Hillary Clinton Campaigns in New York


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton spent the morning in Harlem where she met with Rep. Charles Rangel at Make My Cake Bakery. She then held a rally at the famed Apollo Theater in the early afternoon. After being introduced by New York Senator Charles Schumer, Clinton delivered a speech in which she criticized the Republican presidential candidates for being “in over their heads” on national security. She also called out her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders for a number of his plans saying that while they share many of the same goals, her proposals are more realistic and more likely to get passed than his. She spoke about a number her platform topics including heath care, the economy, and the importance of the 2016 election. Referring to New York City, she added, “This is a city that likes to get things done. And that’s what we want from our president too.” A full video of her speech is below.

While in New York City, Clinton attended two fundraisers. The first was a reception held at the home of Ruth Porat and Anthony Paduano. The second event was hosted by LGBT for Hillary at Capitale in New York City. As with all private events, they were closed to the press.

Tomorrow, Clinton will remain in New York for additional events. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: NBC 4, Politico New York

Bill Clinton Stumps for Hillary in Columbus

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Oh Wednesday afternoon, Bill Clinton visited Columbus, Ohio where he met with Mayor Michael B. Coleman and toured the Lincoln Theater. He then gave a speech at Hillary for America’s Columbus office. He argued that Hillary is the best candidate for president and urged supporters to vote for her in the March 15 primary. He said, “My argument for Hillary is pretty simple. I think she’s got the best economic plan the best college aid plan. I think she’s got the best record as a change maker, and I think she’s the only person left in either party who’s spent her life making changes that have made people’s lives better at home and has serious national security experience to make people as safe as possible.” A video from his speech is below.

Two fundraisers were held on behalf of Hillary for America today. The first was in Half Moon Bay, California and featured Alphabet CFO Ruth Porat. The second fundraiser was hosted by Judy White and Michael Yi in New York City. The event featured a conversation with De’Ara Balenger, Hillary for America Director of Engagement.

For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Columbus Dispatch