Meet the Architect Stiffed by Donald Trump


During last night’s debate, Hillary Clinton spoke about small business owners who were not financially compensated by Donald Trump for work completed. Hillary for America released the following introducing Andrew Tesoro, an architect that was not fairly compensated by Trump.

During last night’s presidential debate, Hillary Clinton discussed the many small business owners hung out to dry by Donald Trump, including Manhattan-based architect Andrew Tesoro who was stiffed out of over $100,000 dollars on a design project for the clubhouse at Trump National Golf Club in Briarcliff Manor.

Despite previously saying he “love[d]” the design and that Tesoro was a “top notch” architect, Trump attacked Tesoro during the debate saying, “Maybe he didn’t do a good job, and I wasn’t satisfied with his work.” Tesoro was previously featured in a video released by Hillary for America where he shared how Trump almost put him out of business and was forced to max out his credit lines and dip into his son’s college savings to survive.

On MSNBC this morning, Tesoro spoke out and read from a glowing letter Trump wrote praising his work.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Forbes

Read: Hillary Clinton’s Comprehensive Platform


Since launching her campaign in April 2015, Hillary Clinton has outlined a number of major platform points in a series of speeches. As we near the election, the campaign has heated up in the battle between Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. With a little over a month to go, it is important that Clinton continue to deliver substantive speeches and combat a Trump platform that offers no substance or foundation. Clinton’s platform is built on a career of public service and an understanding of domestic and foreign policies. While everyone may not agree with all of platform points, taken as a whole it is clear that she has put together a solid plan to more the country forward and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to live up to their full potential.

When Clinton has introduced a major platform topic, we add it to the Platform category of the website. Looking through Clinton’s speeches and policy proposals, a clear plan emerges. From Clinton’s kickoff rally in June 2015 to the announcement of her plans to protect the rights of disabled Americans earlier this month, a list of Clinton’s platform speech topics and announcement dates are below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Clinton Calls for Passage of the Miners Protection Act


Hillary Clinton released a statement on Thursday calling for the passage of the the bipartisan Miners Protection Act, a bill sponsored by Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Joe Manchin (D-WV). The plan would rescue the pension offered by the United Mine Workers (UMW) and ensure that retired miners continue to receive their benefits. UMW will be on Capitol Hill on Thursday to gather support for the bill. In her statement, Clinton expresses her support of the act saying that it will ensure that miners receive the benefits they have earned. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“I firmly believe that if you spent your life keeping the lights on for our country, we can’t leave you in the dark. For more than a century, America’s coal miners have put their own health and safety at risk to provide affordable and reliable energy for the nation. They are entitled to the benefits they have earned and the respect they deserve.

That’s why I am proud to stand with Senator Joe Manchin and the United Mine Workers of America in calling on Congressional Republicans to stop playing politics and give the Miners Protection Act a vote before the benefits of these hardworking men and women start expiring later this year.

We also have a shared responsibility to reinvest in the coal communities that have been an engine of American economic growth. That’s why last fall, I proposed a comprehensive revitalization and job creation plan including building 21st-century infrastructure and high-speed broadband, repurposing abandoned minelands and power plants to support new economic activity, and creating a Coal Communities Challenge Fund to support locally-driven economic development priorities in small business, agriculture, health care, tourism, housing, and other industries.

And we need to invest in carbon capture and sequestration, which will reduce emissions from coal and natural gas combustion, and will help us meet the global climate challenge more quickly and at lower cost, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. That’s why I support Senator Heidi Heitkamp and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Act, which Senator Kaine has also co-sponsored.”

Throughout her campaign, Hillary Clinton has stood up for the healthcare and retirement security of American miners and their families and challenged attempts by coal companies, including Patriot Coal, Peabody Energy, Alpha Natural Resources, and Walter Energy to use bankruptcy courts to shirk their responsibilities.

While under pressure some of these companies have since reversed course, a federal backstop is required to protect coal miners, their families, and their communities. Hillary Clinton has called for such a backstop as part of her plan to revitalize coal communities.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Bloomberg, Vincennes Sun-Commercial, Charleston Gazette-Mail

HFA’s Response to Trump’s Latest Misleading Ad


On Monday, Hillary for America Deputy Communications Director Christina Reynolds released the following in response to Donald Trump’s latest campaign ad.

