HFA Releases Series of New Ads Highlighting Republicans Supporting Clinton


Following Sunday night’s debate, Hillary for America released a series of new ads going after Donald Trump by featuring a number of Republicans who are supporting Hillary Clinton. The first video calls out Trump for his non-apology for comments made about women in 2005. The next four videos are ads featuring Republicans who are backing Clinton over Trump. Each of the them speak about their concerns with Trump and his lack of Republican values. The next video talks about what is at stake for DREAMers in Nevada. Next is an ad called “Show Up” which highlights the power of voting and urges people to vote for Clinton on November 8. Then, HFA released a video titled “Progress is on the Ballot” featuring the progress made under President Barack Obama and that Clinton has plans to continue that progress. The final ad is about the recent meltdowns of Trump. Watch the series of videos below.

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