Hillary’s Plan: Debt and Entitlements


Clinton Will Fight For Medicare & Social Security, Pay For Her Plans; Trump Will Risk These Programs & Add Trillions To Debt

Tonight, voters will hear from Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on six topics of national importance: debt and entitlements, immigration, economy, the Supreme Court, foreign policy, and the fitness of the candidates to serve as president.

Clinton has stood up for Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid her entire career, and she will not stop now.  She will ensure the wealthy, Wall Street, and big corporations pay their fair share, invest in middle-class families, and defend and expand Medicare and Social Security.  Furthermore, her new plans are paid for, so they will not add to the national debt.

Conversely, Trump’s plans will add $21 trillion to the national debt over 20 years and give reckless tax cuts to the wealthy instead of investing in Medicare and Social Security for generations to come.


Hillary’s vision on fiscal matters is clear. As she has said before, “We know what sound fiscal policy looks like and it sure isn’t running up massive debts to pay for giveaways to the rich. And it is not painful austerity that hurts working families and undercuts our long-term progress. It’s being strong, stable, and making smart investments in our future. So let’s set the right priorities and pay for them, so we can hand our children a healthier economy and a better future.”

Hillary has put forward credible plans to pay for her proposals without adding to the national debt.  As president, Hillary will:

  • Continue to put forth plans that add up, are paid for, and will not add to the national debt. As the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget said recently, “We are encouraged that Clinton continues to largely pay for her new spending…”
  • Restore fairness to the tax code and make sure the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share. The independent, non-partisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center found that around 2/3rds of the revenue from Hillary’s tax plan came from the top 0.1%, earning more than $3.7 million per year.
  • NYT: “Mrs. Clinton would substantially raise taxes on high-income taxpayers, mostly on the top 1 percent; … reduce taxes on average for middle- and low-income households; and overhaul corporate taxes. Her plan would increase federal revenue $1.4 trillion over the first decade….Mrs. Clinton would use the money to pay for education and other initiatives.”
  • Hillary has a responsible, progressive fiscal vision. Progressive policies such as investing in growth and the middle class, and asking the wealthy to pay their fair share – not trillions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy, have been successful. For example, President Bill Clinton took a $300 billion deficit in the year before he took office and turned it into a $200 billion surplus.

Hillary believes seniors have paid into Social Security for a lifetime, and they’ve earned these benefits when they retire. Social Security isn’t just a program—it’s a promise.  As president, Hillary will:

  • Defend Social Security against Republican attacks and attempts to privatize the program – and refuse to embrace proposals to raise the retirement age or reduce cost-of-living adjustments
  • Expand Social Security for those who need it most and who are treated unfairly by the current system—including women who are widows and those who took significant time out of the paid workforce to take care of their children, aging parents, or ailing family members.
  • Preserve Social Security for decades to come by asking the wealthiest to contribute more.

Hillary believes Medicare and Medicaid are the bedrock of health care coverage for more than 50 million Americans, from seniors to people with disabilities.  As president, Hillary will:

  • Fight to preserve Medicare benefits for Americans – and stand strongly against Republican attempts to “phase out” or privatize Medicare.
  • Require drug manufacturers to provide rebates for low-income Medicare enrollees that are equivalent to rebates in the Medicaid program through her prescription drug plan.
  • Reduce the cost of prescription drugs for seniors by allowing Medicare to use its leverage with more than 40 million enrollees to negotiate drug and biologic prices.
  • Tackle rising medical costs by expanding value-based delivery system reform in Medicare.
  • Help protect consumers from unjustified price hikes for long-available drugs.
  • Ensure we expand Medicaid in the states where Republican governors and legislatures have refused to do so.

Donald Trump may have abused the tax system to avoid paying taxes into Social Security and Medicare – Hillary Clinton would help end this practice. Based on what we do know about Donald Trump’s tax returns, independent experts at the Tax Policy Center believe that Trump may have avoided paying his fair share in taxes into Social Security and Medicare by abusively taking advantage of the so-called “Gingrich-Edwards” loophole. This loophole allows some high-income business people to funnel their wages through a business.  While the law still requires these business owners to pay payroll taxes on a reasonable portion of compensation, Trump may have flouted this legal requirement and avoided paying his fair share in payroll taxes that support programs like Social Security and Medicare. Earlier this year, Hillary Clinton embraced a proposal from President Obama’s budget that would end such abuses and crack down on tax gaming by high-income individuals through shifting business income, including addressing the so-called “Gingrich-Edwards” loophole.

