Podesta Pens Op-Ed about the FBI


The chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, John Podesta, published an op-ed in The Washington Post criticizing the FBI for its handling of Clinton’s email investigation and the hacking of his emails as well as the emails of the Democratic National Committee. Read Podesta’s full op-ed below:

Something is deeply broken at the FBI
By: John Podesta
December 15, 2016

The more we learn about the Russian plot to sabotage Hillary Clinton’s campaign and elect Donald Trump, and the failure of the FBI to adequately respond, the more shocking it gets. The former acting director of the CIA has called the Russian cyberattack “the political equivalent of 9/11.” Just as after the real 9/11, we need a robust, independent investigation into what went wrong inside the government and how to better protect our country in the future.

As the former chair of the Clinton campaign and a direct target of Russian hacking, I understand just how serious this is. So I was surprised to read in the New York Times that when the FBI discovered the Russian attack in September 2015, it failed to send even a single agent to warn senior Democratic National Committee officials. Instead, messages were left with the DNC IT “help desk.” As a former head of the FBI cyber division told the Times, this is a baffling decision: “We are not talking about an office that is in the middle of the woods of Montana.”

What takes this from baffling to downright infuriating is that at nearly the exact same time that no one at the FBI could be bothered to drive 10 minutes to raise the alarm at DNC headquarters, two agents accompanied by attorneys from the Justice Department were in Denver visiting a tech firm that had helped maintain Clinton’s email server.

This trip was part of what FBI Director James B. Comey described as a “painstaking” investigation of Clinton’s emails, “requiring thousands of hours of effort” from dozens of agents who conducted at least 80 interviews and reviewed thousands of pages of documents. Of course, as Comey himself concluded, in the end, there was no case; it was not even a close call.

Comparing the FBI’s massive response to the overblown email scandal with the seemingly lackadaisical response to the very real Russian plot to subvert a national election shows that something is deeply broken at the FBI.

Comey justified his handling of the email case by citing “intense public interest.” He felt so strongly that he broke long-established precedent and disregarded strong guidance from the Justice Department with his infamous letter just 11 days before the election. Yet he refused to join the rest of the intelligence community in a statement about the Russian cyberattack because he reportedly didn’t want to appear “political.” And both before and after the election, the FBI has refused to say whether it is investigating Trump’s ties to Russia.

There are now reports that Vladimir Putin personally directed the covert campaign to elect Trump. So are teams of FBI agents busy looking into the reported meeting in Moscow this summer between Carter Page, a Trump foreign policy adviser, and the Putin aide in charge of Russian intelligence on the U.S. election? What about evidence that Roger Stone was in contact with WikiLeaks and knew in advance that my hacked emails were about to be leaked? Are thousands of FBI person-hours being devoted to uncovering Trump’s tangled web of debts and business deals with foreign entities in Russia and elsewhere?

Meanwhile, House Republicans who had an insatiable appetite for investigating Clinton have been resistant to probing deeply into Russia’s efforts to swing the election to Trump. The media, by gleefully publishing the gossipy fruits of Russian hacks, became what the Times itself calls “a de facto instrument of Russian intelligence.”

But the FBI’s role is particularly troubling because of its power and responsibility — and because this is part of a trend. The Justice Department’s Inspector General issued a damning report this summer about the FBI’s failure to prioritize cyberthreats more broadly.

The election is over and the damage is done, but the threat from Russia and other potential aggressors remains urgent and demands a serious and sustained response.

First, the Obama administration should quickly declassify as much as possible concerning what is known about the Russian hack, as requested by seven Democratic members of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Second, the administration should brief members of the electoral college on the extent and manner of Russia’s interference in our election before they vote on Dec. 19, as requested by a bipartisan group of electors.

Third, Congress should authorize a far-reaching, bipartisan independent investigation modeled on the 9/11 Commission. The public deserves to know exactly what happened, why and what can be done to prevent future attacks. Reps. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) and Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) have introduced legislation to authorize such an investigation.

