

The group then traveled to Pittsburgh where Kaine and Clinton spoke to a large crowd of supporters at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. Clinton and Kaine were introduced and endorsed by investor Mark Cuban. When Kaine took the stage, he spoke about his mid-western roots and the importance of manufacturing in many cities across the country. He then introduced Clinton, and she focused her remarks on her plans to create jobs and rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. She attacked Donald Trump’s bleak and divisive view of America saying proudly that “the American Dream is not limited.” A video from the Pittsburgh event is below.

The final event of the night was a rally in Youngstown, Ohio. Kaine and Clinton continued with the theme of job creation and a focus on American manufacturing and infrastructure improvements. Speaking in the hard hit rust belt, Clinton pledged to put American manufacturing first and incentivize companies to make their products in America. She said, “We’re not going to let China dump cheap steel into the America economy.” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source:, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Fortune,