Clinton Rallies Vegas Crowd

1003785588_hillary_101415_7_0Following her strong Debate performance, Hillary Rodham Clinton remained in the Las Vegas area on Wednesday to attend a number of events. First, Clinton toured a training facility at the headquarters of Allied Trades and the International Union of Painters. The event in Henderson included Clinton taking some questions from the press. She then made a surprise stop at an ice cream shop in North Las Vegas. At La Flor de Michoacan, Clinton tried a number of ice cream flavors and was accompanied by state assemblyman Nelson Araujo.

In the evening, Clinton rallied a crowd of 2,500 at Springs Preserve. Clinton reviewed her platform and plans and focused on health care and immigration. She criticized Republicans for trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and she took aim at Donald Trump for his comments about women and immigration. Referring to Tuesday night’s debate, Clinton said, “I am thrilled that people finally got a chance to compare the Democrats to the Republicans. And I think we came out of that pretty well.” A video of her campaign rally is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal, The New York Times