Finally, Congress should more vigorously exercise its oversight to determine why the FBI responded overzealously in the Clinton case and insufficiently in the Russian case. The FBI should also clarify whether there is an ongoing investigation into Trump, his associates and their ties to Russia. If ever there were a case of “intense public interest,” this is it. What’s broken in the FBI must be fixed and quickly.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post

Clinton Speaks at Event Honoring Senator Harry Reid


Hillary Clinton returned to Washington, DC to attend an event honoring retiring Nevada Senator Harry Reid. A number of people spoke at the event including Clinton. During her speech, Clinton spoke about Reid’s career in the Senate. She also spoke about the dangers of fake news following a shooting that took place following a fake news story. She said, “It’s now clear that so-called fake news can have real-world consequences. This isn’t about politics or partisanship. Lives are at risk, lives of ordinary people just trying to go about their days, to do their jobs, contribute to their communities.” Clinton was also present as Reid’s official portrait was unveiled. Watch a video of Clinton’s remarks below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, Time, ABC News

Vice President Biden Campaigns in Madison


On Friday, Vice President Joe Biden campaigned in Madison, Wisconsin. During his speech, Biden explained the importance of electing Hillary Clinton as president and down ballot Democrats into office such as U.S. Senate candidate Russ Feingold. Biden spoke about Clinton’s platform including her plans to create jobs by investing in infrastructure and American manufacturing. He said that none of that will happen if we do not elect Democrats to the House and Senate. Biden also criticized Donald Trump for his divisive tone and how his slogan implies that America is not a great country. “It makes me so damn angry. Folks. You’re incredible. When I hear the best days of America are already behind us it makes realize how fundamental this divide is,” he said. Biden concluded by asking voters to support Clinton and Feingold on Tuesday. A video of the vice president’s speech is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Wisconsin State Journal, WISN

President Obama Makes Case for Clinton in Florida


President Barack Obama campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton and local Democrats in Florida on Thursday. His first event was in Miami where he spoke to a crowd on the campus of Florida International University. While he spoke about the importance of the election and why Clinton is the right person for the job, Obama also touched on the state of politics and urged everyone to not get discouraged. “I know a lot of you are cynical about politics. There’s a lot about this election that gives you reason to be. But I’m here to tell you, right now, you have a chance to move history in a better direction. You have a chance to reject divisive politics and mean-spirited politics. If we win Florida, we will win this election.” He urged everyone to take advantage of early voting or get out and vote on Tuesday. A video of the president’s speech is below.

Obama then traveled to Jacksonville where he spoke about the importance of electing local Democrats to the Senate and House in addition to Clinton as president. Obama spoke about he dangers of electing Donald Trump president saying, “This is someone who would do damage to our democracy.” He said that Clinton has devoted her life to helping families and children and her plans will build on the progress the country has made during his administration. He praised Clinton’s experience and leadership saying, “She will be smart and steady. What’s at stake in this election is the character of the nation.” He concluded the event by encouraging everyone to have a voice in this election and vote. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Sun Sentinel, The Florida Times-Union

Senator Elizabeth Warren Encourages Voters in Nevada


Senator Elizabeth Warren campaigned on behalf of Hillary Clinton and Democratic Senate candidate Catherine Cortez Masto. Speaking outside of the Democratic Party headquarters in Carson City, she spoke about the importance of electing Clinton and Democrats across the country. She spoke about a number of Clinton’s platform proposals including immigration reform, her plan to combat climate change, and creating an economy that works for everyone. She spoke about how Clinton supports labor unions while Republicans are trying to destroy them. “Unions built America’s middle class, and unions will rebuild America’s middle class,” she said. She concluded by urging everyone to vote on November 8th.

In Reno, Warren appeared at an event in support of Cortez Masto and Clinton. While she focused primarily on the Nevada Senate race, she spoke about the importance of electing Clinton president to ensure a progressive is in the White House. Warren also attacked Donald Trump saying, “He is a small, insecure moneygrubber who will never be president of the United States.” She called him a bully and criticized his business practices. Warren urged voters to take advantage of early voting before it ends on Friday or vote on November 8th. Videos from the day’s events will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal, Reno Gazette-Journal

Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Arizona and Nevada


Hillary Clinton campaigned in Las Vegas, Nevada on Wednesday where she spoke about the importance of the election and electing down ballot Democrats such as Senate candidate Catherine Cortez Masto. During her speech, Clinton outlined a number of her key platform points including her plans to create jobs, pass comprehensive immigration reform, and build an economy that works for everyone. Clinton attacked rival Donald Trump for admitting that he would only accept the results of the election if he won and for his divisive comments and policies. She concluded her speech by asking everyone to vote. “The question is what kind of change are we going to have? Are we going to build a fairer stronger better America or are we going to fear the future and each other?” she said. A video of Clinton’s speech is below.

