HFA Releases New Campaign Ads


Throughout the week, Hillary for America has continued to release new campaign ads and videos. The first video they released is entitled “Barbershop” and includes African American voters making the case for electing Hillary Clinton. Then a video featuring President Barack Obama making the case for Hillary entitled “On the Ballot.” The next video features the story of Mae Brown Wiggins and how she was a victim of discrimination in an apartment building owned by Donald Trump. The next video is also about Trump and attacks his comments about women. The next ad features retired General John Allen. In the video, he makes the case for electing Clinton over Trump. Next is a series of two ads that are part of the final push before election day. Both ads ask what kind of country we want for our children? Then a short video featuring a conversation with Tim Kaine and rapper Pusha-T. Next is a video called “One Vote at a Time” that is the first in a series of videos featuring YouTube stars. The final video is a Spanish language ad that features the story of U.S. Army Pvt. Damián López Rodriguez, a soldier killed in Iraq. Watch the videos below.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on TwitterFacebookYouTube, and Instagram. Also, be sure to subscribe to the campaign’s official Podcast, With Her.

Retired Marine General John R. Allen Endorses Hillary Clinton


Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of retired Marine General John R. Allen earlier this week. In a statement, General Allen said that he supported Clinton because of her “patience and a deep comprehension of the international landscape.” He went on to say that he has avoided the political arena, but felt like endorsing Clinton now was the time to speak up. Read General Allen’s statement below.

“Through 37 years of service in the U.S. Marine Corps, I saw some of the toughest challenges that our nation faces around the world, and I know that America has the power to meet those challenges. However, it requires continued leadership and engagement in the world, continued partnership with our allies, and a clear understanding of our adversaries. It requires patience and a deep comprehension of the international landscape to make smart decisions about when and how to use military force as well as an understanding that other tools of American power such as diplomacy and development aid – that will armed forces out of harm’s way unless it is absolutely necessary.  And it requires a leader who wants to understand these complex issues and seek advice and counsel.  Hillary Clinton is all of those things. 

This has been a very personal decision for me. I have stayed out of the political arena my entire adult life, but given the complexities of issues facing our country today and its longtime allies, I felt compelled to speak up and be heard. I have no doubt that she is the leader we need at this time to keep our country safe, and I trust her with that most sacred responsibility of Commander-in-Chief.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Hillary Clinton Statement on Alliance for Retired Americans Endorsement


On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton received the endorsement of the Alliance for Retired Americans. In a statement, Alliance President Robert Roach, Jr. said, “Hillary Clinton has been a champion for retirees throughout her distinguished career. Her life’s work exemplifies the Alliance’s mission to enhance the quality of life for all Americans.” Clinton released a statement saying that she is honored to receive the group’s official support and vowed to fight to preserve and strengthen Medicare and Social Security as president. A copy of Clinton’s statement is below.

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the Alliance for Retired Americans.

I have fought for my entire career to protect Americans’ right to retire with dignity and security after years of hard work, and to secure universal health care. As President, I will stand up to any and all Republican efforts to weaken, undermine, or privatize Social Security and Medicare, which form the bedrock of our nation’s commitment to the well-being of older Americans.

We shouldn’t be cutting Social Security, we should be expanding it–and that is what I will fight to do, starting by strengthening benefits for those who are treated unfairly by the current system, including women who are widows and caregivers who took time out of the paid workforce to look after children, aging parents, or ailing family members. And I will take on prescription drug companies for their price gouging and fight to make health care more affordable, including by capping monthly out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs and allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices.

Keeping Social Security and Medicare strong will keep our families strong–and when our families are strong, America is strong.”

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Alliance for Retired Americans

Hillary Clinton Discusses National Security in Virginia


On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton held a round table discussion in Hampton, Virginia that covered a variety of topics including national security and and the military. Those included in the conversation represented a number of points of view including retired military officers and advocates for veterans and military families. During her remarks on national security, Clinton criticized Republican Donald Trump’s response to the shooting in Orlando saying, “After all the Twitter rants and conspiracy theories we’ve been hearing recently, it’s time for substantive discussions about how we protect our country, how we respond to terrorist attacks like the one that tragically occurred in Orlando.” Clinton stressed that it is important for everyone to work together to stop lone wolves and to ensure our military receives the best care during and after serving. A video from the event is below:

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, NBC 12

Hillary Clinton Kicks off “Breaking Down Barriers” Tour in Appalachia


Today, Hillary Clinton began a series of events that she is calling the “Breaking Down Barriers” tour. The goal of the tour is to speak with small groups of voters and get a better understanding of their concerns. During her first event in Ashland, Kentucky, Clinton met with workers at Alma’s Italian Cafe where she outlined her plan to help coal communities. She compared her plan to the “Marshall Plan,” the plan that rebuilt Western Europe following World War II, saying that the three main parts would protect health and pension benefits of miners, research how coal can be a clean part of America’s energy future, and invest in alternative energy. She also spoke about her plans to entice more businesses to keep their manufacturing operations in the United States.

