Clinton Wraps Up 2-Day California Campaign Trip

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On Thursday and Friday, Hillary Clinton traveled a cross the state of California attending fundraisers and hosting an organizing event. During an event in the San Gabriel Valley, Clinton launched AAPI for Hillary and focused on the Asian-American and Pacific Islander community. Clinton spoke about her plans for immigration reform, improving access to higher education, and raising wages. She also took the opportunity to blast the rhetoric of Republicans saying, “They forget a fundamental lesson about our great country. Being an open and tolerant society does not make us vulnerable. It’s at the core of our strength.” A video from the event is below.

While in California, Clinton attended a six fundraisers. On Thursday, Clinton attend an event hosted by hosted by Lisa Henson and David Pressler in Los Angeles. While in Los Angeles, Clinton met up with Warren Buffett to attend a fundraiser hosted by Karen Mack Goldsmith and Russell Goldsmith. Friday, Clinton headed to the San Francisco area where she attended a fundraiser hosted by Diana Nelson followed by a New Year Celebration at the Innovation Hanger. She wrapped up the day by attending a private event hosted by Sarah and Greg Sands in Palo Alto.

Next week, Clinton is scheduled to appear on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and attend the Iowa Brown and Black Presidential Form. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Merced Sun-Star, NBC News