Tim Kaine Encourages Voters in Florida


Tim Kaine returned to Florida on Friday where he spoke on the campus of the Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne. Kaine stressed the importance of the election and encouraged everyone to get out and vote next Tuesday. He said that the race is close and that “we can’t take anything for granted.” During his speech, Kaine outlined a number of Hillary Clinton’s key platform points including her plan to make college more affordable, raise the minimum wage, and pass comprehensive immigration reform. He also attacked Donald Trump for his divisive campaign saying that America is truly stronger together. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile, Kaine’s wife, Anne Holton, spoke to a group of supporters in Salt Lake City, Utah. Holton spoke about Clinton’s plans to raise the minimum wage, ensure that woman receive equal pay, and expand early childhood education. She said that none of that will be possible unless everyone gets out to vote on Tuesday. Holton addressed the historic nature of electing the first woman president saying, “And we will all own a piece of it, and won’t it be fun to have Utah own a piece of it?” A video from the event will be added when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Florida Today, WFTV, Desert News

Tim Kaine and Anne Holton Campaign for Hillary

Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., speaks during a campaign stop, Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)
Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., speaks during a campaign stop, Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York)

On Thursday, Tim Kaine campaigned in Arizona as he spoke at two events. His first stop was in Phoenix where he spoke to members of the Hispanic community. Giving his speech entirely in Spanish, Kaine spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plan for comprehensive immigration reform and her dedication to families. He also spoke about the dangers of Donald Trump and blasted his anti-immigrant rhetoric saying that diversity is what makes America the great country it is. He said, “With so much at stake for the Hispanic community, it’s important that our campaign use the language that so many families around the country use.” A video of Kaine’s speech (dubbed in English) is below.

Kaine’s final event of the day was a Get Out the Vote rally in Tucson. During his speech, Kaine spoke about the importance of Arizona to Clinton. He said that recent polls indicate that she and Kaine could defeat Trump in the state. He focused on key points of Clinton’s platform including immigration reform and creating jobs. He said that she will fight for everyone adding, “She would not give up, back down, go away, or sell her principles short.” He concluded by asking everyone to get out and vote for Clinton on election day. “This election is less about where we going but who we are as a nation. Are we going to say it’s it OK to divide up against each other and insult each other? No, I embrace we are stronger together,” Kaine said. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Anne Holton was on the campaign trail on Thursday and spoke at events in Toledo, Ohio and Reno, Nevada. At each event, Holton spoke about Clinton’s platform points and her dedication to expanding early childhood education and making college more affordable. Videos from Holton’s events will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America in New York City. The event featured a conversation with Cher.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: KXXV, The Daily Wildcat, Dayton Daily News

HFA Releases Series of Ads as Election Nears


On Tuesday, Hillary for America released a series of ads targeting Donald Trump a week before the election on November 8th. The first three ads feature Republicans and one former Trump supporter who have vowed to support Hillary Clinton in light of Trump’s comments about women. The final video highlights a number of comment Trump has made about women over the decades. Next is a video titled “27 million Strong” about how the Latino immigrants in the United States can send Trump a message on election day. The ad is being released in both English and Spanish. Then, the Briefing has a video called “The Trump Effect” which looks at how Trump’s divisive statements affect Americans. Then, an ad that encourages African American voters to get out and reject Trump’s divisive platform. Next is an ad titled “We are America” and outlines the dangers a Trump presidency would present to the American democracy. Then, the next video features Katy Perry’s song Roar and outlines a number of reasons to vote for Clinton. The next video imagines what life in America will be like after a year of a Trump presidency. The final ad is a radio ad talking about Trump’s history of demeaning African Americans. Watch the videos below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Releases New Campaign Ads


