Senator Sanders Campaigns for Hillary in the West


Senator Bernie Sanders campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton in Phoenix, Arizona on Sunday. Speaking at Central High School, Sanders spoke about the future of the United States and why Clinton is the better choice for that future. He outlined a number of Clinton’s platform points such as raising the minimum wage, overturning the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, and combating climate change. He contrasted Clinton’s plans with proposals made by Donald Trump saying there was no contest. He urged everyone to get out and vote on Tuesday saying, “What we have to talk about is that in two days, there will be the most consequential election in the modern history of the United States. And my hope is that all of you will do everything possible in the next two days — not only voting, bringing out your friends and your relatives and your co-workers — to make sure that Donald Trump is not elected president.” A video of his speech is below.

Sanders then spoke at a get out the vote rally on the campus of College of Southern Nevada’s Cheyenne Campus in Las Vegas. Sanders spoke about the progressive Democratic Party platform and Clinton’s dedication to enact campaign finance reform, reforming the criminal justice system, raising the minimum wage, and making college more affordable. Sanders has had a hand in several of Clinton’s platform points, including her college affordability plan. Sanders also criticized Trump for for his divisive comments about women, immigrants, and Muslims. He urged everyone to consider the country’s future and get out and vote on Tuesday. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: ABC 15, The Arizona Republic, Las Vegas Review Journal

Bill Clinton campaigns for Hillary in Southern California


On Friday, Bill Clinton attended four events in Southern California on behalf of Hillary Clinton. The first event was in Burbank where he spoke about Hillary’s experience and her robust platform plans to move America forward. He also spoke about violence at a rally held by Republican nominee Donald Trump in San Jose. Bill asked Hillary’s supporters to listen to all ideas respectfully and peacefully. He said, “If people want to protest Mr. Trump or Hillary or me or anyone, fine, but it should be peaceful. People should be able to have their say. We should listen to everybody respectfully. We can win this argument; we don’t need to shout it down.” Bill concluded by asking for voters’ support in the June 7 Democratic primary. A video from a member of the audience is below.

He then spoke at Get Out the Vote events in Pacoima, Woodland Hills, and Santa Monica. At each of the events, he continued to tout Hillary’s experience and platform. At each event, he criticized Trump and the Republicans. In Santa Monica, Bill said that it wasn’t until Hillary left the State Department that the attacks on her began. He said, “All these Republicans were slobbering all over her ’til she left the state department, thought she was wonderful.” Bill asked for voters’ support in the upcoming primary. Additional videos from the day’s events will be posted when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Los Angeles Times, Variety, Daily Mail

Clinton Attends California Events

On Thursday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended an early morning fundraiser in Atherton, California. San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and former State Assemblywoman Fiona Ma hosted the breakfast event. Clinton was in San Francisco last night as well to begin her visit to California.

After leaving the San Francisco, Clinton traveled to southern California where she held a roundtable discussion with home health care workers at the Los Angeles Trade-Technical College. Following the roundtable, Clinton attended a fundraiser at the home of Scooter and Yael Braun. Braun is a record label executive and manager for Justin Bieber. The events were private and closed to the press.

UPDATE (8/6): Added video from the roundtable event.

News Source: The Washington Post, NBC 4, ABC 7