Clintons Return to the Campaign Trail


Following last night’s Democratic debate, Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea Clinton all returned to the campaign trail. Chelsea was in Providence, Rhode Island where she attended a fundraiser. Bill attended two fundraisers today. The first was in Cincinnati, Ohio and was hosted by Allan Berliant and Jennie Rosenthal Berliant, Eisha and Tim Armstrong, Mayor John Cranley, Richard Lawrence, Francie Pepper, Richard Rosenthal and Kitty Strauss. The second fundraiser was held at the home of Elizabeth Welch in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Also hosting a fundraiser today in Newark, New Jersey was Senator Cory Booker.

Meanwhile, Hillary began her day by attending a post-debate breakfast fundraiser in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with Senator Tammy Baldwin. She then traveled to South Carolina where she hosted a town hall event in Denmark. During her remarks, Hillary again painted Bernie Sanders’ platform as too narrow and explained how her experience allowed her to build a broader platform. Clinton also laid out a new proposal called the “Breaking Every Barrier Agenda” which would provide underserved communities with $125 billion for economic development. She explained that the program would largely be paid for by a tax on large financial institutions. She said, “Those that contributed to the Great Recession are going to contribute to bringing back the communities that were the hardest hit by the Great Recession.”

Hillary and Sanders shared the stage (separately) as they both spoke at the Minnesota DFL Humphrey-Mondale Dinner in St. Paul. During Clinton’s speech, she covered a number of her platform points and poked holes in Sanders’ platform, although, she never mentioned him by name. She said, “Once in a while, a day comes along when we make something big and extraordinary happen all at once. But in my experience, that’s not how we make change most of the time. To make change happen over and over again, you’ve got to keep working at it! You’ve got to keep fighting for it day after day after day. And if you get knocked down, you get right back up!” A video from the event is below.

Tomorrow, Hillary will be in Colorado for a Democratic Party event. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: The Washington Post, Twin Cities Pioneer Press, Humphrey-Mondale Dinner

Clinton Attends Two More Private Fundraisers

8033353_GToday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended two private fundraisers in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The first took place in Newton, Massachusetts at the home of Margot and Jonathan Davis. The second fundraiser was held at the home of Mark Weiner in East Greenwich, Rhode Island with former Providence Mayor Joseph Paolino in attendance.

Clinton’s next scheduled event is the campaign kick-off rally being held on Roosevelt Island in New York. It is scheduled for Saturday, June 13. Until then, follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and her all new Instagram page.

New Source: NECN

Image Source: NBC 10

Clinton Attends Private Fundraisers in Maryland and DC

Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Connecticut on June 5
Clinton attends a private fundraiser in Connecticut on June 5

On Monday, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended private fundraisers in Maryland and Washington, DC. In Bethesda, she attended a fundraiser at the home of Susan Ness and Larry Schneider, where about 120 people gathered. Then on Monday evening, Clinton attended a LGBT fundraiser at the Woman’s National Democratic Club in Washington, DC. The event was hosted by Olivia founders Claire Lucas and her partner, Judy Dlugacz. Clinton has been a vocal supporter of LGBT rights and featured a gay couple in her launch video in December. Because both events were closed to the press, details about wheat Clinton said at each event are not available.

Clinton is expected to be in Boston and Rhode Island later this week before her campaign rally on Saturday on Roosevelt Island in New York. Keep up with all the latest campaign news by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

New Source: Bethesda Magazine, The Huffington Post

Clinton Attends Connecticut Fundraisers

20150655722fa8ebd74Today, Hillary Rodham Clinton attended private fundraisers in Greenwich and New Haven, Connecticut. Both fundraisers were closed to the public and her campaign does not comment on private events. Attendees said that her remarks focused on domestic and foreign policy speaking specifically about the Affordable Care Act and Middle East policy.

Next week, Clinton’s busy June schedule takes her to Maryland, Boston, and Rhode Island. The events lead up to her first official campaign rally next Saturday. Keep up with all the latest campaign news by following Clinton on Twitter and Facebook.

News Source: Connecticut Post

Photo Source: Greenwich Patch

Campaign for Gubernatorial Candidate Gina Raimondo (RI)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared at a campaign event for Rhode Island Gubernatorial Candidate Gina Raimondo. Clinton made brief remarks saying, “Gina has a plan. It’s a well-thought-out plan – it’s rooted in facts, not ideology, it’s based on evidence, not rhetoric – to put people back to work, and she knows how to do it. She has the experience. … She has the smarts to get it done.”

Video Source: YouTube

News Source: WPRI