Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in MS, LA, and NE


Leading up to this weekend’s and next Tuesday’s primary races, Bill Clinton covered three states in two days campaigning for Hillary Clinton. On Thursday, Clinton spoke to supporters at Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi. During his remarks, he spoke about his wife’s experience and her plans to move the country forward. He said, “I think if the people of Mississippi stick with us, we’ll have some things we can really talk about.” Mississippi’s primary is on Tuesday.

On Thursday evening, Clinton spoke to a crowd in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where he focused on Hillary’s experience and her plans for future. He focused on a number of platform topics including her plans for the economy, jobs, heath care, and addressing systemic racism. He asked supporters to get out and support her in Saturday’s Democratic primary race against Bernie Sanders. A video from the event is below.

On Friday, Clinton remained in Louisiana for an event in New Orleans. Speaking at the Ashe Power House Theater, Clinton spoke about Hillary as a change maker and someone who wants to keep America great. While he never mentioned Republican Donald Trump by name, Clinton took some shots at the front-runner. He also spoke about a number of Hillary’s key platform points, including reducing the cost of higher education, repairing infrastructure, fight the heroin epidemic, and pushing for equal pay for women.

Clinton then traveled to Nebraska where he spoke at the The Waiting Room nightclub in Omaha. During the event, he asked voters to support Hillary in this Saturday’s caucus. He also focused on a number of platform points, including higher education and student debt. He said, “What does she want to do about that? Make college tuition free in every public university in the country, in every historically black university and college in the country and every university that serves first and second generation Americans and other universities that are small with relatively modest tuition and high rates of return.”

Clinton’s final event of the day was a Get Out the Caucus event in Lincoln. At the Lincoln Station Great Hall, Mayor Chris Beutler endorsed Hillary before introducing Clinton. During his speech, Clinton spoke about the wage barriers that exist for too many American families and that Hillary has plans to help expand the middle class. He also spoke about her plans to improve the infrastructure and expand broadband internet. Clinton covered Hillary’s plans to expand background checks before buying a gun saying that the majority of gun owners support background checks. At the end of the speech, he asked voters to support Hillary in Saturday’s caucus saying, “If you want us to rise together…you should vote for the best change maker…vote for Hillary tomorrow.”

In Tampa, Florida tonight, Hillary For America hosted a town hall event on the American military and what can be done help service members and their families during and after their service. Attending the event was retired Brigadier General John Douglass, retired Rear Admiral Michael Smith (ret), Major General Rick Olson, and Jon Murray, National Director of Veterans and Military Families Outreach at Hillary for America.

Tomorrow, Louisiana, Nebraska, and Kansas go to the polls. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: 1011, WAPT, KATC, NOLA, KALB, WOWT