Hillary Clinton Campaigns in Pittsburgh


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton attended a rally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. During her speech, Clinton ripped into Republican Donald Trump for his speech yesterday in response to the deadly attack in Orlando, Florida. She criticized his divisive language and renewed proposal of banning all Muslims from entering the United States. She also spoke about the importance of regulating the sales of guns saying, “We need to lift up voices of moderation and tolerance. I believe we Americans are capable of both protecting our Second Amendment rights while making sure guns don’t fall into the wrong hands. The terrorist in Orlando was the definition of the wrong hands. And weapons of war have no place in our streets.” Clinton called for the country to come together and politicians to work together, across party lines, to ensure that an attack of this nature is not possible in the future. A video from her speech is below.

In Portland, Maine, a fundraiser was held on behalf of Hillary for America. Former Congressman Barney Frank and Mary Bonauto spoke at the event that was hosted at Coffey by Design.

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News Source: Pittsburgh City Paper, The Morning Call, CBS Pittsburgh