UPDATED: Clinton Appearances for 2014

131109142719-hillary-clinton-hisapnics-story-topHillary Rodham Clinton has a lot on her plate for 2014. With the expected release of a new memoir this summer and a potential 2016 presidential bid, Clinton is also scheduling speeches and appearances. As events are scheduled and concluded, I will post the information on the home page and the 2014 Timeline.

January 27 – National Automobile Dealers Association Convention

February 3 – Too Small to Fail Partners with Univision

February 13 – No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project Forum

February 26 – Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society

February 26 – University of Miami

March 4 – Boys & Girls Club Corporate Luncheon

March 5 – UCLA’s Luskin Lecture for Thought Leadership

March 5 – Vancouver, Canada

March 6 – Telus Convention Centre (Calgary, Canada)

March 7 – United Nations: International Women’s Day

March 13 – Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association Annual Dinner

March 18 – Montreal Chamber of Commerce (Canada)

March 19 – Association of American Publishers

March 19 – American Jewish Congress Gala

March 21 – CGI U – Opening Remarks

March 22 – CGI U – “The Future of Higher Education”

March 22 – CGI U – Closing Conversation

March 24 – Talking is Teaching

March 24 – Globalization of Higher Education Conference

April 3 – USAID U.S. Global Development Lab Launch

April 3 – Women in the World Summit

April 8 – Marketo’s Marketing Nation Summit

April 8 – World Affairs Council International Speakers Series

April 10 – Scrap Metal Recycling Expo

April 10 – Unique Lives & Experiences Series (San Jose, CA)

April 11 – Western Health Care Leadership Academy

April 17 – Girls: A No Ceilings Conversation

April 23 – Simmons Leadership Conference

April 23 – University of Connecticut’s Edmund Fusco Contemporary Issues Forum

April 26 – United Methodist Women’s Assembly

April 26 – Sedona Forum at Arizona State University

April 28 – Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters Conference

May 3 – Convocation of the Lincoln Academy of Illinois (Order of Lincoln)

May 6 – National Council for Behavioral Health Conference

May 7 – Ford Foundation

May 14 – American Jewish Committee’s Global Forum

May 15 – Marjorie Margolies Fundraiser

May 16 – The View

May 16 – New America Foundation Conference

May 16 – Dale Chihuly Exhibit at the Clinton Presidential Center

June 2 – Unique Lives & Experiences (Broomfield, CO) (Scheduled)

June 10 – United Fresh Produce Association and Food Marketing Institute in Chicago (Scheduled)

June 12 – The Wildlife Conservation Society Gala (Scheduled)

June 23-25 – Clinton Global Initiative America (Scheduled)

September 4 – National Clean Energy Summit (Scheduled)

Image Credit: CNN

2013 Year in Review


2013 was an active year for Hillary Rodham Clinton. She began the year by ending her successful stint as Secretary of State in January. Following a few months off, she returned to the spotlight in April with a speech Vital Voices Leadership Awards. Throughout the year, Clinton gave 31 public speeches and attended a number of private events. She gave speeches at the Clinton Global Initiative events and launched a new initiative for women and girls for the Clinton Foundation. She finished off the year by being named Barbara Walters’ most fascinating person of 2013. Her high profile appearances fueled speculation that she is planning to run for president in 2016. During her interview with Walters, Clinton announced that she will make her 2016 decision sometime next year.

This site launched in November to collect all Clinton’s speeches as she decides whether to run for president in 2016. Moving forward, we will continue to post summaries and videos for all of her events in 2014, whether she decides to run for president or not. We cal also look forward to a new book from Clinton in June 2014. As we bring 2013 to a close, take a look back at all of Clinton’s speeches and interviews by clicking the links below:

January 29, 2013 – State Department Global Town Hall

January 31, 2013 – Council on Foreign Relations

February 1, 2013 – Farewell to the State Department

March 18, 2013 – Human Rights Campaign

April 2, 2013 – Vital Voices Global Leadership Awards

April 5, 2013 – Women in the World Summit

May 1, 2013 – Atlantic Council’s Leadership Awards

June 13, 2013 – Opening Remarks at the Clinton Global Initiative American Meeting

June 13, 2013 – CURE’s 15th Annual Chicago Benefit

June 24, 2013 – American Jewish University (Article)

July 16, 2013 – Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

August 12, 2013 – American Bar Association

September 9, 2013 – On Syria

September 11, 2013 – Receives the National Constitution Center Liberty Medal

September 18, 2013 – Chicago House (Article)

September 25, 2013 – Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting

October 5, 2013 – Yale Law School

October 11, 2013 – Chatham House

October 16, 2013 – Elton John Aids Foundation

October 19, 2013 – Endorsing Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Terry McAuliffe

October 23, 2013 – University of Buffalo

October 24, 2013 – 10th Anniversary of Center for American Progress

October 27, 2013 – Beth El Synagogue (Article)

November 1, 2013 – Pennsylvania Conference for Women

November 8, 2013 – International Medical Corps’ 2013 Annual Awards Celebration

November 9, 2013 – National Association of Realtors (Article)

November 9, 2013 – Millennium Network (Article)

November 15, 2013 – U.S.-Afghan Women’s Council

November 21, 2013 – US Green Building Council Conference

December 5, 2013 – Honoring Richard Holbrooke (Article)

December 6, 2013 – Lantos Foundation

December 19, 2013 – Barbara Walter’s Most Fascinating Person of 2013

Image Source: Constitution Daily

UPDATE: Six Missing Videos

Clinton speaks at the Chicago House on September 18
Clinton speaks at the Chicago House on September 18

As we collected Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speeches for site, we were unable to locate videos for four of her speeches. The speeches for which we were unable to locate videos are listed below:

June 24, 2013 – American Jewish University (Article)

September 18, 2013 – Chicago House (Article)

October 16, 2013 – Elton John Aids Foundation (Article)

October 27, 2013 – Beth El Synagogue (Article)

UPDATE: Clinton spoke at two events in November that were closed to the press and had no video coverage:

-November 9, 2013 – National Association of Realtors (Article)

-November 9, 2013 – Millennium Network (Article)

If you know where to find videos for any of the events listed above, please Contact us.

Hillary Clinton Speeches to Launch Monday

Hillary, Chelsea, and Bill Clinton at CGI in June 2013
Hillary, Chelsea, and Bill Clinton at CGI in June 2013

On Monday, November 4, the all new Hillary Speeches website will officially launch. The purpose of this site is to provide easy access to all of Clinton’s public speeches as she decides whether she will run for president in 2016.

Clinton has given a number high profile speeches since leaving the State Department in January 2013, and they will all be posted on Monday morning. You may preview the speeches coming to the site on Monday by visiting the Timeline page and check out the new Links page. If you know of any speeches that are missing from the timeline or links that need to be added, feel free to Contact us. We hope you check out the site on Monday and follow along on the road to 2016.

Image Courtesy: The Washington Post

Coming Soon


Since Hillary Rodham Clinton left the State Department in early 2013, many have speculated that she will run for president in 2016.  Although she has not announced her intentions, she has hinted that she is considering running again.

Clinton has reemerged as a political figure giving a number of high profile speeches over the past several months. When viewed in context, the speeches to appear to be laying the ground work for a 2016 run. From her work with the Clinton Global Initiative to her recent effort to help women break the glass ceiling, Clinton is making a statement.

Hillary Speeches will compile these speeches as well as provide a Timeline of Clinton’s public events since leaving the State Department at the end of January 2013. Join Hillary Speeches as we follow her on the road to 2016!

Image Courtesy: NBC News