Hillary Clinton Interviewed by Snapchat


Today, Snapchat released an interview with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Clinton will appear on “Good Luck America,” a weekly television style show about politics. She was interviewed by Snapchat’s head of news Peter Hamby and they discussed “what she was like as a young person, early career aspirations, and how she spent Friday and Saturday nights in college.” The interview is about five minutes long and will be available on the Snapchat app for the next 48 hours.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Recode

Hillary Clinton Appears on The Tonight Show


Last night, Hillary Clinton was a guest on NBC’s The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Clinton last appeared on the show in September, and during this visit, Clinton and Fallon discussed her campaign, the close primary battle between her and Bernie Sanders, and her Republican rival Donald Trump. During the segment, Fallon also “interviewed” Clinton for the job of president, and they took a picture on SnapChat. Check out clips from the episode below.

Sunday is the next Democratic Debate, which will be held in Charleston, South Carolina. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Today Show

Clinton at the Iowa State Fair

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On Saturday, Hillary Rodham Clinton visited the Iowa State Fair where she met with attendees and enjoyed fair food. She was joined by former Iowa Senator Tom Harkin. She also held a brief press conference where she answered questions about her emails, Iraq, and joining Snapchat. Clinton wasn’t the only presidential candidate at the fair, Republican candidate Donald Trump also made an appearance. A video from Clinton’s press conference can be found on C-SPAN.

After leaving Iowa, Clinton flew to Martha’s Vineyard where she met up with President Barack Obama and husband Bill Clinton (who spent the day playing golf together) to attend the birthday celebration of power broker Vernon Jordan.

New Source: The Chicago Tribune, ABC News, The Daily Mail

Clinton Kicks off Iowa Visit

United States Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton listens to a question from a man in the audience during a town hall meeting about college affordability in Dubuque, Iowa, August 14, 2015. REUTERS/Joshua Lott
United States Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton listens to a question from a man in the audience during a town hall meeting about college affordability in Dubuque, Iowa, August 14, 2015. REUTERS/Joshua Lott

On Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton kicked off her trip to Iowa for the Iowa State Fair. Her visit began as she received the endorsement of former Iowa Senator Tom Harkin. She began the day in Dubuque where she held a town hall discussing college affordability. After unveiling her plan earlier this week, Clinton expanded upon her proposal explaining that she would raise taxes on those who are more wealthy to help off-set the cost. The plan, which would cost $350 billion over 10 years, will make college more affordable and help those with student loans. “We have to make a quality education affordable and available without saddling young people with decades of debt,” she said. Clinton then spent time answering questions from the audience. A full video from the event is below.

Friday evening, Clinton attended the Iowa Democratic Wing Ding. She gave a speech to a large, receptive crowd, and she continued to talk about college affordability. But also used the opportunity to attack her Republican rivals by criticizing the their record and how strikingly similar the candidates appear. She said, “Don’t let the circus distract you, if you look at their policies, most of the other candidates are just Trump without the pizzazz or the hair. Yes, Mr. Trump says outrageous and hateful things about immigrants but how many of the other candidates disagree with him?” A full video from the Wing Ding is available on MSNBC. Clinton begins speaking at 1:12:12.

On Saturday, Clinton will spend the majority of the day at the fair. Follow along on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Clinton also recently joined Snapchat @HillaryClinton.

UPDATE (8/16): Added link to video.

News Source: The New York Times, (2), NBC News