HFA Sunday Morning Show Roundup: Kaine, Podesta, Mook


On Sunday, representatives for Hillary for America appeared a number of Sunday morning talk show. Tim Kaine was interviewed by George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s This Week, campaign manager Robby Mook was interviewed by Chuck Todd on NBC’s Meet the Press, and campaign chair John Podesta was interviewed by Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union. Each were asked about the FBI’s renewed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails. Kaine called for FBI Director James Comey to release additional details about the investigation and questioned whether Comey had even seen the emails in question.

Mook said that while it seems the emails were discovered on a computer owned by former Representative Anthony Weiner, he is confident that there is no new information to be found and that Weiner’s wife, Clinton aide Huma Abedin, has cooperated with the FBI’s investigation. On CNN, Podesta called on Comey to explain the move adding, “This is something that has been tossed into the middle of the campaign. We would have preferred that that not happen, but now that it has happened, we would prefer that Mr. Comey come forward and explain why he took that unprecedented step.” Videos of the interviews are below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Huffington Post, This Week, ABC News, CNN

Hillary Clinton Statement on the Cancer Moonshot Initiative


In light of today’s campaign event in Pennsylvania with Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton released a statement affirming her support of the Cancer Moonshot Initiative. The initiative began following President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address earlier this year. President Obama vowed to increase funding for cancer research and placed Biden in charge of the project. The overall goal is to create partnerships between public and private researchers and trials to find a cure for cancer. The matter is personal for Biden as he lost his son, Beau, to cancer last year. Today, Clinton vowed to continue the initiative as president and would continue to rely on Biden as it presses forward. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“When Vice President Biden lost his beloved son, Beau, to cancer, he found strength in his sorrow. He resolved to do everything he could to ease others’ suffering and prevent other families from going through what he had.

Since the launch of the Cancer Moonshot initiative, Vice President Biden has spurred unprecedented cooperation between federal agencies and leaders in the private and nonprofit sectors. Together, they are creating new protocols to promote the sharing of research data, pushing for more enrollment in clinical trials, and providing new tools for patients. And all of this effort is taking advantage of the incredible strides we have made in recent years to grapple with this disease. We know more than we ever have about the biology of cancer, how to prevent it, and how to treat it. We need to do more to build on these developments, advance our understanding, and develop more effective treatments. Simply put, if we make the right investments today, we can save lives.

To start, Congress should fulfill the administration’s request for moonshot funding next year. Cancer does not discriminate, and I believe leaders of both parties can come together to tackle this disease as part of a comprehensive effort to improve medical research across diseases, both by restoring robust funding to the National Institutes of Health, including the National Cancer Institute, and by harnessing the power of the private sector. And we will continue to build on Vice President Biden’s work to mobilize the cancer community, make sure that scientists work together, and enable more patients to enroll in clinical trials. By combining new funding with creative approaches, we will not only catalyze progress against cancer: We will strengthen the nation’s entire scientific enterprise.

I could not be prouder to stand with Vice President Biden in this fight, and as President, I will take up the charge. My Administration will carry out the mission the Vice President has set, and continue to call on his advice, leadership, compassion, and sheer strength of will. Together, we will seize this moment. Together, we will make cancer as we know it a disease of the past.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton Interviewed by CNN, Attends Events in IN, MI

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Douglass Park Gymnasium in Indianapolis, Indiana during a campaign stop on May 1, 2016.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Douglass Park Gymnasium in Indianapolis, Indiana during a campaign stop on May 1, 2016.

On Sunday, Hillary Clinton returned to the campaign trail visiting Indiana and Michigan. Her first appearance of the day was in a taped interview on this morning’s State of the Union on CNN. During her interview with Jake Tapper, Clinton refused to call herself the presumptive nominee for the Democratic nomination saying that while she was ahead, there is still work to be done. She also said that she would be willing to work with rival Bernie Sanders in building a progressive platform for the Democratic Party going forward. A video of the full interview is below.

Clinton began her public events today in Indianapolis, Indiana where she spoke at an organizing event. She focused on the importance of the 2016 election and how it will affect key policies and the Supreme Court going forward. Clinton spoke about her manufacturing plans saying, “Indiana has so much potential for the future and I want it to be part of the kind of positive, confident future I’m offering in this election.” Clinton went on to criticize Indiana Governor Mike Pence and the Republican controlled General Assembly for placing strict restriction on abortion access and the passage of a right-to-work law. She said, “I worry very much, and I don’t mean this to be partisan or political, but if you look at what built the American middle class, it really had a lot to do with the rise of the American labor movement. So all the efforts you are seeing in Republican-dominated states to erode (and) undercut unions, I think makes it harder for us to raise middle-class wages, to raise the opportunity for people to go further, to really rebuild the middle class.” A full video from the event is below.

Clinton traveled to Michigan where she was the keynote speaker at the Detroit NAACP Annual Fight For Freedom Fund Dinner. During her speech, she spoke about a number of platform topics including criminal justice reform, prison reform, gun control, and the refinancing of student loan debt. Clinton said that she wanted to continue to the progress of the last eight years. Speaking about President Barack Obama, Clinton said “We cannot let Barack Obama’s legacy fall into Donald Trump’s hands.” A full video of her speech is below.