Donald Trump’s tax plan would increase the debt by $21 trillion over 20 years to give tax cuts to the rich, and he has recklessly considered defaulting on the national debt.

  • Trump infamously called himself the “king of debt” and has proposed a tax plan that would increase our national debt by 21 trillion over 20 years – with more than half of the benefits going to the top 1%.
  • Trump displayed his willingness to play Russian roulette with the full faith and credit of the U.S., suggesting recently that “you could make the case” for defaulting on the debt, or maybe we could just “make a deal.” Defaulting on our debt would undermine more than 200 years of confidence in the American economy, and could cause a global financial crisis.

Paying for Donald Trump’s tax cuts for the rich could require cutting Medicare and Social Security by trillions:

  • As an analysis by CAP Action explains, “Trump says his agenda ‘will be completely paid-for,’ but paying for his tax plan would require cutting federal spending by an average of approximately 13.5 percent. In the next 10 years, an across-the-board cut of 13.5 percent would mean cutting Social Security by $1.7 trillion and cutting Medicare by $1.1 trillion.”

Trump is willing to jeopardize Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, which he once called a Ponzi scheme.

Trump’s plan to block grant Medicaid could cause millions of low-income adults and people with disabilities to lose or see lower benefits.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Tim Kaine Campaigns in Nevada


Tim Kaine wrapped up a visit to Nevada this morning with an event in Henderson at the Sun City MacDonald Ranch. While Kaine spoke about he and Hillary Clinton’s platform, he primarily focused on health care during the event. He spoke about Clinton’s proposals to give tax credits to caregivers, provide grants to researchers to find a cure for Alzheimer’s, combat the rising costs of prescription drugs, and protect Medicare and Social Security. Following his remarks, Kaine answered question from those in attendance. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal

Hillary Clinton Vows to Protect the Rights of People with Disabilities in Orlando Speech

os-pictures-hillary-clinton-rallies-in-orlando-013Yesterday, Hillary Clinton campaigned in Orlando, Florida. During her speech, Clinton praised Orlando for overcoming a number challenges it has faced this past year. “You showed the world what Orlando is made of: strength, love and kindness. This is something we could all use more of right now,” she said. Clinton then spoke about the primary focus of her speech which was her plan to expand job and educational opportunities for Americans with disabilities. Clinton said she has a full plan to ensure those with disabilities have equal opportunity because they “have so much to offer, but are given too few chances to prove it.” An outline of Clinton’s proposal is available on The Briefing, and a summary of what Clinton is proposing is below:

  • Work to fulfill the promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Expand support for Americans with disabilities to live in integrated community settings
  • Ensuring that every child, no matter his or her background, can get a high-quality education
  • Improve access to competitive integrated employment for people with disabilities
  • Break down barriers to voting
  • Expand Social Security by counting the hard work of family caregivers and giving them the benefits they deserve
  • Provide tax relief to family members who care for elderly relatives, including those with disabilities
  • Support children, youth, and adults living with autism, as well as their families
  • Expand access to mental health services and eliminate the stigma that is too often associated with seeking out care

Watch a video of Clinton’s full speech below.

Clinton was also interviewed by a local ABC station in Orlando. Watch the full interview below.

Meanwhile, Time Kaine attended a fundraiser on behalf of Hillary for America in San Francisco, California.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Los Angeles Times, Orlando Sentinel, The Briefing

Hillary Clinton Statement on International Brotherhood of Teamsters Endorsement


Hillary Clinton has received the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. In a statement, the group said that they support Clinton because she “is the right candidate for the middle class and working men and women across the country. She will stand strong for the workers of America by fighting to reject job-killing trade deals, enforcing labor laws and working to provide retirement security for millions of people who have sacrificed so much for the chance to retire with dignity.” Clinton released a statement thanking the group for their support and vowed to fight for working families and labor unions. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

Unions like the International Brotherhood of Teamsters built the American middle class, and they make our economy run today. Teamsters keep our planes in the air, they put food on our shelves, and they get packages to our doors. In fighting for better wages and safer conditions on the job, the Teamsters are fighting for all America’s workers. 

I have always been proud to stand with organized labor to create good jobs with good benefits and wages that make it possible to build a middle-class life. As President, I will stand with organized labor and I will always fight for workers’ rights to retire with dignity and security, and to receive the benefits they have earned after years of hard work.