“Donald Trump’s reckless approach to business has devastated working families and communities. He will do and say whatever is in his interest, even if it means swindling working families to make millions for himself. Now Trump is promising the same reckless, self-centered approach to running the country’s economy – with large tax breaks for the wealthy, and a plan that independent experts say would cost millions of jobs. Hillary Clinton is the only candidate who will work to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top, and has a plan that would create jobs, grow incomes and help small business and the middle class. No misleading ad can change that fact.”

V/O: In Hillary Clinton’s America, the middle class gets crushed

SUPER: middle class CRUSHED

“America’s Shrinking Middle Class: A Close Look at Changes Within Metropolitan Areas,” Pew Research Center, 5/11/16




Hillary for America Fact Sheet: Stronger Together: Hillary Clinton’s Plan for An Economy That Works for Everyone, Not Just Those at the Top [Hillary for America Fact Sheet, 6/22/16]

Hillary Clinton is running for President to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. And she is setting five big goals to get there:

1  Break Through Washington Gridlock to Make the Boldest Investment in Good-Paying Jobs Since World War II

2  Make Debt Free College Available to All Americans

3  Rewrite the Rules to Ensure That Workers Share in the Profits They Help Create

4  Ensure That Those at the Top Pay Their Fair Share

5  Put Families First by Matching Our Policies to How Families Live, Learn, and Work in the 21st Century Economy


Moody’s: “Those Who Would Benefit Most From Secretary Clinton’s Economic Proposals Would Be Low- And Middle-Income Households.” “Those who would benefit most from Secretary Clinton’s economic proposals would be low- and middle-income households.” [The Macroeconomic Consequences of Secretary Clinton’s Economic Policies, Moody’s Analytics, July 2016]


“America’s Shrinking Middle Class: A Close Look at Changes Within Metropolitan Areas,” Pew Research Center, 5/11/16

V/O Spending goes up

SUPER: spending goes UP

“Analyzing Clinton’s Health and Education Expenses,” CRFB, 7/27/16

“Estimating the Costs of Candidate Clinton’s Proposals,” American Action Forum, 6/4/16


Wall Street Journal: Study Sees Debt Jumping Under Trump, Staying Steady Under Clinton [Wall Street, Journal, 6/26/16]

Study: Clinton’s proposals would not significantly increase national debt [The Hill, 5/2/16]

Budget group: Debt jumps under Donald Trump, remains steady under Hillary Clinton [CBS News, 6/27/16]



V/O: Taxes go up

SUPER: Taxes go UP

“Estimating the Costs of Candidate Clinton’s Proposals,” American Action Forum, 6/4/16



Politifact Gave A “Pants On Fire” To Donald Trump’s Claim That “Hillary Clinton Wants To Raise Taxes On The Middle Class.” [Politifact, 8/5/16]

Research Cited By Trump Campaign Notes That Clinton Would Not Raise Taxes On Incomes Less Than $250,000

Tax Foundation: “Consistent With The Clinton Campaign’s Pledge Not To Raise Taxes On Households Earning Less Than $250,000, We Assumed That The New Schedule For Long-Term Gains…” “Consistent with the Clinton campaign’s pledge not to raise taxes on households earning less than $250,000, we assumed that the new schedule for long-term gains only would apply to the top marginal tax rate of 20 percent.” [“Details and Analysis of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Proposals,” Tax Foundation, 1/26/16]

V/O: Hundreds of thousands of jobs disappear. It’s more of the same but worse.

