Review: Clinton’s Platform Speeches

Clinton announces her Gun Control proposes in New Hampshire on October 5, 2015.
Clinton announces her Gun Control proposes in New Hampshire on October 5, 2015.
Since launching her campaign in April, Hillary Clinton has given a number of platform setting speeches across the country. When she has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June through her middle-class tax proposals announced last week, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

Clinton’s platform displays her breadth of knowledge on both domestic and foreign policy issues. While the Republicans continue to bicker among the crowd, Clinton continues to lay out her plans to help everyday Americans, keep our country safe, and maintain our status as a leader in the world.

Clinton Returns to Nevada


Yesterday, Hillary Clinton returned to Nevada where she began by meeting with victims of substance abuse and toured a facility helping them. After briefly meeting with Democratic officials, she visited a rehabilitation center called Crossroads. The center is a partnership between Washoe County Social Services and Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada. The center helps those with substance abuse recover. She praised the center saying, “I am so impressed with how you have done this. This facility uses public, private and Catholic services, to be so successful and it’s not only working, it’s so much cheaper than so many other programs. It’s a good model and one I’d like to see more of across the country.”

Clinton then held a rally at E.L. Pine Middle School in Reno. Clinton fired up the crowd by asking voters to not get caught up in Republicans’ fear mongering when it comes to ISIS and terrorism. She criticized the Republican field for turning against the Muslim world, and not focusing on those waging terror. Clinton outlined her plan for the United States and the world to defeat ISIS in a global effort. Clinton covered a number of other platform topics including substance abuse, gun control, tax reform, and Wall Street. A video from the rally is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: KTVN, Las Vegas Review-Journal, CNN

Clinton Back in New Hampshire – Day 1

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Community Forum on Substance Abuse at The Boys and Girls Club of America campaign event in Laconia, New Hampshire, September 17, 2015. REUTERS/Faith Ninivaggi
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Community Forum on Substance Abuse at The Boys and Girls Club of America campaign event in Laconia, New Hampshire, September 17, 2015. REUTERS/Faith Ninivaggi

Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton kicked off a 3-day visit to New Hampshire with stops in Nashua and Laconia. Her first stop in Nashua focused on substance abuse. In a Town Hall event, Clinton discussed her $10 million plan to address drug and alcohol abuse at the community level. She unveiled the initiative a few weeks ago. She expressed her surprise about how many people have talked to her about their struggles with substance abuse and how drugs has affected their community. She also answered a number of questions from those in attendance.

Clinton’s second stop was in Laconia at the Boys and Girls Club. The community event also focused on substance abuse and her plans to combat it. She stressed the importance of understanding the treatment of those affected saying, “This is a disease. This is a chronic condition that has to be interrupted and treated and prevented if possible. Left untended, it’s only going to get worse. The numbers are only going to get higher.” A video from Clinton’s speech in Laconia is below.

A videos from today’s event in Nashua will be posted when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton is scheduled to make two appearances in New Hampshire and one in Maine. At an event at the University of New Hampshire, she is expected to receive the endorsement of New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

UPDATE (9/22): Added a video from Laconia speech.

News Source: WCVB, The Wall Street Journal, Fosters

Clinton Addresses Substance Abuse in Op-Ed

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a campaign stop at River Valley Community College Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015, in Claremont, N.H. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a campaign stop at River Valley Community College Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015, in Claremont, N.H. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

Yesterday, Hillary Rodham Clinton penned an op-ed in the New Hampshire Union Leader where she outlined her plans to combat the growing substance abuse issue in the United States. An estimated 23 million Americans suffer from addiction. The long-term plan calls for reforming prison and sentencing laws, bolstering community based support programs, and expanding mental health coverage so that it covers long term care. The plan is estimated to cost $7.5 billion over ten years. The full op-ed is below:

Another View – Hillary Clinton: How we can win the fight against substance abuse

ON MY first trip to New Hampshire this spring, a retired doctor spoke up. I had just announced I was running for President, and I had traveled to Iowa and New Hampshire to hear from voters about their concerns, their hopes and their vision for the future. He said his biggest worry was the rising tide of heroin addiction in the state, following a wave of prescription drug abuse.

To be candid, I didn’t expect what came next. In state after state, this issue came up again and again — from so many people, from all walks of life, in small towns and big cities.

In Iowa, from Davenport to Council Bluffs, people talked about meth and prescription drugs. In South Carolina, a lawyer spoke movingly about the holes in the community left by generations of African American men imprisoned for nonviolent drug offenses, rather than getting the treatment they needed.

These stories shine light on some harrowing statistics. Twenty-three million Americans suffer from addiction, but only 1 in 10 get treatment. Fifty-two million Americans over 12 have misused prescription drugs at some point, including one in four teenagers. In 2013, more Americans died from overdoses than car crashes.

This is not new. We’re not just now “discovering” this problem. But we should be saying enough is enough. It’s time we recognize as a nation that for too long, we have had a quiet epidemic on our hands. Plain and simple, drug and alcohol addiction is a disease, not a moral failing — and we must treat it as such.

It’s time we recognize that there are gaps in our health care system that allow too many to go without care — and invest in treatment. It’s time we recognize that our state and federal prisons, where 65 percent of inmates meet medical criteria for substance use disorders, are no substitute for proper treatment — and reform our criminal justice system.

Today I’m releasing a strategy to confront the drug and alcohol addiction crisis. My plan sets five goals: empower communities to prevent drug use among teenagers; ensure every person suffering from addiction can obtain comprehensive treatment; ensure that all first responders carry naloxone, which can stop overdoses from becoming fatal; require health care providers to receive training in recognizing substance use disorders and to consult a prescription drug monitoring program before prescribing controlled substances; and prioritize treatment over prison for low-level and nonviolent drug offenders, so we can end the era of mass incarceration.

Achieving these goals won’t be easy. It will take commitment from all corners — law enforcement, doctors, insurance companies and government at every level. That’s why my plan starts by partnering with states and communities across America to meet these goals and substantially expand access to treatment. We’ll ask states to design ambitious plans using the programs that make most sense for their communities’ needs. In return for strong proposals to address the substance abuse crisis, the federal government will draw on a new $7.5 billion fund to help states meet their goals.

My plan would also increase access to treatment by boosting funding for the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant by 25 percent, so communities have more resources to work with immediately. I will ensure that existing federal insurance parity laws are enforced. I will direct the government to reevaluate Medicare and Medicaid payment practices, to remove obstacles to reimbursement and help integrate care for addiction into standard practice. And for those who commit low-level, nonviolent drug offenses, I will reorient our federal criminal justice resources away from more incarceration and toward treatment and rehabilitation. Many states are already charting this course — I will challenge the rest to do the same.

Every town and city I’ve visited so far in this campaign has stories of families upended by drug addiction. But I’ve also heard about second chances. The young mother who overcame her addiction to alcohol and heroin so her son would never see her with a drink or a drug. The man who served 11 years in prison who is now serving others through a prison ministry.

They all say the same thing: No matter how much time has passed, they’re all still in recovery. It’s a process — one that began when a family member, a friend, a doctor, or a police officer extended a hand to help. As one New Hampshire woman said, “We’re not bad people trying to get good, we’re sick people that deserve to get well.”

There are 23 million Americans suffering from addiction. But no one is untouched. We all have family and friends who are affected. We can’t afford to stay on the sidelines any longer — because when families are strong, America is strong. Through improved treatment, prevention, and training, we can end this quiet epidemic once and for all.

News Source: New Hampshire Union Leader, The New York Times