Clinton then traveled to Williamson, West Virginia where she was met by a number of protestors who took issue with recent comments Clinton made about the coal industry. During the event, Clinton apologized for the comments saying that her comments were taken out of context. She said, “What I was saying is that, the way things are going now, we will continue to lose jobs. That’s what I meant to say. I do feel a little bit sad and sorry that I gave folks the reason or the excuse to be so upset with me because that is not what I intended at all.” Clinton visited with miners who have lost their jobs and community leaders who are struggling with unemployed citizens. She vowed to support West Virginia and towns that rely heavily on coal mining for survival even if the state does not support her in the primary or November. Videos from today’s events will be added when/if available.

Meanwhile, fundraisers were being held for Hillary for America across the country. Chelsea Clinton was in Washington, DC where she attended a fundraiser. Also in Washington, DC, Campaign Chair John Podesta attended a fundraiser along with policy advisors Ann O’Leary and Jennifer Klein. In Brookline, Massachusetts, a fundraising event was held at the home of John Reinstein and retired Judge Nancy Gertner. Attending the event was former Attorney General Eric Holder. In Portland, Oregon, Olympic figure skater Michelle Kwan and actress Kathleen Turner were on hand to kickoff a phone bank effort.

For all the latest, follow our Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: ABC News, The Washington Post, Mother Jones, Lexington Herald-Leader, West Virginia Metro News

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in MS, LA, and NE


Leading up to this weekend’s and next Tuesday’s primary races, Bill Clinton covered three states in two days campaigning for Hillary Clinton. On Thursday, Clinton spoke to supporters at Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi. During his remarks, he spoke about his wife’s experience and her plans to move the country forward. He said, “I think if the people of Mississippi stick with us, we’ll have some things we can really talk about.” Mississippi’s primary is on Tuesday.

On Thursday evening, Clinton spoke to a crowd in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where he focused on Hillary’s experience and her plans for future. He focused on a number of platform topics including her plans for the economy, jobs, heath care, and addressing systemic racism. He asked supporters to get out and support her in Saturday’s Democratic primary race against Bernie Sanders. A video from the event is below.

On Friday, Clinton remained in Louisiana for an event in New Orleans. Speaking at the Ashe Power House Theater, Clinton spoke about Hillary as a change maker and someone who wants to keep America great. While he never mentioned Republican Donald Trump by name, Clinton took some shots at the front-runner. He also spoke about a number of Hillary’s key platform points, including reducing the cost of higher education, repairing infrastructure, fight the heroin epidemic, and pushing for equal pay for women.

Clinton then traveled to Nebraska where he spoke at the The Waiting Room nightclub in Omaha. During the event, he asked voters to support Hillary in this Saturday’s caucus. He also focused on a number of platform points, including higher education and student debt. He said, “What does she want to do about that? Make college tuition free in every public university in the country, in every historically black university and college in the country and every university that serves first and second generation Americans and other universities that are small with relatively modest tuition and high rates of return.”

Clinton’s final event of the day was a Get Out the Caucus event in Lincoln. At the Lincoln Station Great Hall, Mayor Chris Beutler endorsed Hillary before introducing Clinton. During his speech, Clinton spoke about the wage barriers that exist for too many American families and that Hillary has plans to help expand the middle class. He also spoke about her plans to improve the infrastructure and expand broadband internet. Clinton covered Hillary’s plans to expand background checks before buying a gun saying that the majority of gun owners support background checks. At the end of the speech, he asked voters to support Hillary in Saturday’s caucus saying, “If you want us to rise together…you should vote for the best change maker…vote for Hillary tomorrow.”

In Tampa, Florida tonight, Hillary For America hosted a town hall event on the American military and what can be done help service members and their families during and after their service. Attending the event was retired Brigadier General John Douglass, retired Rear Admiral Michael Smith (ret), Major General Rick Olson, and Jon Murray, National Director of Veterans and Military Families Outreach at Hillary for America.

Tomorrow, Louisiana, Nebraska, and Kansas go to the polls. For all the latest, follow our revamped Scheduled Events page and follow Clinton on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

News Source: 1011, WAPT, KATC, NOLA, KALB, WOWT