Hillary Clinton Campaigns with Al Gore in Miami


Hillary Clinton campaigned with former Vice President Al Gore today in Miami, Florida. Appearing together at Miami Dade College’s Kendall Campus, Clinton spoke about her plan to address climate change and make the United States a clean energy super power. She then introduced Gore as “one of the world’s foremost leaders on climate change.” Gore then took the stage and spoke about the threat of climate change to the United States and the world. He urged voters to elect a leader who acknowledged that climate change is real. “Your vote really, really, really counts,” he said adding, referring to is 2000 presidential election loss, “You can consider me as an Exhibit A of that.” A video of Clinton and Gore’s speeches is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Local 10, The New York Times, Politico

HFA Statement on Trump’s Latest Act of Desperation


Before tonight’s debate, Donald Trump appeared on social media with women who have accused former president Bill Clinton of sexual assault. Hillary for America Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri released the following statement in response.

“We’re not surprised to see Donald Trump continue his destructive race to the bottom. Hillary Clinton understands the opportunity in this town hall is to talk to voters on stage and in the audience about the issues that matter to them, and this stunt doesn’t change that. If Donald Trump doesn’t see that, that’s his loss. As always, she’s prepared to handle whatever Donald Trump throws her way.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The New York Times

Tonight: Democratic Debate from Charleston


Tonight, the three Democratic candidates will appear on stage for their fourth primary debate. The debate will be on NBC and will be moderated by Lester Holt. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Martin O’Malley will face off for the final time before voters begin going to the polls in early February. The debate will be on NBC beginning at 9pm ET. You can also watch the debate live on NBCNews.com, YouTube, or the NBC News app on various devices. Use the hashtag #DemDebate when referencing the debate on social media. Watch live below:

News Source: NBC News

Clinton Surprises Crowd at Marc Anthony Concert

Marc-Anthony-and-Hillary-Clinton-miami-oct-2015-billboard-650On Friday night, Hillary Rodham Clinton surprised the crowd when she was brought on stage by singer Marc Anthony. The concert took place at the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida. Anthony introduced Clinton to the crowd, they posed for pictures, then she was escorted out and the concert continued. She did not speak to the crowd. The event appears to have spontaneous as she had expressed interest in attending the concert after taking part in fundraisers and giving a speech at a grassroots event earlier in the day. The videos below show a brief clip from the concert and a segment from the local news.

Today, Clinton is scheduled to attend the Human Rights Campaign’s National Dinner before appearing on Saturday Night Live. For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Billboard