Clinton then spoke at a rally in Tempe, Arizona. She appeared at the event with former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly. During her speech, Clinton spoke about a number of platform points including passing common sense control, creating jobs, and building an economy that works for everyone. She also went after Trump saying, “Imagine a president who demeans women, mocks the disabled, insults Latinos, African Americans, Muslims, POWs, who pits people against each other, instead of pulling us together. Someone with a very thin skin, who lashes out at anyone who challenges him, who praises adversaries like Vladimir Putin and picks fights with our allies and even insults the Pope.” Clinton concluded by asking everyone to vote on November 8th turn “turn Arizona blue.” A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal, The Arizona Republic

President Obama Campaigns for Hillary at UNC-Chapel Hill


President Barack Obama campaigned on the campus of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill where he spoke in support of Hillary Clinton and Democratic Senate candidate Deborah Ross. Obama argued that it is not only important to elect Clinton president, but to put down ballot Democrats in office as well. Obama spoke about Clinton’s focus on the middle class, creating jobs, and raising the minimum wage. During his speech, Obama attacked Donald Trump for his hateful rhetoric, but he argued that ut is spreading and North Carolina Senator Richard Burr is a prime example. Burr joked about a “bullseye” being placed on Clinton. Obama slammed his comments saying, “You don’t talk about violence against public officials, even in a joke. This is becoming normal. This is the red meat they’re throwing their audiences, and it’s not normal, and it’s not who North Carolina is.” He concluded his speech by urging everyone to vote. A video from the event is below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: The News & Observer, The Washington Post

Vice President Joe Biden Campaigns in Florida


Vice President Joe Biden returned to Florida where he attended two campaign events on behalf of Hillary Clinton and local Democrats. At his first stop in Tampa, Biden spoke about the importance of electing Clinton president and electing Democrats such as Patrick Murphy to the Senate. Biden spoke about a number of issues that Clinton will focus on as president such as creating jobs and growing the economy. He also went after Donald Trump saying, “This guy doesn’t deserve to be president. On his sixth bankruptcy he stiffed more workers than you can count and then on national television in a debate said ‘maybe I didn’t like the quality of the work.’ Well, Trump, maybe I don’t like the quality of what you say.” He urged everyone to get out and vote on November 8th and to take advantage of early voting. A video of Biden’s speech is below.

Biden then spoke at a rally in Palm Beach Gardens where he characterized Florida as a must win for Clinton. He said, “Here we go again. Florida. It always comes down to Florida. … We get it done here, we can go home to bed early Tuesday.” Speaking on the campus of Palm Beach State College, Biden spoke about the rising cost of college education and Clinton’s plan to make college more affordable for students and ensure that they graduate debt-free. Biden went after Trump for his divisive comments and policies, and urged everyone to vote.  Watch a video from the event below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: ABC Action News, News Talk Florida, Sun Sentinel, Palm Beach Post

Kaine Calls Gun Violence a “Public Health Crisis” in Op-Ed


On Tuesday, an op-ed by Tim Kaine was published by Time magazine in which he talks about gun violence and its threat to the public. Read the full editorial below.

Tim Kaine: Gun Violence Is a Public-Health Crisis

Time Magazine

November 1, 2016

In every elected office I have held over the past 20 years, gun violence has been a serious issue. When I was mayor of Richmond, Virginia, our city had one of the highest homicide rates in the country. When I was governor, our commonwealth experienced the worst campus shooting in U.S. history. And as I serve in the U.S. Senate and our country falls victim to one mass shooting after another, Congress has yet to pass any commonsense gun safety legislation. Like many Americans, I own a gun and am a proud supporter of the Second Amendment, yet my experiences have shown me that supporting the right to bear arms should never stop us from ensuring our communities are as safe as possible.

The worst day of my life was April 16, 2007. I had just arrived in Japan for a two-week trade mission. There was a knock on my hotel room door to inform me of an active shooter on the campus of one of my state’s universities, Virginia Tech. Half a world away, I watched the horrific tragedy unfold on television and made plans to return home as soon as possible. Thirty-two innocent lives— from all around the world, from all walks of life, students and professors alike—were lost that day. Seventeen others were shot and wounded, and another six were injured leaping from classroom windows to escape the carnage.