Throughout the week, Hillary for America has continued to release new campaign ads and videos. The first video they released is entitled “Barbershop” and includes African American voters making the case for electing Hillary Clinton. Then a video featuring President Barack Obama making the case for Hillary entitled “On the Ballot.” The next video features the story of Mae Brown Wiggins and how she was a victim of discrimination in an apartment building owned by Donald Trump. The next video is also about Trump and attacks his comments about women. The next ad features retired General John Allen. In the video, he makes the case for electing Clinton over Trump. Next is a series of two ads that are part of the final push before election day. Both ads ask what kind of country we want for our children? Then a short video featuring a conversation with Tim Kaine and rapper Pusha-T. Next is a video called “One Vote at a Time” that is the first in a series of videos featuring YouTube stars. The final video is a Spanish language ad that features the story of U.S. Army Pvt. Damián López Rodriguez, a soldier killed in Iraq. Watch the videos below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary for America Releases New Campaign Ads


Hillary for America has released a series of new campaign ads focused on Republican Donald Trump and the importance of the 2016 election. The first ad was posted on Twitter and is titled “America’s Bully.” The video outlines Trump’s bully tactics and features Tomas Wilson, who played Biff Tannen in Back to the Future and other movies bullies. The second video features Khizr Khan, father of Captain Humayun Khan, who tragically lost his life in Iraq while saving every member of his unit. The next video is the story of Ryan and his friendship with Hillary Clinton. The two met during a Congressional hearing on health care in 1994. Next is a video about Martha and Sara, a mother and daughter who were affected by Clinton’s efforts to pass the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Then, HFA released a video titled “A Place for Everyone” that features a voice over by Clinton explaining that the United States is still a place where everyone can prosper. Next, is a video from The Briefing reviewing Trump’s dangerous policies before Wednesday’s debate, then a video urging Americans to Google Trump’s claims. The next video features The Good Wife actor Josh Charles and encourages lawyers and law students to get involved in the campaign. The final video is a Spanish language video outlining the importance of the election to those in the Latino community.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Tim Kaine, Anne Holton Campaign in Florida


Today, Tim Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton, campaigned in Florida. They began the day by attending Sunday morning church services at Pneuma Church in Miami and The Faith Center in Sunrise. At Pneuma, a Hispanic church, Kaine spoke in fluent Spanish and encouraged everyone to register to vote before Tuesday’s deadline. Kaine did the same at The Faith Center, but in English. Kaine spoke about Hillary Clinton’s plans to give everyone an equal chance saying, “There’s a lot of people lying on the side of the road in the society we live in and all over this country… Some need education, some need an opportunity, some just need a word of friendship because they’re lonely and they’re on the side of the road. And the question that’s before us is do we pass by or do we go over, even if we don’t know all the answers, even if we don’t know all the words to say, do we at least roll up our sleeves and walk over and try to do what we can to help out? … This is not a congregation of people who walk on by, and Hillary Clinton is not a person who walks on by, and that’s why I’m so proud to be with her.”

Holton held two events in Florida, a Women for Hillary event in Tallahassee and a Canvass Kick-Off event in Panama City. At each, Holton stressed the importance of electing the Clinton/Kaine ticket to the White House. Holton also spoke about the importance of voting urging everyone to register before Tuesday’s extended deadline and asked everyone to vote on November 8th. She thanked the volunteers in Panama City and urged them to keep making calls, knocking on doors, and helping people register to vote. Videos from today’s event will be posted when/if available.


For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: CNN, Sun Sentinel, Tallahassee.com

HFA Releases Series of New Videos and Ads


On Monday, Hillary for America released a new round of commercials and ads. The first is a TV ad titled “Arrogant” that goes after Donald Trump following the weekend’s report that he has not paid taxes for years. The next three videos highlight the record of Mike Pence and draw parallels between Pence and Trump. Then, a video featuring prominent African-American actors talking about what is at stake in this election for the African-American community. Next, is an ad titled “Measure” that highlights Hillary Clinton’s career fighting for children and families. The next video, titled “Shane,” introduces a man who talks about his experience in the foster care system and how, as First Lady, Clinton helped pass the Adoption and Safe Families Act. Then, actress Selma Hayak is in a Spanish language ad underscoring the importance of the election for the Latino community. The next is a radio ad that highlights Trump’s business dealings with Cuba during the embargo. The final ad is a Spanish language radio ad that talks about how Trump treated hotels in his hotels like “second class workers.” Watch, and listen, to the ads below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

