Sedona Forum

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at the McCain Institute sponsored Sedona Forum on the campus of Arizona State University. Clinton took part in the forum “Global Crisis and American Leadership” with Senator John McCain.  The two spoke at length about the current situation in Ukraine and our current relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Clinton and McCain also discussed free press, the Middle East, and Benghazi before fielding questions from the audience.  A few weeks ago, Clinton denounced the current political climate and lack bipartisan compromise. This proves that it is possible for Democrats and Republicans to have a serious conversation.

In addition to the full event, the McCain Institute also posted a short video in which Clinton shares her views on leadership. This video is below:

Video Source: YouTube

CGI U – Opening Remarks

Friday, March 21, 2014

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Last night, Hillary Rodham Clinton introduced opened the 2014 Clinton Global Initiative University by urging college age students to participate. Though she did not participate in the opening session, she took the opportunity to address the college students in attendance and referred to the millennials as the participation generation. Clinton urged young adults participate in the world and work for something they believe in.

The opening session of CGI U was called “The Age of Participation” and included President Bill Clinton and Senator John McCain. The video cannot be embedded into this post; however, you may view it by CLICKING HERE. Clinton’s introduction is the first 10 minutes of the video, but the entire one and half hour session is worth the time.

News Source: San Jose Mercury News

Video Source: LiveStream