Clinton Statement on Anniversary of Marriage Equality Court Decision


One year ago today, the Supreme Court ruled that it is illegal for states to block LGBT citizens from getting married. The decision came out of two cases (United States v. Windsor and Obergefell v. Hodges), and the rulings proved to be a historic moment in the United States. Hillary Clinton released a statement praising the progress that has been made, and she vowed to continue to fight for equal rights for LGBT Americans under federal law. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“One year ago today, we celebrated a watershed moment for equality in America. Thanks to the bravery of LGBT Americans like Jim Obergefell and Edie Windsor, and the determination and tireless organizing of the LGBT community and their allies, marriage equality became the law of the land in all 50 states.

Over the last year, more barriers to equality have fallen – including, finally, the last state law banning same-sex couples from adopting. Just this month, President Obama designated Stonewall as the first national monument commemorating LGBT history in America.

We’ve also seen how much work is still unfinished.  The attack in Orlando broke our hearts, and reminded us that LGBT people – particularly people of color – are still targets for harassment and violence.  Discriminatory laws in states like North Carolina highlight the need for full federal equality under the law for LGBT Americans. And Donald Trump’s pledge to consider appointing Supreme Court justices who would overturn marriage equality underscores the fact that so much of the progress we’ve made is at stake in November.

But even when the road ahead seems daunting, never forget: on this day in history, love triumphed in the highest court in the land.  Today, our march toward a more perfect union continues—toward equality, dignity, and justice for all.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Democratic National Convention Details


We are a little over a month away from the 2016 Democratic National Convention. The convention will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Wells Fargo Center. The event will be held July 25 – 28 and will include delegates from all 50 states, Washington, DC, and U.S. territories. The main purpose of the convention is the formal nomination of the Democratic Party’s presidential and vice-presidential candidates. Democrat Hillary Clinton secured the required number of delegates required for the nomination in early June making her the first female presidential candidate to secure the nomination of a major political party. The Clinton camp is now working to select a running mate and build her team.

The convention will have a large online presence and you can follow along on their website (, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can sign up to volunteer at the convention by visiting the Volunteer Opportunities page.

More details will be released as the convention nears; however, mark your calendars now as this year’s convention looks like it is going to make history!

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: DNC

Clinton Releases New Campaign Ads

On Thursday, Hillary Clinton’s campaign began airing a series of new campaign ads targeting Republican Donald Trump and setting up the general election fight. One of the commercials go after Trump’s divisive speeches and rhetoric and paints Clinton as a more positive and uplifting leader. The other two feature Clinton’s career and her work to help children get the health care coverage they needed. These ads, which are included in this post, will air in eight key battleground states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Boston Globe

Bill Clinton Campaigns in Virgin Islands

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On Monday, Bill Clinton held an organizing event in St. Croix, part of the US Virgin Islands. Clinton spoke to supporters in preparation for the territory’s primary on June 4th. He spoke about Hillary’s plan for the United States and how the Virgin Islands and other US Territories will benefit. Clinton said that the Virgin Islands deserves equal treatment when it comes to health care and the economy. US Territories do not enjoy the same benefits as states, nor do they have voting representatives in Congress. Clinton also hinted at his potential role in a Hillary Clinton administration saying, “I’ll do whatever I’m asked to do, but I like this economic business.” A full video from the event will be posted when/if available.

Earlier in the day, Clinton attended a fundraiser in Nashville, Tennessee. The event was held at Adele’s.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC News

Hillary Takes Part in Equal Pay Roundtable, Celebrates First Year of Campaign


Tuesday was Equal Pay Day and Hillary Clinton attended a round table event at Glassdoor where she outlined her plan to raise the wages of women across the country. She called for the passage of the Paycheck Fairness Act which would make it illegal for an employer to fire someone for finding out how much a co-worker makes. Clinton also said she would require every company to review its compensation and evaluate whether women are paid equally. She also vowed to work with states to ensure current equal pay statutes across the country are still being followed. Clinton called for more transparency saying, “There’s not enough transparency, and we don’t know exactly what the pay gaps are in many settings, predominantly in the private sector. We need to use the federal government, the Department of Labor and others, to really encourage more transparency, to get more public information.”

The conversation included: World Cup Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist Megan Rapinoe; Glassdoor CEO Robert Hohman; Make It Work Co-founder & Co-executive Director Tracey Sturdivant; Clayman Institute for Gender Research Executive Director Lori Nishiura MacKenzie; Gap Foundation President and Gap Sustainability Vice President Dan Henkle and award-winning journalist Diane Brady. A full video of the roundtable event is below and a transcript of Clinton’s remarks is available HERE.

Clinton then traveled to Florida where she attended three fundraisers. The first event was in Manalapan where she attended an event at the home of Marsha and Henry Laufer. Clinton’s second event was in Miami Beach and included a conversation with Congressman Joaquín Castro, Kristin Davis, and Raúl De Molina. Singer Carole King also performed at the event. The final event of the day was held at the Miami Beach home of Tiffany and Alex Heckler. Congressman Castro also attended the event with Hillary.