SUPER: Clinton’s Tax Plan: hundreds of thousands of jobs disappear

“Details and Analysis of Hillary Clinton’s Tax Proposals,” Tax Foundation, 1/26/16



Moody’s: “During Her Presidency, The Economy Would Create 10.4 Million Jobs, 3.2 Million More Than Under Current Law.” “Employment also receives a lift under the secretary’s plan. During her presidency, the economy would create 10.4 million jobs, 3.2 million more than under current law. Unemployment is also lower, with the unemployment rate falling as low as 3.7% in the middle of her term, and ending her presidency in 2020 at 4.4%. Under current law, the unemployment rate hovers just below 5% between now and the end of the decade.” [The Macroeconomic Consequences of Secretary Clinton’s Economic Policies, Moody’s Analytics, July 2016]

Moody’s: Clinton’s Economic Proposals Will Results In A “Stronger U.S. Economy With Increased GDP And More Jobs” That “Will Mostly Benefit Middle- And Lower-Income Households.” “Even allowing for some variability in the accuracy of the economic modeling and underlying assumptions that drive our analysis, four basic conclusions regarding the impact of Secretary Clinton’s economic proposals can be reached: 1) They will result in a somewhat stronger U.S. economy with increased GDP and more jobs; 2) they will mostly benefit middle- and lower-income households; 3) they have little impact on the nation’s fiscal situation, as they result in somewhat larger deficits but a mostly unchanged debt-to-GDP ratio; and 4) they exhibit faith in the ability of government policy to positively influence economic behavior.” [The Macroeconomic Consequences of Secretary Clinton’s Economic Policies, Moody’s Analytics, July 2016]

V/O: In Donald Trump’s America, working families get tax relief

SUPER: Families Get Tax Relief

“A Pro-Growth Tax Code for All Americans,” GOP: A Better Way, 6/24/16



HEADLINE: “Economists: Trump Tax Plan Offers Almost Nothing For The Middle Class.” [Washington Post, 8/8/16]

Center On Budget And Policy Priorities: Trump’s Proposed 15% Tax Rate On Pass-Through Income “Would Be An Expensive Tax Cut That Would Flow Primarily To The Wealthiest Americans.” “A central element of Donald Trump’s tax plan, which he’s expected to discuss in a high-profile speech in Detroit today, is a special 15 percent tax rate on business income claimed on individual tax returns, known as ‘pass-through’ income.  Mr. Trump says it’s designed to help small businesses, which he contends shouldn’t pay a higher tax rate than large corporations.  Mr. Trump, who has proposed a 15 percent corporate tax rate, proposes a pass-through rate of 15 percent as well. The Trump pass-through proposal would be an expensive tax cut that would flow primarily to the wealthiest Americans.  That’s because more than two-thirds of pass-through business income flows to the highest-income 1 percent of tax filers.” [Center On Budget And Policy Priorities, 8/8/16]

Trump’s Financial Disclosure Revealed He Had Holdings In More Than 200 Pass-Through Entities, Which Would See Their Tax Rate Dramatically Reduced Under His Plan. “A little-noticed provision in Donald Trump’s tax reform plan has the potential to deliver a large tax cut to companies in the Republican presidential nominee’s vast business empire, experts say. Trump’s plan would dramatically reduce taxes on what is known in tax circles as ‘pass-through’ entities, which do not pay corporate income taxes, but whose owners are taxed at individual rates on their share of profits. Those entities are the most common structure for small businesses and increasingly popular for larger ones as well. They are also a cornerstone of the Trump Organization. On his 2015 presidential financial disclosure report, Trump listed holdings of more than 200 limited liability corporations, which is a form of pass-through.” [Washington Post, 8/10/16]


HEADLINE: “Trump Ad Credits Tax Plan He Doesn’t Support” [NBC News, 8/29/16]

Donald Trump’s New Ad Cites Two Contradictory Tax Plans — One That Trump Has Explicitly Ruled Out and Another That He Has Yet To Endorse. “Donald Trump’s new $10 million TV ad cites two contradictory tax plans — one that Trump has explicitly ruled out and another that he has yet to endorse — raising more questions about what policies the GOP presidential nominee supports. […] For the ad’s claim that ‘working families get tax relief,’ it refers viewers not to an analysis of Trump’s own tax proposals, but to a white paper by House GOP leaders about their own tax reform plan. […] Trump has not endorsed the House GOP plan outright, but his new proposal, announced earlier this month, has some similarities. […] Things get even more confusing as the commercial continues. The ad’s next two claims that Trump would make ‘wages go up’ and ‘small businesses thrive’ refer to his old tax plan from last year, which had drastically different rates, including a 0% bracket at the bottom and a top rate of 25%. The on-screen citation directs viewers to a Tax Foundation analysis of that now-defunct proposal from September 2015. Trump erased his old plan from his website shortly before he announced his new one in a speech to the Detroit Economic Club earlier this month.” [NBC News, 8/29/16]