While in Michigan, Clinton attended a fundraiser in Birmingham that was hosted by Jerry and Caryn Acker, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Hadidi, Wayne County Executive Warren C. Evans, Barry and Nicole Goodman, Patti Kukula, and Suzanne Shank.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, Detroit Free Press, New York Daily News, Indy Star

Hillary Clinton Interviewed on CNN’s State of the Union

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On Sunday morning, an interview between CNN’s Jake Tapper and Hillary Clinton was aired during an episode of State of the Union. Clinton was asked about a number of topics including the upcoming New York primary, comments that her husband, Bill Clinton, made earlier in the week, and her battle with Senator Bernie Sanders. Clinton refused to say anything negative about Sanders saying that she would rather have him in the White House than Republicans Donald Trump or Ted Cruz.

She also defended her plan to introduce a $12 federal minimum wage despite New York and California recently introducing $15 minimum wage laws. Clinton said, “There are a lot of places that are not well off around the country they’re required to have $7.25 wage to go from that to $12 is big leap. Now I want to encourage every place that can go to $15 the New York cities, Los Angeles, Seattle and California raised its minimum wage, but it also took into account different geographic areas with different economic circumstances.” A video of the full interview is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Clintons Campaign while SC Votes


On the day of the South Carolina primary, Hillary and Bill Clinton attended separate events in different states in preparation for super Tuesday. Eleven states and one Territory will cast their primary ballots on March 1 (Click here to see a full list). Bill attended two events in Oklahoma. The first was in Edmond where he spoke at the University of Central Oklahoma. During his speech, Bill framed his wife as a change-maker with the experience necessary to move the country forward. He referred to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address saying, “That beautiful picture the President painted of the future; still a whole lot of Americans can’t look at that picture and find themselves in it to save their lives. That’s the space in which this election is being fought out. Hillary is running for President to put every single American in that picture without regard of their age, their region, their gender or their race, or religion.”

Bill’s second event was in Tulsa where he spoke at Booker T. Washington High School. He was introduced by Cherokee Nation Chief Bill John Baker and spoke about Hillary’s broad background and determination to make a difference. He spoke about her plans for health care, higher education, and clean energy. Of Hillary he said, “Here’s what I know — something about being president. I know something about building an inclusive economy and defending the country — you got to do them both. You can’t predict you can do one part of the job and not another. She’s the single best change-maker I’ve ever known.” A video from the event is below.

Bill then spoke at a Get Out the Vote event in Montgomery, Alabama. Speaking at Alabama State University, Bill said that that too many Americans do not share in the country’s prosperity, and that Hillary has plans to change that. Her platform is built on giving everyone an opportunity to better themselves. Bill wrapped up the event early after struggling with hoarseness, but he asked voters to support Hillary on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Hillary was in Birmingham. She began the day by visiting downtown Birmingham for coffee and to chat with voters at the Urban Standard. Then, she spoke at a Get Out the Vote event held on the campus of Miles College. Speaking to the crowd of 2,300, Clinton spoke about her plans to raise the minimum wage, enact criminal justice reform, and fight voting restrictions. Clinton criticized Alabama Republicans for making it more difficult for African-Americans to vote, and she criticized the comments and plans of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump. A full video from the event is below.

Tonight, Hillary will be in Columbia, South Carolina as the results from today’s primary are reported. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: AL.com, News On 6, News 9, AL.com, The Plainsman

Clinton Appears on CNN’s State of the Union

On Sunday, Hillary Clinton sat down with Jake Tapper for an interview during CNN’s State of the Union. In an episode that featured interviewed with candidates from both parties, Tapper asked Clinton about her record and how she deals with the double standard of treatment as a female candidate. She said, “We are still living with a double standard. I know it. Every woman I know knows it, whether you’re in the media as a woman, or you’re in the professions or business or politics, and I don’t know anything other to do than just keep forging through it, and just keep taking the slings and arrows that comes with being a woman in the arena.” Clinton was also asked about her trip to Flint, Michigan later Sunday afternoon. A video from the interview is above.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CNN

Hillary Goes to the Ground Game in New Hampshire


On Saturday, Hillary Clinton remained in New Hampshire where she attended a number of Get Out the Vote rallies, but Clinton also took the ground and knocked on doors in Manchester. She stopped at a number of houses and visited with local residents. Clinton is behind in the New Hampshire primary polls, but she has not given up on the state. In addition to her efforts, a number of other politicians were in the state campaigning on her behalf including former Secretary of State Madeleline Albright, Senator Al Franken, and Senator Cory Booker.

Clinton attended three rallies in New Hampshire on Saturday. The events in Concord and Portsmouth were typical events during which Clinton spoke to the crowd before taking questions from the audience. However, the event she held at New England College in Henniker was different in that the campaign challenged Bernie Sanders supports to attend the town hall event. She was asked tough questions about her ties to Wall Street, and she was able to defend herself in person. It was an interesting strategy that might earn her some respect and support. A video from her event in Portsmouth is below.

Today, Hillary will be on CNN’s State of the Union and will hold a community event in Flint, Michigan. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: WTOC, NBC News, NECN, The Wall Street Journal