In the months and years that followed, we worked across the state to take concrete steps to reduce gun violence. The shooting revealed glaring weaknesses in campus security protocols at colleges and universities, in mental health standards, and in the system for background checks before gun purchases, so I convened a multidisciplinary panel to identify actionable solutions. We changed standards for mental health treatment and increased funding for community services while improving campus security and efforts to assist college students suffering from mental illness.

I also worked to make improvements to our background check system, issuing an executive order to ensure that those declared mentally ill and dangerous would be entered into a national database and barred from purchasing weapons. Unfortunately, efforts to close the gun show loophole—which allows anyone, including felons, potential terrorists, and domestic abusers, to purchase weapons without any background check—were undermined in the Virginia legislature, largely under pressure from the National Rifle Association.

When I arrived in the U.S. Senate in January 2013, our country was again reeling from another devastating tragedy: on December 14, 2012, twenty children and six adults were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. A group of Democrats and Republicans came together after this tragedy to draft compromise legislation that would have closed the gun show loophole and encouraged states to help strengthen the existing background check system. After months of debating, I was sure that this time would be different, that this time my colleagues would have the courage to stand up to the NRA and pass meaningful gun control reform to make our entire country safer. But the same special interests that prevented us from closing the gun show loophole in Virginia in the wake of Virginia Tech were at it again. Ultimately, a minority in the Senate prevented a majority from passing this meaningful, commonsense gun safety legislation.

More recently, in December 2015, the Senate failed to stand up to the NRA and rejected another commonsense bipartisan measure that would have made it illegal for people on the no-fly list to be prohibited from purchasing weapons. If someone has been deemed too dangerous to be allowed on an airplane, why should they be permitted to purchase a firearm?

We have to make a decision about what matters to us. When gun deaths in Virginia outnumber automobile deaths, we have to treat this like the public health crisis it is. Will we have the courage to stand up to a gun lobby that no longer represents the views of American gun owners but instead represents the gun manufacturers?

An overwhelming number of Americans—many of them gun owners—support commonsense efforts to reduce gun violence like background checks, but the NRA and the gun lobby vehemently oppose any efforts to make our country safer and to promote responsible gun ownership. It is in the gun manufacturers’ financial interest to sell as many guns as they can to whomever they can, whenever they can and wherever they can. That motive is what blocks so many states and even Congress from passing background check laws that would keep us safer.

Gun violence has been ever-present throughout my time in public service, but my past experiences have taught me that no matter how tough our problems may be, they pale in comparison to the combined will of the American people who are determined to make our communities safer. I look forward to the day when we, as elected officials and as Americans, live up to our responsibilities and put an end to this crisis.

Tim Kaine is a U.S. Senator from Virginia and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s running mate.

Excerpted from Guns in the Hands of Artists, copyright © 2016 by Jonathan Ferrara. First hardcover edition published Nov. 1, 2016, by Inkshares. All rights reserved.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Time

Senator Sanders Campaigns for Hillary in New Hampshire and Maine


On Tuesday, Senator Bernie Sanders returned to the campaign trail where he spoke at events in Plymouth and Hanover, New Hampshire. During his speech, Sanders spoke about the importance of the election and ensuring that a progressive is in the White House. He spoke about a number of Hillary Clinton’s platform points, including her plan to make college more affordable, a plan he and Clinton worked together on. Sanders said that electing Clinton is half the battle as she will need support in Congress. He encouraged voters to also support U.S. Senate candidate Maggie Hassan. Sanders concluded each event by urging everyone to vote on election day and to not get discouraged by the current political climate. “I understand that a lot of people are discouraged by this campaign, and some people are going to sit it out. Don’t you be one of them! The stakes are much too high. This is not a personality contest. You are not voting for the senior class president at the local high school. You are voting for the most important public official in the world. The differences between Secretary Clinton and Donald Trump are day and night.” Videos from the events in Plymouth and Hanover are below.

Sanders’ final event was of the day was a Stronger Together rally in Portland, Maine. Sanders spoke at Deering High School about the importance of voting saying, “Hillary Clinton will win Maine if there is a high voter turnout, she will lose if there’s low voter turnout. Those four electoral votes could literally make the difference as to who the next president of the United States is.” He spoke about Clinton’s progressive platform and the importance of continuing to make progress and assisting middle class families. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

News Source: Boston Globe, Maine Public, Portland Press Herald