V/O: Millions of New Jobs Created

Millions of new jobs

Details and Analysis of the 2016 House Republican Tax Reform Plan,” Tax Foundation, 7/5/16



A Moody’s Analytics Report On Trump’s Economic Proposals On Taxes, Trade, Immigration And Spending Found That Trump’s Policies Could Sharply Reduce Economic Output And Reduce Employment By Nearly 3.5 Million Jobs During His First Term. “A new analysis concludes Donald Trump’s economic proposals, taken at face value, could produce a prolonged recession and heavy job losses that would fall hardest on low- and middle-income workers. The Moody’s Analytics report, which a person close to the Trump campaign strongly disputed, is the first that attempts to quantify the cumulative economic benefits and costs of Mr. Trump’s proposals on taxes, trade, immigration and spending. It determines that full adoption of those policies would sharply reduce economic output during his first term and reduce employment by 3.5 million jobs.” [Wall Street Journal, 6/20/15]

V/O: Wages go up

SUPER: Wages go up

“Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan,” Tax Foundation, 9/29/15



Trump Opposed Raising The Minimum Wage Because: “Wages Too High, We’re Not Going To Be Able To Compete Against The World.” Trump said he wouldn’t raise the minimum wage, and the reason is that America ‘is a country that is being beaten on every front.’ The problem, he said: ‘Taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard, and they have to get into that upper stratum.’” [The Week, 11/10/15; Republican Primary Debate, Milwaukee WI, 11/10/15]

Trump: “We Have To Become Competitive With The World.  Our Taxes Are Too High, Our Wages Are Too High.  Everything Is Too High.” TRUMP: “But you know what? We have to become competitive with the world.  Our taxes are too high, our wages are too high.  Everything is too high.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 11/11/15; The Hill, 11/11/15]


Trump: “But I Think Having A Low Minimum Wage Is Not A Bad Thing For This Country.” TRUMP: “Now — I want to create jobs so that you don’t have to worry about the minimum wage.  They’re do a great job that they’re making much more than the minimum wage.  But I think having a low minimum wage is not a bad thing for this country, Mika.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 8/20/15; Washington Times; 8/20/15]

V/O: Small businesses thrive

SUPER: Small businesses thrive

“Details and Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan,” Tax Foundation, 9/29/15

V/O: The American dream achievable. Change that makes America great again. Donald Trump for President.




Moody’s Concluded That Trump’s Trade And Immigration Policies Would Sharply Boost The Prices Of Labor And Goods And Could Contribute To A Recession In 2018. “The report singles out trade and immigration policies as the most detrimental to the economy in the short run because they could sharply boost labor and goods prices at a time when there’s less slack in the labor market. ‘It is a massive supply shock to the economy that’s very pernicious, and the Fed doesn’t know how to respond to that,’ said Mr. Zandi. Moody’s concludes that those price pressures would force the central bank to raise interest rates at a faster-than-desired pace, contributing to a recession in 2018 that could produce a 25% drop in the S&P 500.” [Wall Street Journal, 6/20/15]

HEADLINE: “Donald Trump’s Trade War Could Kill Millions Of U.S. Jobs” [Wonkblog, Washington Post, 3/25/16]

HEADLINE: “How Donald Trump Could Cause A Recession” [CNN Money, 3/3/16]

The Republican-Leaning U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Argued That Trump’s Proposed Tariffs Would Likely Cause A Recession. “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is using a recent analysis commissioned by The Washington Post to argue that Donald Trump’s trade policy platform could cause a recession. The business group, which is a consistent backer of Republican politicians, said in a blog post Friday that a recession would set in during the first year under the Republican front-runner’s proposed tariffs because China and Mexico would likely impose retaliatory tariffs.” [Politico, 4/1/16]