The stakes in this election couldn’t be higher. The Republican candidate for President is a man who has said wages are ‘too high’ in this country. Donald Trump personally signed a contract to hire a union-busting firm to try to stop his workers from organizing in his Las Vegas hotel. His running mate is a man who consistently supported efforts to undermine Social Security and who repealed Indiana’s 80-year-old prevailing wage law. Workers deserve better. And both of them support so-called ‘right to work’ laws that make it harder for workers to organize. I am proud to stand with organized labor against these laws, because ‘right to work’ is wrong for workers and wrong for America.

If elected, American workers will always have a seat at the table and a champion in the White House–because when unions are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Clinton Endorsed by the Progressive Action PAC


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the Progressive Action PAC on Monday. In a release the group praised Clinton saying that she “shares our ideals and has worked to improve the lives of Americans her entire adult life – as an activist, a litigator, a First Lady, a Senator, and then a Secretary of State.” Clinton released a statement in which she praises the group’s work as “a champion for working people” and looks forward to working with them if she is elected. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below:

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the Congressional Progressive Caucus’ Progressive Action PAC.

For 25 years, the CPC has been a champion for working people and on behalf of Americans who have been left out and left behind. And CPC members know, as I do, that we are stronger together.

We are stronger when we have each others’ backs. That’s why we will fight to secure universal health care, raise the minimum wage, and protect Americans’ fundamental right to vote–not corporations’ right to buy elections. It’s why we will face up to the reality of systemic racism, and fix it together. And it’s why we will say ‘no’ to trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership that would hurt American workers, and fully enforce our trade laws to protect American jobs.

We are stronger when all our people can retire with dignity and security after years of hard work. That is why we will stand up to Republican efforts to undermine or privatize the bedrock promise of Social Security—and we’ll fight to expand it.

And we are stronger when we make our economy work for everyone—not just those at the top. That’s why we will fight to make college debt-free and make the kinds of investments that will create good-paying jobs, with a bold plan to build 21st century infrastructure, revitalize American manufacturing, and combat climate change and make America a clean energy superpower.

Progressives know that in America, we don’t tear each other down–we lift each other up. We believe in building bridges, not walls. And we know that America is already great—because for 240 years, ours has been the story of hard-fought, hard-won progress.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Progressive Action PAC, The Hill

Hillary Clinton Statement on Alliance for Retired Americans Endorsement


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the Alliance for Retired Americans. In a statement, Alliance President Robert Roach, Jr. said, “Hillary Clinton has been a champion for retirees throughout her distinguished career. Her life’s work exemplifies the Alliance’s mission to enhance the quality of life for all Americans.” Clinton released a statement saying that she is honored to receive the group’s official support and vowed to fight to preserve and strengthen Medicare and Social Security as president. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the Alliance for Retired Americans.

I have fought for my entire career to protect Americans’ right to retire with dignity and security after years of hard work, and to secure universal health care. As President, I will stand up to any and all Republican efforts to weaken, undermine, or privatize Social Security and Medicare, which form the bedrock of our nation’s commitment to the well-being of older Americans.

We shouldn’t be cutting Social Security, we should be expanding it–and that is what I will fight to do, starting by strengthening benefits for those who are treated unfairly by the current system, including women who are widows and caregivers who took time out of the paid workforce to look after children, aging parents, or ailing family members. And I will take on prescription drug companies for their price gouging and fight to make health care more affordable, including by capping monthly out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs and allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices.

Keeping Social Security and Medicare strong will keep our families strong–and when our families are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Alliance for Retired Americans

Clinton Campaign Releases Details of Proposed Democratic Party Platform


On Saturday, Hillary For America Senior Advisor Maya Harris released a statement following a Democratic Platform Drafting Committee meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. The meeting was one of four held around the country allowing national and local Democrats to gather and discuss the party’s platform. While the official platform will not be adopted until the Democratic National Convention next month, several proposed platform points are discussed in Harris’ statement including a $15 minimum wage, updates to the country’s prison system, a commitment to clean energy and fighting climate change, and ensuring everyone pays their fair share of taxes. Videos from the drafting committee hearings are available on the Democratic National Convention’s YouTube Channel and, the full statement from Harris is below:

“We are proud that the draft 2016 Democratic Platform, which the drafting committee approved yesterday, represents the most ambitious and progressive platform our party has ever seen, and reflects the issues Hillary Clinton has championed throughout this campaign, from raising wages and creating more good-paying jobs to fixing our broken immigration system, reforming our criminal justice system, and protecting women’s reproductive health and rights. As our Chairman, Congressman Elijah Cummings, directed us at the outset, our platform does not merely reflect common ground—it seeks higher ground.