Today also marks one year since Clinton announced her plans to run for president. Since April 2015, Clinton has received millions in donations, leads in the race for the Democratic nomination, and has rolled out an comprehensive platform. To celebrate the occasion, Hillary for America has put together a fact page with information about the campaign and the donors. In fact, you can type in your name and see how many other donors share your first name! A lot has been accomplished in the last year, but it is a long road to November.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Think Progress

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in WY, WI


On Monday, Bill Clinton campaigned on behalf of his wife in two states. First, Clinton spoke at a rally in Cheyenne, Wyoming where he talked about Wyoming’s place in the energy economy, especially coal and natural gas. Speaking about the future, he said, “In the end, we’re going to be phasing into a new energy future. It’s going to be a long time, and Wyoming has the most efficient and lowest sulfur (coal) in the world.” He spoke about Hillary’s experience and her plans to help communities that rely heavily on fossil fuel production. He asked supporters to support Hillary in Saturday’s primary. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Clinton spoke to a crowd of supporters on the eve of the state’s primary. Speaking at the Turner Hall Ballroom, he spoke about a number of Hillary’s key platform points including reigning in higher education costs, ensuring equal pay for women, and raising the minimum wage (Hillary was in New York which signed a $15 minimum wage bill into law today). While polls indicate that Hillary trails Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, Bill said that he would not count out Wisconsin voters saying, “You have no choice, but to elect the person who’s got the best ideas, and who is the best person, with a record of leadership for change. That’s Hillary. We need Wisconsin. Go out and work for it. Thank you and God bless you.”

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Casper Star Tribune, Fox 6

Clinton Speaks at Grover Cleveland Dinner in NH

28firstdraft-hrc-tmagArticleOn Wednesday, Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to New Hampshire where she began her day by attending a Politics and Eggs breakfast in Manchester. Clinton gave a speech before taking questions from those in attendance. Clinton spoke about a number of topics, but one of her comments has made headlines. She is against completely abolishing the death penalty, something that her Democratic opponents Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley support. She said, “We have a lot of evidence now that the death penalty has been too frequently applied, and too often in a discriminatory way. So I think we have to take a hard look at it. I do not favor abolishing it, however, because I do think there are certain egregious cases that still deserve the consideration of the death penalty, but I’d like to see those be very limited and rare, as opposed to what we’ve seen in most states.” A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

After making a stop at Moulton Farm in Meredith, Clinton attended the Grover Cleveland Dinner in Bartlett for an event hosted by the Democratic Committee for Carroll County. During Clinton’s speech, she spoke about her political platform and plans as president. Clinton has been criticized for comments she made about the issues in Department of Veterans Affairs not being as widespread as everyone thinks. Clinton backpedaled saying that there is a problem, she said, “I will not let the Republicans use the problem as an excuse to privatize the VA.” A video of her speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, WMUR, Politico

Clinton Pitches College Tuition Plan in New Hampshire

08-10-15-oz-23On Monday, Hillary Rodham Clinton unveiled what she is calling the “New College Compact” in which she pledges to make college more affordable for students. She proposes to accomplish this by making more grants and low interest loans available while lowering the cost of education. The plan is estimated to cost $350 billion over 10 years. Speaking at Exeter High School, she said, “College is supposed to help people achieve their dreams, but more and more paying for college actually pushes those dreams further and further out of reach. That is a betrayal of everything college is supposed to represents.”

The plan includes a number of proposals to keep tuition low and the schools invested in their students. One of the proposals is called “skin-in-the-game” where a college is fined for any student who cannot pay off their student loans. She would continue President Barack Obama’s plan to provide free community college, crack down on for-profit institutions, and simplify income-based repayment plans for student loan borrowers. Read more about the plan HERE. Clinton outlined her plan in a speech given at Exeter high school and took questions from those in attendance. Then, she held a press conference answering questions from reporters.

You can also watch the full Town Hall on C-SPAN event by CLICKING HERE. The press conference is also available on C-SPAN by CLICKING HERE.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a campaign stop at River Valley Community College Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015, in Claremont, N.H. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a campaign stop at River Valley Community College Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015, in Claremont, N.H. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

On Tuesday, Clinton remained in New Hampshire and took her college affordability plan to River Valley Community College in Claremont. Clinton discussed the plan she unveiled on Monday, but went further attacking Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker for cutting higher education funding as governor of Wisconsin. She said, “You take somebody like Governor Walker of Wisconsin who seems to be delighted in slashing the investment in higher education in his state. Eliminating the opportunities for young people who are doctors or dentists to actually work in underserved areas in return for having their debts relieved; ending scholarships for poor kids; and most surprisingly to me, rejecting legislation that would have made it tax deductible for you, on your income tax, to deduct the amount of your loan payment.” A video from Clinton’s speech on Tuesday is below:

The Clinton campaign also released a video on college affordability which can be seen below:

Clinton returns to Iowa later this week. Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, CNN, Slate