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Kaine Meets with Local Elected Officials in South Florida


Tim Kaine wrapped up a two campaign trip to Florida on Saturday. In Miami Lakes, Kaine toured Design South Florida, a local production company. He toured the facility and visited with employees. He then rallied elected Democrats in Pembroke Pines. Speaking to a collected group of Democratic mayors and elected officials, Kaine went after Donald Trump and touted Hillary’s Clinton’s plans and record. He framed Clinton as the logical choice over Trump saying, “She understands that our safety is about our muscle, but it’s also about our alliances. Donald Trump has a different attitude.” A video from his speech in Pembroke Pines is below.

Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack campaigned on behalf of Clinton meeting with voters at events across the state. He spoke about Clinton’s jobs plan and how it would create over 400,000 jobs in Pennsylvania alone. Vilsack is a native of Pittsburgh and was rumored to be on Clinton’s short list for running mate.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Miami Herald, Sun Sentinel, ABC 10

Tim Kaine Kicks off Florida Campaign Tour in Tallahassee


Tim Kaine began a two day campaign stint in Florida today with stops in Domi Station and Tallahassee. In Domi Station, Kaine spoke with small business owners and toured a local business before heading to a public rally at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee. While Kaine’s speech primary focused on Hillary Clinton’s plans to continue economic growth and create millions of jobs, he also had some harsh words for Donald Trump. “Ku Klux Klan values, David Duke values, Donald Trump values are not American values,” Kaine said. The criticisms leveled by Kaine were the harshest we have heard from him since he was announced as Clinton’s running mate. A partial video from Kaine’s rally is below, and a full video will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Tampa Bay Times, WTXL

Clinton Statement on National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Endorsement


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. The group’s co-founder and CEO Chance Mitchell said that “the stakes have never been so high for the future of the LGBT business community. Hillary Clinton is the progressive champion our businesses and our families need to thrive.” Clinton released a statement thanking the group for their endorsement and reinforcing her support for the LGBTQ community. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“I am honored to have earned the first-ever endorsement of the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.

For nearly 15 years, the NGLCC has paved the way for LGBT-owned and –allied businesses to succeed, grow, and find new clients and partners.  Just this month, they brought together a record-breaking number of LGBT business leaders at their annual convention.

The stakes in this election could not be higher for LGBT Americans. When Donald Trump says he’ll ‘make America great again,’ that’s code for ‘take America backwards.’ He has said he would appoint judges who would overturn marriage equality. The man Trump chose as his running mate signed a law that opened the door for Indiana businesses to discriminate against LGBT people and said marriage equality could cause ‘societal collapse.’  As we’ve seen in North Carolina, discrimination isn’t only wrong – it’s bad for business.  North Carolina’s egregious HB2 measure has caused companies to pull jobs and millions of dollars out of the state.

We have our work cut out for us.  As President, I’ll keep fighting for equality and opportunity for LGBT Americans by passing the Equality Act.  And I want to be the small business president and make things easier for small businesses every step of the way. In America, if you can dream it, you should be able to build it – no matter where you come from, what you look like, or who you love. That’s why I have a comprehensive plan to make it easier to start a business, get the financing to grow, file taxes and work with the federal government, and provide good benefits to workers.

I am proud to stand with the NGLCC in this election and every day.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: NBC News

HFA Launches “Nuestros Negocios, Nuestra América”


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton announced her plan to support small businesses. She also announced “Nuestros Negocios, Nuestra América,” a program aimed at empowering Latino small business owners to assist with voter registration. In a statement, Hillary for America said that this national voter registration effort will ensure everyone has a voice of the 2016 election. A copy of the statement is below.

As Hillary Clinton releases a plan to make life easier for small businesses at every step of the way, Hillary for America is launching a national voter registration effort, “Nuestros Negocios, Nuestra América” (Our businesses, Our America), led by Latino small business owners across the country. “Hillary recognizes that Latino small business owners are the bedrock of our neighborhoods and that’s why she tasked us to build a program that would empower them to mobilize Latinos to the polls. And Latino small business owners know that Hillary Clinton will have their backs as president,” stated Lorella Praeli, National Director of Latino Vote.

