Hillary Clinton Wraps up Three Days of Campaigning in California


On Thursday, Hillary Clinton wrapped up a three day campaign trip to California. She began in Las Vegas, Nevada, however, where she attended the United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Legislative and Political Affairs Conference. During her speech, Clinton said that Republican nominee Donald Trump is an urgent threat to workers’ rights. She said, “I’ve heard over and over again there has never been more at stake for working families in America than there is right now.” Clinton spoke about her plans to support labor unions, grow the middle class, and focus on the creation of new jobs. A video from her speech is below.

Clinton then traveled to San Jose where she spoke at an organizing event. She spoke about Trump again and since he is now the Republican nominee as he has secured the required number of delegates, the stakes of the 2016 election could not be higher. She spoke about a number of her platform points including defending women’s rights, fighting for equal pay, raising the minimum wage, continuing to improve the Affordable Care Act, and lowering the cost of higher education. Clinton then asked for voters’ support during the primary on June 7.

Clinton’s final event of the day was a Get Out the Vote event in San Francisco. During the event, Clinton focused on the issues and her platform proposals. She spoke about making college debt free, making community colleges free, raising the minimum wage, investing in clean energy, and continuing to improve the health care system. Clinton went on to explain why the 2016 election is so important and why electing a Democrat is so important. “Our economy does better when we have a Democrat in the White House,” she said. A video from the event will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile, Chelsea Clinton attended a fundraiser on behalf of Hillary for America in New York City.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC7, Las Vegas Review-Journal, News Times, NBC Bay Area

Bill, Chelsea, Michelle Kwan Campaign Across the Country for Hillary


On Friday, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, and Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan attended a number of events across the country in support of Hillary Clinton. Bill began in Kansas City, Missouri, making up for an appearance he had to previously cancel due to weather. Speaking at the Kansas City Carpenters Union Training Facility, Bill spoke about Hillary’s experience and her plans to build upon progress that has already been made. He criticized Hillary’s Democratic rival Bernie Sanders for wanting to scrap health care and start over saying, “It’s a lot easier to go from 90 to 100 than it is to go from zero to 100.” A video from his speech is below.

Bill then traveled to Springfield, Missouri for a rally at the Teamsters Hall. During his speech, he said that it was great to be back in the Ozarks, where he and Hillary were married in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Bill said that Hillary is the best qualified candidate running for either party, and she will make sure everyone has a change in America. He also spoke about a variety of platform topics including heath care and making higher education more affordable. You can watch a video of his speech by CLICKING HERE.

Bill rounded out the day at a Get Out the Vote event in Peoria, Illinois. During his speech, Clinton spoke about Hillary’s plans to boost manufacturing and build on heath care. At one point, Bill was interrupted by a protester. The protester left after shouting above the crowd to which Bill said, “I listened to you, why won’t you stay and listen to me?” He then continued to talk about Hillary’s plans to reduce higher education costs and help those currently paying off student debt.


Chelsea spent the day attending events across the state of Florida as they gear up to vote in the Democratic primary on March 15. She began the day in Tallahassee where she spoke at two separate events. During each of the events, Chelsea spoke about her mom’s record and experience and called the 2016 election “the most important presidential election in my lifetime.” She criticized Republicans for their proposed policies saying, “The racism, the sexism, the Islamophobia, the homophobia, the anti-immigrant rhetoric, the anti-workers rhetoric … it is an almost endless list. And then the policy ideas that flow from that – to build a wall, to expel 11 or 12 million people who are here working hard for lives of dignity and opportunity and promise for themselves and their families, to keep a list of every American Muslim. We need a president to stand up and protect our values.”

Chelsea then attended events in Sarasota and St. Petersburg. At each of the events she, again, spoke about the importance of the 2016 election and how it will have ripple effects on the economy and Supreme Court. She also spoke about Hillary’s plans to build upon the progress of the last eight years and improve heath care, address gun violence, and make a college education more affordable. She said, “Clearly we don’t live in a single issue country and we need a president that understands that as President Obama certainly does.” A video from the St. Petersburg event is available on C-SPAN.

In California, Kwan attended three fundraisers. The first was in San Jose, then Kwan headed to Oakland for an event hosted by Assemblymember Rob Bonta, Sonia Delen, Andy Duong, Dr. Rollington Ferguson, and Zach Wasserman. The final event of the day was a fundraiser in San Francisco. Kwan met with a number of female lawyers at the event hosted by Sara Brody, Lindsay Carlson, Lauri Damrell, Lisa Gilford, Gay Gunfeld, Valerie McGinty, Drucilla Ramey, Ann Patterson.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Peoria Journal Star, KOLR, The Kansas City Star, Bradenton Herald, Tallahassee Democrat

eBay’s Woman’s Summit

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

555557_630x354Hillary Rodham Clinton made a surprise appearance at the eBay Women’s Summit held in San Jose. Clinton spoke about a wide variety of topics, but diversity in the business world was her focus. She has been vocal about the lack of women leadership in Silicon Valley, but in more recent speeches, she has applauded the tech companies for being more open to women in their leadership. “If we apply Silicon Valley’s successful approach to the issues of gender and inequality, I’m sure we can make progress,” Clinton Said.

A video from the event will be posted when/if available.

News Source: USA Today

Image Source: ABC News


Unique Lives & Experiences Series

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at San Jose State University in California as a part of the Unique Live and Experiences Series. In her second event of the day, Clinton focused on women’s issues. She talked about her mother’s struggle as an abandoned child and quoted Eleanor Roosevelt. Referring to the equality of women, Clinton said, “We’re making progress, but it’s not fast enough. This is the unfinished business of the 21st century.”

A video from the event will be posted if/when available.

News and Photo Source: San Jose Mercury News