HFA Releases Set of Campaign Videos


Following Monday night’s debate, Hillary for America released a new series of campaign videos and ads. The first three feature Donald Trump’s degrading comments about the weight of former Miss Universe Alicia Machado and other negative comments he has made about women. The next video features the story of the friendship between Hillary Clinton and Betsy Ebeling. Then, an ad titled “Squad Goals” features clips of President Barack Obama, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and other making the case for Clinton. The next ad features First Lady Michelle Obama, and she speaks about the importance of being a public figure and how comments made by a president or presidential candidate can influence children. The final two ads are Spanish language ads attacking Trump for his views on immigration and Mexico. Watch the series of videos below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Clinton Campaign Releases Series of New Ads


Hillary for America released a new series of television and radio ads this week. The first five videos focus on Donald Trump and the controversies surrounding him and the Trump Foundation donations. There are three radio ads that focus more on Hillary Clinton’s platform points and less on Trump. The final set of ads is a pair of television and radio ads in Spanish. Each focuses on Clinton’s dedication to Latino families. Review the ads below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary for America Releases ‘College Calculator’


On Monday, Hillary for America released a new “college calculator” that will show past students how Hillary Clinton’s plan will reduce what they owe, and the site also shows future students how they will benefit from proposed plan. A copy of the HFA release is below and be sure to check out the College Calculator.

Hillary for America released a ‘college calculator’ today for families and students to see how much they would save under her New College Compact, her debt-free college plan to ensure that cost is never a barrier for young people seeking to pursue their dreams of higher education and that debt won’t hold them back.

The calculator, also available in Spanish, will allow users to calculate how Clinton’s plan will provide relief from crushing debt as it allows all borrowers to refinance their student loans, and enroll in income-based repayment plans.

The calculator also will help families planning for college to determine the cost based on their annual household income, where they live, what type of college their student plans on attending, and understand when they can benefit from special programs in Hillary Clinton’s college plans. The special programs include those available for student-parents, veterans or those serving in active military duty, those who have served or are contemplating serving on AmeriCorps, and those students contemplating attending a Historically Black College or University, Hispanic Serving Institution or other Minority Serving Institution.

With too many families struggling with student debt, and tuition increasing by 40% over the last ten years at public college and universities, the situation has careened out of control. Hillary’s plan will help millions of Americans with their debt right now, and will make college debt-free for future generations. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has offered no solutions to make college more affordable, and his idea of higher education is Trump University – a fraudulent business that left hundreds of students in debt and without the skills they were promised they would obtain.

The college calculator helps students and families:

  • Calculate their total savings under Hillary Clinton’s college affordability plans for the remaining length of time left on their student loans with their remaining loan balance.
  • Understand how they can take advantage of her student loan refinancing plan in order to reduce their loan payments.
  • Understand how they can benefit from income-based repayment plans to bring down their monthly loan payments to something more manageable.
  • Understand the special savings available to those with student debt who choose to work in public service, become entrepreneurs or have served/decide to serve in AmeriCorps and highlights some of the steps that Hillary Clinton will take to protect and strengthen the educational benefits that veterans have earned through their service.
  • Understand how based on what state they live in, what school they are planning on attending and their household income, the savings and benefits available to them under Hillary Clinton’s college plans.
  • Understand the tuition savings they will get on a per-state basis and based on their household income if they choose to attend a 4-year in-state public university or a community college.
  • Identify when students may be eligible to take advantage of Pell grants to use towards college-related costs.
  • Take advantage of special debt-reduction benefits available to them if they choose to go to school out of state or attend a private university.

To access the calculator, go to www.hillaryclinton.com/calculator

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Washington Post