Hillary Clinton Thanks Volunteers and Supporters in Conference Call


On Friday evening, Hillary Clinton held a conference call with supporters and campaign volunteers to thank them for their hard work and dedication during the campaign. Clinton said that while the loss was tough, we can still fight for the causes we believe in going forward. She urged everyone not to give up and to stay involved in the process. A recording from the call is below as well as an address where you can send thank you cards or letters to Clinton.

Hillary Rodham Clinton
PO Box 5256
New York, NY 10185-5256

As she said in the call, this is not the end. There is still a lot of work to be done. Follow Hillary, Bill, Chelsea, Senator Tim Kaine, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Senator Elizabeth Warren on Twitter and the Democratic Party on Twitter and Facebook. You can also donate to the Democratic Party and support organizations that will need our support such as Planned Parenthood. Write to your Congressional Representative and Senator when they back something you do not agree with and show your support when they support something that you do as well. We still have a lot to fight for!

News Source: SoundCloud

Clinton Interviewed by BuzzFeed’s Another Round

enhanced-3486-1444326569-1Hillary Rodham Clinton’s interview by BuzzFeed’s Another Round Podcast was published this evening, and during the interview, Clinton is asked a number of questions by the shows hosts Heben Nigatu and Tracy Clayton. While they did talk about about her policies as president and her campaign, they also moved away from politics to discuss pop culture, her favorite TV show The Good Wife, sexism in Washington, and squirrels. It’s an interesting interview. You can listen the episode of the Podcast below, on SoundCloud, or on iTunes.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Another Round