As part of “Nuestros Negocios, Nuestra América,” the campaign is calling on Latino small business owners to help register voters in their communities and educate, engage, and activate Latino voters. Small business owners will volunteer their spaces to host canvass kick-offs, debate watch-parties, round-table discussions or stage Get Out the Vote efforts. Throughout the week “Nuestros Negocios, Nuestra América” will hold events across the country.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Hillary Clinton Announces Plan to Boost Small Businesses


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton announced a plan she would introduce as president to boost small businesses. She introduced her plan in an article for LinkedIn followed by a teleconference with members of the press and several small business owners. Clinton warned of Donald Trump’s past business practices with small businesses arguing that a Trump presidency would not be good for small business owners. The comprehensive plan builds on her overall economic plan which would create millions of jobs by investing in infrastructure upgrades and clean energy. Small businesses play into her overall plan as they will provide American workers and products. An outline of the plan is below and the full plan is available on The Briefing.

  1. Make it easier to start a business and become profitable
    • Push states to make it faster and cheaper to start a business
    • Working with states to standardize licensing requirements
    • Making technical assistance and resources available to states
    • Provide incubators, mentoring, and training to 50,000 entrepreneurs and small business owners in underserved communities
  2. Make it easier to get financing and find investors
    • Streamline regulation and cut red tape for community banks and credit unions
    • Harness the potential of online lending platforms
    • Reduce the burden of student debt by allowing entrepreneurs to defer student loan payment
    • Promote the 100% tax exclusion on capital gains for long-term small business investments
    • Expand and streamline the SBA’s Small Business Investment Company program
    • Support new innovative ways to assess creditworthiness for small business owners
    • Expand access to credit in underserved communities
    • Give the SBA administrator the authority to continue providing 7(a) loan guarantees to small businesses
    • Expand access to working capital by expanding the SBA’s working capital guarantee programs
  3. Make it cheaper and faster to file taxes and pay for tax relief
    • Work to create a new standard deduction for small businesses
    • Allow 4 million small businesses with gross receipts under $1 million to take advantage of “checkbook accounting”
    • Allow small businesses to immediately expense up to $1 million in new investments
    • Quadruple the start-up tax deduction to significantly lower the cost of starting a business
  4. Make it easier to offer health care and other benefits to employees
    • Simplify and expand the healthcare tax credit
    • Allow more small businesses pool together to offer retirement plans
  5. Make it easier to work with the federal government
    • Work to completely revamp the digital experience for small businesses
    • Use the leverage of more than $400 billion in federal government contracting to encourage businesses to pay their suppliers in full and on time
    • Guarantee a 24-hour response time to small businesses with questions about federal regulations and access to capital programs
    • Ensure that Small Business Development Centers are placed in the highest-need communities with staff that speaks the language of local residents
    • Work to ensure that federal regulations aren’t unnecessarily holding small businesses and our economy back
    • Increase federal contracting opportunities for women-owned, minority-owned, and veteran-owned small businesses
    • Defend and strengthen the Export-Import Bank
    • Encourage small business exports by expanding SBA funding for export development
  6. Make it easier to fight back when you’re getting stiffed

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: LinkedIn, The Briefing, Bloomberg, Forbes

Kaine Holds Small Business Roundtable in Colorado


Tim Kaine held a small business roundtable discussion today in Lakewood, Colorado. Both he and Hillary Clinton have spent the last few weeks touting Clinton’s jobs plan; however, following today’s announcement of Clinton’s small business plan, he focused on how a Clinton administration would help small businesses. The plan would help small businesses get funding to get off the ground and make it easier to operate on a day-to-day basis. Kaine spoke about the importance of small businesses in the local economy. “The American economy really isn’t best measured by what’s going on on Wall Street. It’s best measured by what’s happening with small businesses,” he said. A video from the rountable discussion is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The Denver Post