For the first time ever, our platform calls for ending mass incarceration, shutting down the school-to-prison pipeline, and taking on the challenges of systemic racism. This year’s platform contains the most ambitious jobs plan on record, including historic investments in infrastructure, pledges to increase American manufacturing and stop companies from shipping jobs overseas, and a robust, stand-alone plank on youth jobs. It contains ambitious, progressive principles on wages, stating that working people should earn at least $15 an hour, citing New York’s minimum wage law and calling for raising and indexing the federal minimum wage. It also calls for the elimination of the ‘tipped’ wage and for the right of workers to form or join a union.  And for the first time, the Democratic Party platform explicitly calls for repealing the Hyde Amendment, which restricts access to women’s reproductive rights, particularly low-income women and women of color.

Four years ago, the Democratic platform called for an ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy. This platform moves far beyond that framework, with a robust commitment to combating climate change and ambitious goals, like generating 50 percent of our electricity from clean sources within a decade. This vision was further strengthened through an amendment offered by representatives of both campaigns to see America running entirely on clean energy by mid-century.

We are also pleased that there were many issues where committee members worked collaboratively to articulate a bold vision, including making sure Wall Street greed and recklessness never again threatens American families and businesses on Main Street; proposing a surtax on multi-millionaires to ensure the richest among us are paying their fair share to build an economy that works for everyone; and expanding Social Security benefits by raising more revenue above the $250,000 threshold.

Members also worked together on framing Democrats’ shared commitment to comprehensive immigration reform, with an eloquent unity amendment stating, ‘Immigration is not a problem to be solved, it is a defining aspect of the American character and history to be supported and defended against those who would exclude or eliminate legal immigration avenues and denigrate immigrants.’

And we are proud the draft 2016 Democratic platform sets forward progressive principles and high standards on trade, including calling for trade agreements to be more protective of workers’ rights, labor rights, the environment, and public health. The draft reviewed by committee members yesterday included a call to review past trade agreements and update them to reflect these principles. An amendment adopted yesterday further emphasized the fact that many Democrats oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership because ‘the agreement does not meet the standards set out in this platform.’ Hillary Clinton is one of those Democrats, and has been strongly and unequivocally on the record opposing TPP. Just this week, she said, ‘We will defend American jobs and American workers by saying ‘no’ to bad trade deals and unfair trade practices, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership.’

Make no mistake about it: The 2016 Democratic platform represents an ambitious, progressive agenda that all Democrats can and should be proud of.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Clinton, Sanders Spar in CNN Debate



Last night, Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders faced off in their ninth debate. The debate, which aired on CNN and was moderated by Wolf Blitzer, was much more contentious then their previous debates. Sanders and Clinton began by hotly debating which candidate has the best judgement and record to be president. Throughout the debate, they debated a variety of topics including gun control, Wall Street, higher education, social security, and climate change. A full video of the debate is below.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: CBS News, New York Times, CNN

Bill Campaigns in New York, Chelsea in DC


On Monday, all three Clintons, Hillary Bill, and Chelsea, attended events across New York and in Washington, DC. Bill was in New York City where he spoke with residents at the Hebrew Home for the Aging in the Bronx with Congressman Eliot Engel. During the event, Bill spoke about Hillary’s plans to expand elderly care and protect Social Security benefits. He said, “So many vulnerable people. We are all living longer now. It means that we have to make the most of our elder years. That’s another thing she’s really interested in.”

Bill then went to an organizing event in Brooklyn. Speaking at St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, Clinton spoke about Hillary’s platform and her experience. He also spoke about Sanders’ campaign tactics and his recent interest in running as a Democrat (Sanders is an Independent Senator from Vermont). He said, “Sometimes in this primary I get the feeling that the gentleman who’s running against Hillary is running harder against President Obama and me than he is against the legacy of the Bush administration. You know, after he’s been a Democrat a little while longer he’ll get used to it. He’ll realize, you know, our party is the best hope we got.” A video from today’s speeches will be added when/if available.

Chelsea focused her attention on Washington, DC where she attended two area fundraisers. In addition, two others campaigned on behalf of Hillary for America today. Campaign Chair John Podesta attended a fundraiser in Washington, DC. In New York City, Economic Policy Advisor Mike Schmidt attended a local fundraiser as well.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: New York Daily News, Observer