Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in New York


While Hillary Clinton campaigned in Purchase, New York, Bill Clinton hosted a number of organizing events with labor unions in the New York City area. At each of the events, he struck a populist tone and criticized big companies that refuse to raise wages for their workers saying that “80 to 90% of the profits are going to shareholders and top management” instead of those doing the work. He said that Hillary will continue to fight for everyone and ensure that unions do not lose their right to collectively bargain. Criticizing Bernie Sanders, Bill also suggested that Sander’s heath care program will not work saying, “It’s interesting that the governor [Peter Shumlin] of Vermont — Vermont, the only governor in America that ever had the courage to try to have a single-payer system — he found, just like the experts that it was going to cost twice what he thought it was, and would take half the state’s budget. He gave it up. And guess who he is supporting for president? Hillary.” A video from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Three fundraisers were held by Hillary for America. The first was held in Providence, Rhode Island. The event was hosted by Rhode Island for Hillary and featured Congressman Joaquin Castro. The second event was hosted by Doctors Steven Beller and Esther Brimmer in Washington, DC. The event featured a conversation with Wendy Sherman, Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, and Kurt Campbell, Former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs. The final fundraiser of the day was held in New York City and included Marc Elias, Hillary for America General Counsel and Robbie Kaplan, Partner, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Business Insider, Politico New York

Hillary and Bill Appear Together in Davenport

Hillary Clinton was in Iowa on Friday for three Get out the Caucus events. The first of her events was in Des Moines where she spoke about health care. She focused on her plan and explained why the single-payer plan proposed by Bernie Sanders will “never, ever come to pass.” She explained that overhauling the heath care system again would take too long, and the American people don’t have time to wait. Clinton argued that building upon the progress that has been made is a more sensible solution. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

The second stop was in Dubuque where she admitted that some her plans may not be as flashy as some of her opponents’, but she would rather “underpromise and over-deliver” then the other way around. Clinton then spoke about the points of her campaign platform including health care, the economy, taxes, and clean energy. A video from the event in Dubuque is below.

In the final stop of the day, Hillary was joined by Bill in Davenport. Speaking to a crowd of over 1,500, Bill began by talking about her experience and why she would make a great president. He then handed the microphone over to Hillary and she spoke about economy under her husband’s administration and since President Obama has taken office. She argued that only a Democrat is going to continue the progress that has been made. She criticized Republicans for “wanting to go back to what failed us before.” A video from the event is below.

On Saturday and Sunday, Hillary and Bill will be appearing across the state of Iowa in preparation for the February 1st caucus. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, Dubuque Telegraph Herald, The Des Moines Register

Clinton Steps-Up in Iowa


Hillary Clinton returned to Iowa, where the polls between her and Democratic rival Bernie Sanders have tightened considerably. Last night, Clinton hosted an organizing event in Burlington where she spoke about the specifics of her platform. She said that her agenda may be ambitious, but she also stressed the importance of working together and listening to good ideas from anyone, not just people she agrees with politically. She said, “We may not always agree, but we will always have a conversation where I’m hearing you and we’re talking about the path forward.”

Clinton attended two organizing events today. The first was in Indianola where she changed her tone and went directly after Sanders. She broke from her usual pattern and mentioned Sanders by name several times. She spoke about her experience with health care and foreign policy and his lack of experience. Most importantly, she spoke about her record of getting things done. She criticized Sanders’ plans and his readiness for the presidency saying, “Theory isn’t enough. A President has to deliver in reality.”

At an the event in Vinton, Clinton continued the theme of the speech she gave in Indianola calling attention to the progress that has been made with health care and criticizing Sanders for wanting to scrap it and start over. She said that Sanders has been working to pass the single-payer heath care proposal for over 25 years, but has failed to gain much support. “He never got even a single vote in the House or a single Senate co-sponsor. Not one. You hear a promise to build a whole new system, but that’s not what you get. … You’ll get gridlock and an endless wait for advances that never come.”


Clinton wrapped up the day with an appearance at an event at the University of Iowa in Iowa City with singer-songwriter Demi Lovato. While the crowd of 1,600 were there to see Lovato perform, Clinton spoke to the crowd briefly about her plans as president and criticized Republicans and Bernie Sanders for their positions on a number of topics. This is not the first time Lovato has appeared at an event with Clinton, but it is the first public event. A video will be added when/if available.

Tomorrow, Clinton returns to New Hampshire for three separate events. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The New York Times, KWQC, CNN, The Hill, KWWL