Clinton Speaks at Brookings’ Saban Forum

During a speech at the Saban Forum, Hillary Clinton pledged her support for Israel if elected president. She spoke about ISIS and its threat to the world and Israeli security moving forward. Two major points to Israeli security include the nuclear agreement with Iran and working toward a negotiated peace between Israel and Palestine. Clinton is optimistic, but cautious, about the agreement with Iran saying that the world will need to strictly monitor and enforce the terms of the agreement. Clinton concluded her speech by praising Israel for its strength and resolve. Following her speech, Clinton answered questions from the audience, including questions about using the military to enforce the nuclear agreement with Iran, and how she would work to broker a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine. A full video of her speech and Q&A secession is above.

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Saban Forum at the Brookings Institute

Friday, December 5, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton made was the features speaker at the Saban Forum at the Brookings Institute. Clinton spoke at length about the relationship between the United States and Israel saying, “forget about the press coverage and look at the close cooperation and what this administration has done with respect to Israel’s security.”

In addition, Clinton spoke about the negotiations between the United States and Iran saying that no deal was better than a bad deal. Iran and the US are working on a deal for Iran’s development of nuclear technology. A video from the full event is included above.

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: Jerusalem Post